The battle was over, and the two sides had to fight.

Guan Shihua must take this opportunity to rescue Bai Xian.

At this time, Na Ruhu happened to be beside her, and Wang Ai happened to be away.

It can be said that the opportunity is not to be missed, and it will never come again; if it fails this time, it will be even more difficult to win in the future.

The members of the Ten Masters and the company directors in the conference hall just now also tacitly agreed to the behavior of the Chu Ma lineage, so they consciously left early to give the two sides a chance to compete fairly.

Na Ruhu heard Guan Shihua's instructions to take action and bowed slightly to Lu Ci and Wang Kun, "I'm sorry."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure was like an arrow from a string, and he quickly attacked Wang Kun.

That's right, the target of the tiger's attack was not Lu Ci, but Wang Kun.

When Lu Ci was about to stop him, Guan Shihua hit him on the hand with a cane, blocking his chance to attack.

It seemed that Guan Shihua had already invited the spirit to possess him, so he let the tiger deal with Wang Kun, who had the spirit-binding and general-dispatching skills, and he himself stopped Lu Ci from intervening.

Seeing Guan Shihua's fierce attack, Lu Ci also showed a fierce smile at the corner of his mouth, "Good trick."

He used Ruyi Jin, pushed Guan Shihua's cane with one hand, and attacked Guan Shihua's vitals with the other hand.

Guan Shihua was also fearless and confronted Lu Ci head-on, and the two were evenly matched for a while.

Unlike the tense battlefield between Guan Shihua and Lu Ci, the tiger's side was simply a one-sided crush.

After all, he was one of the two heroes, and it was more than enough to deal with Wang Kun, who was a half-baked spirit-binding and general-dispatching skill.

Moreover, Wang Kun had been tortured by Lu Lingfeng in the previous battle and was exhausted physically and mentally. At this time, he could not exert even 70% of his full strength.

Seeing that Wang Kun was forced to retreat step by step by the tiger, it was estimated that in another 20 or 30 moves, Bai Xian would be shaken out of Wang Kun's body.

At this time, a thicker black qi swept towards the tiger, and took advantage of the opportunity when the tiger was not paying attention to force the tiger back five or six steps.

After the black qi dissipated, a fat man with a sinister smile appeared in everyone's sight.

The person who came was none other than Wang Ai. He silently looked at everyone present, "What happened? How come you, a group of seniors, united to bully our Wang Kun?"

Hearing Wang Ai's words, Lu Lingfeng got goose bumps.

Wang Kun looked at least 20 years older than the tiger. How could it be a case of seniors bullying the juniors?

However, since Wang Ai appeared here, it proved that he might have anticipated Guan Shihua and the others' move.

However, Wang Ai patted Wang Kun's shoulder slowly, "How is the election result?"

When Wang Kun heard Wang Ai mention this, he immediately became energetic and said as if to take credit: "I was successfully elected."

Hearing that Wang Kun was successfully elected as the new Ten Lords, Wang Ai's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. His efforts these days were finally not in vain.

Unfortunately, Guan Shihua was too lazy to be polite with Wang Ai, and directly asked: "Wang Ai, you old thing are so shameless. You actually broke into our ancestral hall and robbed Bai Xian. Do you really want to tear your face with our Chu Ma lineage?"

Wang Ai heard Guan Shihua's questioning, and his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

After a silence of about 10 seconds, he answered, "I didn't break into the ancestral hall of your Chu Ma lineage. I got this Bai Xian through a deal with someone else."

Guan Shihua continued to ask, "The only two families that can detain spirits and send generals are your Wang family and Feng family. If it's not you, it must be Feng Zhenghao. Did you make a deal with him?"

Feng Zhenghao, who was watching the excitement on the side, saw that he was about to be involved in trouble, and quickly denied it, "This is none of my business, Senior Guan, I have never done anything to the Chu Ma lineage."

Wang Ai sighed when he saw this. He knew that even if he didn't do this, he couldn't explain it clearly.

Moreover, Bai Xian is also an important strategic resource for the Wang family, and he is absolutely unwilling to return it to the Chu Ma lineage.

It's like you bought a batch of gold from a thief at a high price, but the owner came to your door and said that you stole it and wanted to take the gold back.

Wang Ai was still reluctant to return it, so he said, "It's meaningless for us to argue about this. I can only say that I spent a lot of money to get Bai Xian from someone else."

Guan Shihua frowned like a knot, "Then you Wang family are not going to return it?"

Wang Ai showed that annoying smile on his face again, "

We have difficulties, too. I hope you can forgive us. "

Guan Shihua was instantly furious, "Forgive your mother's head!"

After a curse, Guan Shihua wanted to kick Wang Ai in the face.

However, although Wang Ai was fat, he was also flexible. He slightly turned sideways and let Guan Shihua pass by his face.

Unexpectedly, when Guan Shihua arrived in front of Wang Ai's face, he actually took advantage of his body to block and pulled out the crutch from the front and stabbed behind him.

The thin head of the crutch was exactly inserted into Wang Ai's nostrils, and Wang Ai was hit back several steps.

The tiger also took this opportunity to besiege Wang Ai together, and Lu Ci rushed forward to rescue.

In this way, the four fought again, but this time Wang Kun was excluded and could only watch the battle from the side.

Seeing this, Wang Ai hurriedly shouted at him: "What are you doing there? Run quickly. "

He didn't expect Wang Kun to come forward to help. As long as Wang Kun could get out of the battle circle, everything would be easy to solve.

After all, everything was caused by the Baixian on Wang Kun. As long as Wang Kun ran away, it would be meaningless for Guan Shihua and others to continue fighting.

Wang Kun turned around and ran after hearing this. Guan Shihua and the two men, Ru Hu, wanted to chase him, but were stopped by Wang Ai and Lu Ci.

The big guys watching the excitement around, such as Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, Feng Zhenghao and the like, naturally would not lower their status to chase Wang Kun.

And with their identities, it is not suitable for them to get involved in the affairs of the Wang family and the Chu Ma lineage.

Lu Lingfeng was so happy when he saw this. Isn't this a godsend?

So he kept silent He chased after Wang Kun in the direction he left.

Although Zhang Zhiwei and others noticed Lu Lingfeng's actions, they did not say anything, thinking that he was going to help Guan Shihua catch Wang Kun.

Seeing this, Lu Ci wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Ru Hu. Guan Shihua placed her hope of catching Wang Kun on Lu Lingfeng.

Wang Ai looked at Lu Lingfeng with a complicated look. He really didn't know what Lu Lingfeng was going to do and who he was going to help.

Lu Lingfeng caught up with Wang Kun in a short time. In order to keep enough distance, he let Wang Kun run for a while.

Seeing that the distance between him and Guan Shihua and others was far enough, Lu Lingfeng flashed and appeared directly in front of Wang Kun.

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