The old man was very happy.

"I don't know much about Wu Gensheng, but I can tell from the few sensational things he did that he is quite extraordinary."

"If that were the case, everything wouldn't be that troublesome. After all, there is nothing missing in this world, except genius."

"The root of all disasters cannot escape the Eight Wonders."

When he said this, the old Taoist sighed heavily, perhaps thinking of the experience of his junior brother Zhang Huaiyi.

On the surface, the Jiashen Rebellion was a tragedy caused by the righteous disciples' sworn brotherhood with Wu Gensheng.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the reason why everyone was so excited to surround and kill the thirty-six thieves was just because of the temptation of the Eight Wonders.

The world is bustling with people all for profit. If there is no profit, why would the righteous people spend so much effort?

"There are rumors in the world that Wu Gensheng got the relics left by the predecessors who ascended to heaven. The Eight Wonders are the legacy left by the predecessors, but it just happened that Wu Gensheng and his people got a part of it."

Speaking of this, the old Taoist looked at the two of them, "Do you think this rumor is credible?"

Although he didn't know what others thought, Lu Lingfeng believed this statement without a doubt. After all, he had seen the "relics" obtained by Wu Gensheng in the Twenty-Four Sections Tongtian Valley.

The old Taoist priest continued to talk to himself: "There are also rumors that Wu Gensheng comprehended the Tao of his predecessors in the ruins of the ascended, and then embarked on the road to ascension."

"After all, eight of the thirty-six thieves have comprehended the Eight Wonders, a heaven-defying method. How could Wu Gensheng, who has been comprehending for a longer time and has a higher level of comprehension, gain nothing?"

"Plus, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, so many people speculated that he might have ascended."

Lu Lingfeng was a little confused after listening, and didn't know what the old Taoist priest meant by these words.

Gong Qing clearly said that he brought news about Wu Gensheng, but the old Taoist priest was now talking about the rumor that Wu Gensheng had ascended.

Isn't there a conflict between the two?

In other words, the news brought by Gong Qing can indirectly reflect whether Wu Gensheng has ascended.

After listening to the old Taoist priest's words, Gong Qing showed an expression of "as expected", and then he said: "Old Taoist priest, I know there are many things that are not convenient to say, but I still want to ask, what is the purpose of Wu Gensheng doing this?"

The old Taoist priest's eyes became deeper and deeper, "You have to ask Wu Gensheng, why ask me? I am not a worm in his stomach, how can I know what he thinks?"

But after a moment, he still said: "But according to my personal guess, he may really want to ascend to heaven."

Then he added in a skeptical tone: "Or they want to create an immortal? Who knows what they are thinking."

After saying this, Gong Qing's expression was a little dazed, and Zhang Zhiwei's face did show a look of relaxation.

It felt like constipation for decades, and suddenly it was unobstructed.

It's no wonder, Zhang Zhiwei was known as a big mouth, and he had to tell any secrets.

As a result, Wu Gensheng couldn't tell anyone about these things for so many years, which must be very frustrating.

Now he can take this opportunity to speak out and release all the things he wants to say.

Zhang Zhiwei quickly regained his serious look and said, "What you want to know, I can only say these, and many of them are my guesses, which cannot be true."

Gong Qing nodded deeply, that was enough, the old master's words today gave him a lot of inspiration and a new research direction.

Seeing this, Lu Lingfeng came out to smooth things over, "Then are we all happy now? You two have got the information you think is useful, or let's end it like this?"

As he said that, he also pointed to the group of people who were staring at them outside the Qi cover, and Quan Xing's troubles have not been solved yet.

Gong Qing is really asking for help but it is difficult to send him away. If he can't deal with the people on Quan Xing's side, there will probably be a lot of casualties if the two sides really fight.

However, Gong Qing seemed to be in control of the situation and not nervous at all. It seemed that he had the confidence to control the situation.

He was not the head of Quanxing for nothing.

However, what Lu Lingfeng did not expect was that the old master actually rejected Lu Lingfeng's idea of ​​letting it go.

He looked down at Gong Qing and said, "This matter is not

It's so easy to solve. "

"You have attacked Longhu Mountain several times. If you Quanxing monsters don't pay a heavy price, won't the world think that Longhu Mountain is easy to bully?"

Looking at the old Tianshi's look, he was also very serious. He didn't mean to joke at all. It seemed that he was really angry and must teach Quanxing a lesson.

Gong Qing bowed deeply to the old Tianshi, "Old Tianshi, these two attacks on Longhu Mountain were caused by me. You can beat or kill me, it's all up to you."

Lu Lingfeng saw that Gong Qing's attitude was quite sincere, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether he was really willing to take this responsibility.

After all, these two attacks on Longhu Mountain involved many people injured and killed, and also involved the reputation of Longhu Mountain. It would not be too much for the old Tianshi to kill him directly.

The old Tianshi glanced at Gong Qing, "I'm afraid you can't bear such a heavy black pot by yourself, right? "

At this moment, outside the Qi shield, Ding Shian and others were silently observing the "pantomime" happening inside.

The thorn who had just stabbed the Longhu Mountain sect member saw Gong Qing bowing to the old Taoist priest, and he started to curse: "What the hell is Gong Qing doing? As the head of the sect, he is so servile. It's really embarrassing for all of us."

What he didn't notice was that Ding Shian, who was already seriously injured, became serious after seeing this scene, and then turned around and walked towards the bottom of Longhu Mountain.

Xia Liuqing couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ding, where are you going?"

Ding Shian said without looking back: "Escape."

"I advise you to take Grandma Jinfeng and run away quickly. If you are late, you may not be able to get away. "

When the people in Quanxing heard what Ding Shian said, they were in a state of confusion.

After all, the strongest people said they wanted to escape, so why should they stay?

However, there are always a few people in Quanxing who are not afraid of death. For example, the troublemaker just now said sarcastically: "Oh, I think some people are scared of being beaten. They are in a hurry to escape before the result is out. Hurry up and go home to feed your mother."

Ding Shian looked back at the arrogant boy, but did nothing. Such a sensational guy usually does not live long.

And the reason why Ding Shian can achieve what he has today is not only because of his talent and hard work.

It is also because he knows that a man of insight is a hero, and knows that there is a difference between being brave and committing suicide.

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