After stepping onto Nasen Island, Wang Ye observed the surrounding situation and couldn't help but sigh: "If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't believe that there is such an island of aliens in the world." But rather than saying that this is an island of aliens, it would be more accurate to say that this is an island of exile. Originally, there was a layer of harsh environment outside the island that protected this place, which would only dissipate when the new and old kings alternated. If it weren't for this reason, it would be a little more difficult for Lu Lingfeng and his team to land on the island. Wang Ye looked at Lu Lingfeng, "Where are we going now?" Lu Lingfeng shook his head calmly, "I don't know either." Lu Lingfeng knew nothing about the situation on Nasen Island, let alone where Ruan Feng was at this time. After all, the Wang family knew very little about Nasen Island, and it was impossible to investigate Ruan Feng's location, and there was not even a map.

Wang Ye had a few black lines on his head, "Old Lu, are you kidding me? Don't you have any preparation for this place?"

Lu Lingfeng spread his hands. He really didn't have any preparation. After all, Nasen Island was really too mysterious.

Wang Ye realized that he was really on a pirate ship this time, so he had to bite the bullet and asked, "Then do you know what forces are on this island? We have to find a force to help us if we want to find someone."

On an island in Noda, if they only searched it by themselves, it would take a long time to find it.

Lu Lingfeng immediately said that he knew this, "There are generally three forces on Nasen Island: the God's People, Paradise and the Market."

"The God's People, as the name suggests, are the indigenous people on the island who are protected by the sacred tree. They belong to the direct line of King Nasen."

"That Paradise is a bit interesting. It is said that the boss is a guy called Daodiao. The purpose they follow is similar to Quanxing. The constraints are not strong. The main focus is to do whatever they want."

"Finally, I don't know much about this market. It sounds like it should be a place for everyone to trade."

After listening to Lu Lingfeng's explanation, Wang Ye was a little relieved. At least the two of them knew something about Nasen Island.

"Then should we find a force to seek help now? Or should we ask around first."

Lu Lingfeng looked towards the depths of the island, "Let's take it one step at a time. I think someone will come to us soon."

In this way, Lu Lingfeng and Wang Ye walked aimlessly towards the depths of the island.

During this period, many people gathered around Lu Lingfeng and Wang Ye to inquire about their information, but most of them left after observing for a while.

These people naturally could not escape the eyes of the two, and Wang Ye could not help but complain: "There is really no ordinary person in this place."

Nasen is an island of aliens, and no one who can land on the island is an ordinary person.

Lu Lingfeng added: "Let alone ordinary people, there may not even be a good person in this broken place."

If it were not for the fact that there were no conditions for settling down in the outside world, who would give up their original identity and take the risk to board the isolated Nasen Island?

And on this island, if you are really a kind person, you may not be able to survive.

The two continued to walk for a while, and Lu Lingfeng still did not wait for the person he wanted to wait for, but a purple-haired person attracted his attention.

The reason is that the aura exuded by this person is not a small minion at all.

The purple-haired man did not hide like the other people who were investigating, but appeared openly on the road of Lu Lingfeng and Wang Ye.

Lu Lingfeng seemed to have some impression of this person, but the impression was also very vague, so he asked: "Brother, which road are you taking? Leave your name."

The purple-haired man's eyes flickered after hearing Lu Lingfeng's words: "Oh? So you are Chinese."

He also adjusted his collar and introduced himself: "My name is Dao Diao."

When Lu Lingfeng heard this crappy name, he instantly remembered that this guy was none other than the leader of the South Paradise on the island: Dao Diao.

Lu Lingfeng helplessly held his forehead, why didn't the person who should come come, wait for the leader of "Nasen Island Quanxing" to come first.

Lu Lingfeng really didn't want to deal with people like Dao Diao. Anyone who can be the leader of a group of crazy people must also be a crazy person.

And he is also a crazy person with a strong obsession.

The name Dao Diao is likely to come from the Tarot card. There is a card in the Tarot card called the Hanged Man.

The meaning of the Hanged Man card appeared in Lu Lingfeng's mind: it represents pity, sympathy and self-sacrifice, or looking at things from a different perspective.

These points obviously have nothing to do with the Hanged Man, the leader of the Southern Paradise in front of him.

This has to mention another meaning of the Hanged Man card: it also represents the extension of justice.

This card represents awakening your spiritual purpose and giving up what you already have in order to better pursue what you should really do in this life.

In any case, the Hanged Man in front of him is definitely a guy with a strong obsession, and Lu Lingfeng doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

So Lu Lingfeng responded: "So you are the leader of Paradise, do you have something to talk to us about?"

Dao Diao stroked his purple hair with his hand, "Friends from the East, I want to invite you to Paradise, how about it?"

Lu Lingfeng waved his hand, and then took Wang Ye to pass by Dao Diao: "Sorry, we have other things to do on the island, so I'm sorry I can't accompany you."

After walking a few steps, Lu Lingfeng found that Wang Ye looked thoughtful, so he asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Wang Ye looked at Lu Lingfeng, turned his head to look at Dao Diao behind him, and then blurted out:

"Hanging knife on the bridge, the knife is hanging upside down."

It seems that since Dao Diao introduced his name, this tongue twister has been echoing in Wang Ye's mind.

Lu Lingfeng stared at Wang Ye with an incredible look, I didn't expect you to be such a Taoist priest Wang!

It turns out that you also have a lot of bad water in your stomach.

Wang Ye felt a little embarrassed by Lu Lingfeng's look. It was indeed impolite to make fun of other people's names.

But he really had to say this. If he kept it in his heart, he would feel very uncomfortable.

So Wang Ye gave Dao Diao an apologetic look, and then pulled Lu Lingfeng away as if escaping.

With Dao Diao's hearing, he naturally heard what Wang Ye said.

Although he could speak some simple Chinese, he didn't know much about tongue twisters.

So Dao Diao repeated Wang Ye's words in poor Chinese: Hanging a knife on the bridge, the knife is hanging upside down.

What is the deep meaning of this sentence?

Dao Diao was puzzled.

But he actually heard his own name from this sentence. What did the Chinese want to tell him?

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