After all, although the money contract is overbearing, it cannot directly change people's cognition like the double hand.

If Gong Qing, a little expert in courting death, is allowed to play, he may cause a big trouble for Lu Lingfeng one day.

Gong Qing is a chicken rib to Lu Lingfeng, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

However, reality did not give Lu Lingfeng the right to choose, because Gong Qing shook his head decisively:

"Sorry, Boss Lu, what I want to do is not yet completed, I am afraid I can't work for you yet."

Lu Lingfeng didn't expect Gong Qing to answer him like this, so he looked at Gong Qing up and down with a suspicious look.

When did this guy become so real that he was unwilling to even pretend to be polite?

However, when Lu Lingfeng saw Lu Liang, he guessed Gong Qing's thoughts.

This guy probably saw Lu Liang's huge transformation, and probably guessed that Lu Lingfeng had the means to control people, so he didn't dare to pretend to surrender, right?

No matter what the reason was, Gong Qing was still very thoughtful.

Lu Lingfeng's face darkened, "This is not okay, that is not okay, are you forcing me to do it?"

"In that case, I'd better hand you over to the old Taoist priest for disposal."

After that, Lu Lingfeng stood up and walked towards Gong Qing, apparently preparing to capture him and hand him over to the old Taoist priest.

This guy came to disturb his rest late at night, Lu Lingfeng couldn't just let him go easily, he had to compensate him.

If it really didn't work, he would hand over the culprit of the siege of Longhu Mountain to the old Taoist priest, at least he could get a favor.

Gong Qing's face showed a struggle, as if he was making a very difficult choice.

However, when Lu Lingfeng was about to control him, he did not resist and let Lu Lingfeng seal his meridians.

This surprised Lu Lingfeng. After all, this guy must have some strength to be able to become the acting head of Quanxing.

Why didn't he even try to resist?

His Lu Lingfeng's reputation is not so big that it can make the acting head of Quanxing tremble with fear, right?

Even so, Lu Lingfeng did not intend to be polite and directly escorted Gong Qing to the residence of the old Taoist priest.

When they were almost there, Lu Lingfeng suddenly asked for no reason: "Gong Qing, can I ask how old you are?"

Judging from Gong Qing's appearance, he is just a child in his teens.

But this guy was already the acting head of Quanxing before he became a Taoist child in Longhu Mountain. His real age is definitely not in his teens.

But this guy did not use any disguise, otherwise it would be impossible for him to live under Zhang Zhiwei's nose for several years without being discovered.

When Gong Qing heard this question, he walked straight forward without looking back, "Of course I am an adult, but I am not yet 80 years old."

Lu Lingfeng was speechless, and it was the same as saying nothing.

Seeing that they had already walked to the door of the old Taoist priest's residence, Lu Lingfeng gave Gong Qing another chance to choose, "Do you want to reconsider the request I just made?"

Gong Qing stared at the direction of the old Taoist priest's residence and answered irrelevantly: "Boss Lu, I think you are right about something."

After saying that, he took the initiative to knock on the door of the old Taoist priest's room, without giving Lu Lingfeng a chance to continue asking questions.

Although it was late, the old Taoist priest's voice came from the room the moment after knocking on the door, "Come in."

Lu Lingfeng took Gong Qing into the room and found that the old Taoist priest was sitting cross-legged on the bed meditating.

The old Taoist priest opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw that one of the visitors was Xiao Yuzi, who had served him for many years, a complicated look appeared in his eyes.

Lu Lingfeng briefly told the old Taoist priest what happened. It was probably that Gong Qing broke into Longhu Mountain at night and was about to rob Lu Liang, but was caught by him.

After listening to Lu Lingfeng's statement, Gong Qing knelt down with a snap, "Grand Master, Xiao Yuzi is here to apologize to you."

Lu Lingfeng thought that the acting head of Quanxing would not be a minor in acting, and his emotions were too fast.

The old Taoist priest narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It was thanks to Lu Xiaoyou's righteousness that we were able to catch this Quanxing monster in Longhu Mountain."

"But it's too late today. I'll let Rongshan take this thief away and keep him for one night. If there is anything, we can talk about it tomorrow."

After that, the old Taoist priest picked up his mobile phone and seemed to send a text message to Rongshan.

Not long after, Rongshan came to take people away in a hurry. It can be said that he acted quickly.

Lu Lingfeng could even imagine that Taoist Rongshan was browsing his mobile phone.

Suddenly, he received the news from the old master and came here immediately.

Otherwise, how could he come so quickly?

The people on Longhu Mountain are really night owls. They stayed up so late and were caught by the old master to work. Will he be paid overtime?

Lu Lingfeng began to have wild thoughts in his mind, so he stood up and said goodbye.

It seems that the old master wants to interrogate Gong Qing alone, and Lu Lingfeng is too lazy to join in the fun.

He went back to his residence and slept honestly. He got up early the next morning to accompany Lu Liang for treatment.

Originally, Lu Lingfeng thought that he would be bored in the next few days on Longhu Mountain.

At most, the old master could bring him some news about interrogating Gong Qing.

However, on the morning of the second day, Lu Lingfeng received a call, and it was a call he had not seen for a long time.

Looking at the two big words "Wang Ye" on the caller ID, Lu Lingfeng hurriedly pressed the answer button.

"Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you answer my phone call? If you get into trouble, I won't refund your father's insurance premium."

Hearing Lu Lingfeng's series of complaints, Wang Ye smiled awkwardly and said, "It was indeed inconvenient some time ago. I was busy investigating something."

"Then I ran into Kui'erye who was bothering me again. I had to work hard to get out of it."

Lu Lingfeng immediately asked, "Chen Jinkui attacked you for the second time. What happened?"

In fact, this question is useless. After all, if Chen Jinkui succeeded, Wang Ye would probably not be so relaxed when talking about it.

Wang Ye chuckled and said, "I managed to hold on, but Master Kui'er's methods are becoming more and more targeted, and I won by a narrow margin."

Then Wang Ye added, "But it seems that something is wrong with my body. After fighting with Chen Jinkui, I fainted for no apparent reason."

"And my body always suddenly detects some disease, and then disappears after a while."

After listening to Wang Ye's explanation, Lu Lingfeng said, "Where are you now? You can come find me. I happen to have a great doctor by my side."

Wang Ye replied directly without hesitation, "Even if you don't say it, I was planning to find you. Are you in Longhu Mountain now?"

He originally went to Yiren's office to find Lu Lingfeng, but Liu Yanyan told him that Lu Lingfeng had already gone to Longhu Mountain.

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