The more he raised his sword, the more he realized his mistake.

Lu Lingfeng did what he said, and raised the craft sword, setting his target on Wu Gensheng.

After raising it for about 10 minutes, Lu Lingfeng gave up.

After all, he didn't know whether Wu Gensheng was dead or alive, and even if he was still alive, he didn't know where he was.

If he ran here with his legs, I'm afraid Lu Lingfeng would not be able to see Wu Gensheng even if his arm was broken.

What Lu Lingfeng didn't know was that during the 10 minutes when he raised the sword, a young-looking man in the south, thousands of miles away from him, began to run without restraint.

He cursed while running: "Fuck, what's going on?"

. . . . . . .

The next day, Lu Lingfeng appeared on the first floor of Yiren Office with big dark circles under his eyes.

Liu Yanyan was eating breakfast. Seeing Lu Lingfeng's condition, she couldn't help but ask with concern: "What's wrong with you? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Lu Lingfeng waved his hand to show that he was fine, but the fact was that he hardly slept last night.

In the first half of the night, Goudan was playing with his tablet happily, and Lu Lingfeng beat him up before he went to bed.

In the second half of the night, he finally calmed down, but Lu Lingfeng couldn't sleep.

His mind was full of thoughts about what tricks he could do with his 100% bare-handed white blade.

And what preparations he should make for the next Luotian Dajiao.

He even wondered if he should help those parents who lost their children find their children since his 100% bare-handed white blade could help them find people.

Later, he gave up this idea because he was afraid that those children would die on the way to find him.

Anyway, his mind was full of messy thoughts. When he was able to stop thinking, he found that it was already dawn.

Liu Yanyan said with some concern: "In your current state, can you still compete with others? How about we ask them to postpone the time?"

Originally, in the plan of Lu Lingfeng and Liu Yanyan, starting from today, they have plans to compete every day in the future.

Originally, Liu Yanyan disagreed with scheduling the competition days so full, because the competition between different people will inevitably cause injuries, so if there is not enough rest time, it is easy to cause problems.

However, Lu Lingfeng insisted on competing like this, and Liu Yanyan had no choice.

Hearing Liu Yanyan say that the competition day should be postponed, Lu Lingfeng hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary.

You can not sleep, but you can't not make money.

Lu Lingfeng is still waiting for the money for the competition to arrive, so that he can upgrade the system again before Luotian Dajiao.

Lu Lingfeng and Liu Yanyan came to the agreed open space in the suburbs.

The first opponent of Lu Lingfeng's battle was a 30-year-old idle alien who had no power to rely on and mastered the Tongbeiquan boxing.

After the two met, they greeted each other. Lu Lingfeng asked, "Are there any special rules for our duel, such as not using weapons?"

The sturdy idle alien replied in a humming voice, "There are no such rules. The fight between aliens depends on their own means until one side admits defeat or loses the fighting power."

"If you have any means, just use them. There are no taboos in the duel."

Lu Lingfeng gave the elder brother a thumbs up and praised him for being a straightforward person.

The two were ready soon.

Before the fight, the idle stranger said, "I see you are quite arrogant on the Internet, but I don't know how good your real kung fu is."

After that, the man mobilized the Qi in his body and gathered it into his fists, "This punch of mine has 20 years of my kung fu, but I don't know if you can catch it."

Lu Lingfeng calmly grasped the black thing in his hand, "This shot of mine has 200 years of technology, I hope you can withstand it, big brother."

The idle stranger who was originally rushing towards Lu Lingfeng saw the black iron thing and immediately stopped in place.

"No... This is a gun? Why do you carry a gun when you fight with others?" The idle stranger raised his hands above his head and stuttered.

Being pointed at by the black muzzle of the gun, the big brother's heart almost jumped out.

Don't think that aliens are not afraid of hot weapons. Even Wu Gensheng, who is strong, sighed when he saw the old-fashioned rifle for the first time: "You said there is this thing, why are we still practicing kung fu?"

Lu Lingfeng replied seriously: "It was you who said that we can use weapons, and you also said that everyone can do whatever they want."

The alien opposite

The elder brother wanted to say: I said that weapons can be used, but I didn’t say that hot weapons can be used!

But facing the black muzzle of the gun, he could only swallow his words. Within the range of others, his temper became better.

Lu Lingfeng gently squeezed the trigger with his index finger, "Brother, do you admit defeat?"

The action seemed to say: If you don’t admit defeat, I will shoot.

So the elder brother of Tongbiquan admitted defeat very "happily".

Lu Lingfeng put away the gun and told Liu Yanyan to go back to the office, "Go home and sleep."

On the way back to the office, Liu Yanyan couldn't help asking Lu Lingfeng, "You are a famous person in the cultivation world. You are not afraid of being embarrassed if you use a gun to compete with others."

Lu Lingfeng asked Liu Yanyan in return, "What do you think of the strength of that person just now? Can I beat him?"

Liu Yanyan answered without thinking, "The strength of that person just now was very average. Although he has been practicing for a long time, he has taken many detours. It must be no problem for you to beat him."

Lu Lingfeng nodded in agreement, "That's it, since it is inevitable that I will beat him, the role of the gun is just to help me simplify the process, and it can also avoid the risk of my injury. Why not do it?"

"Don't give up the obviously simpler path because you care too much about other people's opinions. People who are good at taking shortcuts can often go further."

Liu Yanyan nodded thoughtfully.

On the second day of the competition, use a gun and win easily.

On the third day of the competition, he used a gun and won easily. As a result, the news that Lu Lingfeng used a gun in the competition was exposed.

The alien circle launched a heated discussion on this news, but Lu Lingfeng himself did not respond to this matter on the Internet.

On the fourth day of the competition, the opponent asked to ban guns before the competition, and Lu Lingfeng agreed, using a talisman and easily won.

After that, before almost every competition, the opponent would first ask to ban guns, and Lu Lingfeng agreed one by one.

Because Lu Lingfeng arranged the order of the competition according to strength, from weak to strong.

So the 30 opponents he had to fight before Luotian Dajiao should not be particularly strong, which was also a preparation for successfully participating in Luotian Dajiao.

On the 30th day of the competition, he used a talisman and space transfer to win.

Luotian Dajiao is about to begin!

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