After the people from Longhu Mountain brought the food up, Lu Lingfeng ate it without a care, and the people from Quanxing could only watch from the side.

However, people like Ding Shian and Xia Liuqing did not say anything, as if they acquiesced to Lu Lingfeng's behavior.

However, not all people in Quanxing are so good-tempered. For example, the killer who just came forward was not convinced when he saw that he was waiting here, but Lu Lingfeng could eat leisurely.

He went around to the side, then accelerated suddenly and attacked Lu Lingfeng. After throwing out the hidden weapon, he cursed: "Go to hell, this is the price of your arrogance."

However, Lu Lingfeng did not even look up at him, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the killer, which directly struck the killer to death.

On the other hand, the hidden weapon thrown by the killer could not get close to Lu Lingfeng at all, and was bounced off by Lu Lingfeng's Qi wall.

Lu Lingfeng continued to eat without raising his head, "Boy, you are courting death in front of me, but no one will tolerate you."

Even if Quan Xing still controlled the hostages of Tianshi Mansion, Wu Lingfeng did not have the slightest intention of being cautious, and he acted decisively when it was necessary.

The people on Quan Xing's side did not intend to stand up for the killer. Although Quan Xing was an organization, there was no feeling of fellow disciples.

After finishing his meal, Lu Lingfeng stretched and yawned, then turned to look at Rong Shan and Zhang Lingyu, "Have you two contacted the old master? Has he replied?"

Zhang Lingyu bowed slightly and said to Lu Lingfeng, "We have contacted the master, and the master said he will come back as soon as possible to deal with it."

Lu Lingfeng calculated the time. The old master should have been gone for less than two hours, so it won't take too long to come back.

It's just that it's not very authentic to toss a hundred-year-old man back and forth like this.

Lu Lingfeng turned his head to look at Gong Qing, who was bruised and swollen. This guy chose to act a little hasty. The old master had just come down the mountain for more than an hour, and he chose to act.

Isn't Qing waiting for the old master to come back to deal with him?

Or did this guy originally plan to hit the old master.

However, it seemed that they would have to wait for an hour or two. Lu Lingfeng took out a rocking chair from the storage space and lay on it to enjoy the cool air, which formed a sharp contrast with the embarrassment of the Tianshi Mansion and the aggression of Quanxing.

Xia Liuqing laughed and scolded, "This kid is really good at enjoying himself."

Then he took Jinfeng to find a tree and sat on the ground, ready to rest for a while.

Ding Shi'an closed his eyes directly on the spot and began to meditate while standing.

The tense atmosphere on the field came to an end, and the situation eased a little.

Everyone is waiting now, and they all have a vague feeling of what they are waiting for, that is, waiting for the top of the world to come back.

Some of the thieves on the Quanxing side are also unsure. The last time they attacked Longhu Mountain, they were crushed by the old Tianshi.

However, this time their lineup is more luxurious than last time. Many people in Quanxing cast their eyes on Ding Shi'an who was standing in front of them with his eyes closed and meditating.

This is the confidence of their Quanxing. Of course, Ding Shian, one of the two heroes, should deal with the top one.

In their opinion, even if Ding Shian is not as good as the old Tianshi, he will not be much worse. In addition, with the help of other people from Quanxing, he may be able to defeat the old Tianshi.

However, this is just their wishful thinking. Will the reality be like this?

This wait lasted for another two hours. From dusk to late night, Lu Lingfeng was lying on the rocking chair and was about to fall asleep with a quilt.

At this moment, Lu Lingfeng suddenly stopped the rocking chair with his feet and sat up straight.

Ding Shian also opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the mountain.

Someone is coming, and it is none other than the old Tianshi.

Before the other Quanxing people could react, Ding Shian went to the direction where the old Tianshi was coming.

He stood in front of the old Taoist priest, bowed slightly and said, "I am Ding Shi'an, I hope to learn from the old Taoist priest's skills."

Lu Lingfeng stared at this scene with interest, then turned to look at Gong Qing, "Is this your plan? Are you planning to besiege the old Taoist priest?"

Gong Qing shook his head, "Of course not, I'm not that stupid."

Lu Lingfeng pointed at Ding Shi'an and said, "What is he doing now? Isn't it your arrangement?"

Gong Qing put on a helpless look, "Do you think Ding Shi'an will follow my arrangement?

It was his own decision to challenge the Heavenly Master, and that's why he agreed to attack the mountain with us."

"In fact, among all the people who came from Quanxing today, except Jinfeng for the news of Wu Gensheng, who else didn't have ulterior motives?"

Lu Lingfeng naturally knew this. Quanxing emphasizes doing whatever one wants, and it is not realistic to expect them to listen to the orders of others.

Many of these people in front of him even joined in the fun, just to cause trouble.

Looking back at the old Heavenly Master and Ding Shi'an, the old Heavenly Master narrowed his eyes and looked at Ding Shi'an, "You came to my Longhu Mountain and injured my disciples. Is this how you want to compete with me?"

Ding Shi'an saluted again, "Don't worry, I didn't attack your disciples, and I won't allow other people in Quanxing to kill your disciples."

"The reason why I chose this opportunity to go to Longhu Mountain is just to hope that you, the old Heavenly Master, can take the competition with me seriously. "

The old Taoist priest swept his eyes over the disciples of Longhu Mountain and confirmed that they were all safe.

Then he looked at the status of the people on the field. The people of Quanxing were staring at the old Taoist priest and Ding Shian with great interest.

After all, who would not be curious about the battle between the world's number one and the world's number two?

Seeing that the old Taoist priest did not respond, Ding Shian raised his momentum to a terrifying level.

The people of Quanxing shouted excitedly, as if they were watching a live performance in a bar.

On the other hand, the old Taoist priest was still calm and had not made any preparations.

Ding Shian bowed again. This was the third time he bowed after meeting the old Taoist priest. This time he said simply and decisively: "I'm sorry, old Taoist priest. "

Then Ding Shian took the lead and punched the old Taoist priest.

Although this punch was powerful, Lu Lingfeng could see that he did not use his full strength, which should be to give the old Taoist priest time to react.

Apart from anything else, Ding Shian was quite particular about duels.

Of course, his punch, which was loud but not powerful, was easily caught by the old Taoist priest with his palm.

The old Taoist priest suddenly activated the golden light spell, and the huge golden light pushed Ding Shian five or six meters away.

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