The first thing that happened was that the two of them were in a mess.

Lu Lingfeng first picked up his phone and sent a message to someone.

Not long after receiving a reply, Lu Lingfeng raised his craft sword and slashed it into the air.

The sword did not cut down directly, but stopped in mid-air, and Lu Lingfeng also kept this posture like a statue.

At first, Goudan did not care about Lu Lingfeng's strange behavior, but when Lu Lingfeng kept this posture for nearly 10 minutes, he spoke:

"What are you doing, kid? Exercise?"

Lu Lingfeng still kept his posture, "Don't worry about it, go play with your tablet."

Goudan was too lazy to make himself boring, and continued to devote his energy to the tablet, which was much more fun than Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Lingfeng held this position for nearly 20 minutes, which was about half an hour in total. He only heard hurried footsteps outside the room.

At this moment, the window of Lu Lingfeng's room suddenly shattered, and a woman with pink hair and pajamas ran in through the window and appeared in Lu Lingfeng's room.

Lu Lingfeng's eyes flashed and he secretly said, "It's done." Then he put the sword back into the scabbard and threw it aside without giving Xia He a chance to catch the blade.

Lu Lingfeng originally wanted to hide his skill of being 100% taken away by bare hands, but he didn't expect that once the skill was cancelled, the control of his body would return to Xia He's hands.

But she didn't have time to control her body to slow down. The huge inertia made Xia He fall on Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Lingfeng didn't expect this to happen. He was not prepared, and he and Xia He fell to the ground together.

At this time, Xia He, who was lying on Lu Lingfeng, was a little confused. Why did she suddenly run here like crazy?

It was Lu Lingfeng who took the initiative and said, "Xia He, why did you suddenly come to my house? Did you miss me?"

"And you broke the window, so you have to pay for it."

That's right, the idea that suddenly came to Lu Lingfeng's mind just now was: if he set a person in the distance as a target that he would be 100% caught with bare hands, would he come to catch the blade?

The answer is now obvious, that is, yes.

In this way, Lu Lingfeng's 100% catching with bare hands has more room for maneuver.

At this time, Xia He still didn't understand what happened, but her years of experience in the martial arts world made her calm down. She climbed up from Lu Lingfeng calmly and sat on Lu Lingfeng's bed with her legs crossed.

Because she was originally at home, she was wearing relatively cool pajamas, and just sitting casually at this time added a bit of charm.

"Boss Lu, I can come here not because I miss you, but because you miss me."

Xia He is not a naive person. She immediately thought of the key to the problem. She suddenly ran here, most likely because Lu Lingfeng used some means.

At this time, she was thinking in her mind what kind of strange magic could have such an effect.

For a moment, she thought of the witchcraft called "head-falling" in Nanyang, which can control others.

Lu Lingfeng sat on the chair opposite the bed and responded lightly: "If it is because I miss you that Miss Xia He came to my house, then we should call this a heart-to-heart relationship."

Lu Lingfeng's slightly teasing words made Xia He feel a little relieved. At least for now, Lu Lingfeng's hostility towards her is not very great.

Xia He confirmed with Lu Lingfeng: "Boss Lu, you called a weak woman like me to your house in the middle of the night. You don't want to do anything to me, do you?"

There was a small trap hidden in this sentence, which was to make Lu Lingfeng admit that he came to his house for no reason.

Lu Lingfeng naturally heard the ambush in this sentence, but he was too lazy to deny it and answered directly:

"I have no choice. Miss Xia, you hugged me last time and ran away. You haven't come to see me during this period. Don't you want to take responsibility?"

Xia He was almost laughed at by Lu Lingfeng. It was obviously that she was taken advantage of by this kid that time, but now he wants her to take responsibility?

However, Xia He is worthy of being Xia He. She got up from the bed and walked towards Lu Lingfeng. When she came to Lu Lingfeng, she slightly bent down and presented her delicate face to Lu Lingfeng.

The two of them were almost touching each other face to face, and they could feel the hot air from each other's noses.

Xia He put her mouth close to Lu Lingfeng's ear, "Then how do you want me to be responsible for you, Boss Lu?"

Lu Ling

Feng got goosebumps all over his body, because after Xia He said this, she actually touched Lu Lingfeng's ear with the tip of her tongue.

However, Lu Lingfeng still said calmly on the surface, "Why not pledge your love to me?"

Xia He laughed softly when she heard this answer: "If Boss Lu performs well, I can consider it."

After that, Xia He returned to the bed and sat down, "I ran for half an hour to get here, doesn't Boss Lu have anything else to do?"

As Xia He spoke, her calves were swaying on her thighs, as if she was saying that her legs were sore from running all the way, so she should go and rub them for her.

Lu Lingfeng really wanted to say that he actually wanted to try his 100% ability to catch a blade with bare hands. He thought about the strange people he knew and finally picked the most attractive one to try his skills.

Now that the skills have been tested, she can leave.

But Lu Lingfeng is not a straight man, so he naturally can't tell the truth to Xia He.

So his mind worked quickly, and soon he thought of a reason, and a sinister plan also formed in his mind:

"Quan Xing should have been secretly manipulating Hu Jie from Dongxiang Village recently? Want him to participate in Luotian Dajiao?"

"You are not still counting on that playboy to help you win the championship, right? Give up, he is not that level."

Xia He's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly. He didn't expect Lu Lingfeng to know their recent actions of Quan Xing. This matter was originally done very secretly.

"Boss Lu hopes that our group of Quan Xing monsters will turn back from their mistakes?" Xia He began to test Lu Lingfeng's purpose.

Lu Lingfeng immediately shook his head, "That won't happen. My greatest advantage is that I don't like to meddle in other people's business."

"What do you mean, Boss Lu?" Xia He was a little unsure of Lu Lingfeng's thoughts.

Lu Lingfeng replied: "I have two suggestions, you Quanxing can refer to them."

"The first is that you might as well invest in me. As long as you tell me all your plans and give me enough compensation, I may help Quanxing win the championship of Luotian Dajiao."

"Second, since you want to support the puppet, why don't you find a stronger target? As long as the target has defects in his character, it should be easy for you four madmen to control it."

"That's all I have to say. I won't keep Miss Xia He any longer. I hope you can think about what I said when you go back."

Xia He heard Lu Lingfeng let her go, and said to Lu Lingfeng that she would consider it, then turned and left through the window.

It's not Xia He's fault that she left in a hurry, but everything that happened tonight was too inexplicable, and she thought it was safer to leave first.

As for Lu Lingfeng's words, who knows if she listened to it?

At this time, a mocking voice came from the head of the bed: "You are too cowardly. It was just that situation just now, why didn't you just take that little girl down?"

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