Soon, Xu San received the news that Lv Liang had escaped and only caught a little girl.

Things here came to an end. Xu San said to Zhang Chulan, "Too many things happened tonight. You go back and have a good rest. Come to me tomorrow morning."

Then Xu San turned to look at Lu Lingfeng. Just as he was about to say something, Lu Lingfeng said, "Then I will go back and have a rest. See you tomorrow morning."

After that, Lu Lingfeng left without looking back, without giving Xu San a chance to refuse.

Xu San scratched his head. He didn't plan to meet this guy tomorrow, but after all, he was a party to the case, so it would be good to meet him together.

Everyone separated in front of the abandoned building. Some people were destined to have trouble sleeping that night.

. . . . . .

Lu Lingfeng returned to the office and was about to rest when he heard a knock on the door downstairs.

As expected, he couldn't stay quiet tonight.

I just don't know if the person who came is Quan Xing's people or Zhang Chulan.

Lu Lingfeng went downstairs and opened the door. He found Zhang Chulan standing outside the door and waved his hand to let Zhang Chulan come in to talk.

After sitting down in the house, Zhang Chulan spoke first, "Boss Lu, do you know any information about my grandfather?"

Lu Lingfeng did not rush to answer, but asked Zhang Chulan, "You come to me alone so late, aren't you afraid that I will attack you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan seemed to become more vigilant, but he quickly replied, "If you want to attack me, Boss Lu would have had the opportunity today, there is no need to wait until now."

In fact, Zhang Chulan is also gambling. Too many things have happened in the past two days. So far, he will not fully trust Feng Baobao or Lu Lingfeng.

But if he wants to know the truth of the matter, he can only ask these people for confirmation.

Obviously, Lu Lingfeng knows more than Feng Baobao, and is willing to tell him the truth.

Lu Lingfeng didn't care about Zhang Chulan's thoughts and said directly, "I am a businessman and I advocate the principle of equal exchange. You want to know your grandfather's information, so how much can you pay?"

Hearing the equal exchange, Zhang Chulan felt relieved because he knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch. "I still have 20,000 yuan on me, which is all I can use to buy information."

When he entered the door, he noticed that the house was full of God of Wealth. I think the owner surnamed Lu is here to make money.

Now, first Feng Baobao, then Quan Xing, batches of people came to him, which made it impossible for him to live a normal life. He really wanted to sort out the clues.

When Lu Lingfeng heard that Zhang Chulan had 20,000 yuan on him, he remained calm on the surface, but secretly clenched his fists under the table!

He originally thought that Zhang Chulan was just a loser college student, how come this loser college student is richer than him?

However, Lu Lingfeng said calmly, "If you sell the information about your grandfather in the alien world, I'm afraid someone will be willing to pay 2 million."

Zhang Chulan did not interrupt Lu Lingfeng after hearing this, because he knew that since Lu Lingfeng said this, there must be something else. After all, he certainly couldn't come up with 2 million.

Sure enough, Lu Lingfeng continued, "But if you are willing to join my firm and work for me, I can give you an employee price. I will tell you some information for 20,000 yuan. Consider it."

Zhang Chulan fell silent after hearing Lu Lingfeng's conditions. He could accept 20,000 yuan, but he was unwilling to join Lu Lingfeng's firm.

After all, money can be earned again if it is lost. How could he know whether Lu Lingfeng's firm is a pirate ship?

But in a blink of an eye, Zhang Chulan smiled, "Boss Lu, you see, I, a poor student, definitely can't come up with so much money at once. Wait until I go back and think of a way."

Lu Lingfeng knew that Zhang Chulan wanted to refuse, which was also in line with Zhang Chulan's character: cautious, calm, and smart.

If someone else were to come, he might think of agreeing to join Lu Lingfeng first, and then pretending to be nice to get the news.

However, Zhang Chulan would not do this, because he knew that when you want to take advantage of others, it is often the beginning of your own interests being infringed.

Lu Lingfeng felt that the reason why Zhang Chulan finally decided to join the company must not be Feng Baobao's threat of beating, but because he knew that the official was behind the Nadutong Company.

In everyone's cognition, the official is always the most suitable backer.

Lu Lingfeng stopped Zhang Chulan from leaving.

He said, "Don't be anxious, listen to the conditions I offer first."

Zhang Chulan also stopped. He didn't want to return empty-handed, so he might as well listen to Lu Lingfeng's conditions first.

Lu Lingfeng said, "Become my employee, you can enjoy benefits of 3,000 yuan a month, and if necessary, you can get food and accommodation."

Zhang Chulan couldn't hold it anymore, "Damn, you can't even hire migrant workers with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan."

Lu Lingfeng nodded in agreement, "Of course, which migrant worker now has a monthly salary of 7,000 or 8,000 yuan? But isn't it more than enough to hire a college student with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan? Aren't you from Nanjing University?"

Zhang Chulan felt heartbroken instantly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lingfeng continued to make up for it, "And now there are regulations that migrant workers' wages cannot be delayed, but college students' wages can be delayed."

"Don't say it." Zhang Chulan felt like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

However, Lu Lingfeng continued to talk to himself, "And I can also not pay you five insurances and one housing fund."

Zhang Chulan instantly found a breakthrough and interrupted: "I understand this, not paying five insurances and one housing fund is illegal, I can sue you."

Lu Lingfeng looked at Zhang Chulan with a smile, "Don't you understand what I mean?"

Zhang Chulan instantly figured out what Lu Lingfeng meant. Low wages mean that the work risk is relatively small, and not paying five insurances and one housing fund should mean that this job can be hidden.

Lu Lingfeng struck while the iron was hot and said, "You should have seen it a long time ago. Feng Baobao and others want to recruit you. You can completely agree to them and treat my work as a part-time job."

"I don't need too much help from you here, and if you have any problems, I can help you take care of it."

"That's all I have to say. You can consider it."

After saying these words, Lu Lingfeng actually took out the business license of his store from the drawer, as if to hint to Zhang Chulan that his store was legally operated and would not do anything out of the ordinary.

Zhang Chulan stood there for two minutes, thinking, then walked to Lu Lingfeng and grabbed Lu Lingfeng's hands, "Boss, from now on I am your man, and I will follow your lead."

This is Zhang Chulan, a smart man who can weigh the pros and cons, and changes his attitude immediately once he makes a decision.

Lu Lingfeng enthusiastically pulled Zhang Chulan back to his seat, "Since you agree to join, let's talk about your grandfather!"

"Well, boss, go ahead." Zhang Chulan really wanted to know the information.

But he found that Lu Lingfeng did not continue to talk, and the scene was awkward for a while.

"Boss?" Zhang Chulan called Lu Lingfeng again to signal him to continue.

Lu Lingfeng, however, put on an embarrassed look, and made a gesture of counting money with his hands, "Let's talk about this information, the value..."

Zhang Chulan instantly understood what Lu Lingfeng meant, so he had to take out his mobile phone to add Lu Lingfeng's WeChat and transfer him 20,000 yuan.

But he couldn't help but complain that his new boss was stingy.

When Lu Lingfeng saw the transfer was received, his wealth only increased from more than 10,000 to more than 30,000, and he was very happy.

Before talking about the news of Zhang Chulan's grandfather, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but mention, "Chulan, if you leave one day, remember to make up the preferential 1.98 million intelligence fee."

Zhang Chulan secretly thought that he was really on the pirate ship this time, and said with gritted teeth, "Don't worry, boss, I won't leave."

Lu Lingfeng stopped nagging and began to tell Zhang Chulan the story of his grandfather Zhang Xilin, also known as Zhang Huaiyi of Longhu Mountain.

The content of this story includes Zhang Huaiyi as a traitor of Longhu Mountain, participating in the thirty-six thieves' oath of brotherhood, and later creating one of the eight unique skills, the origin of the Qi body, etc.

Most of the content of this story will be slowly known by Zhang Chulan in the later period, and Lu Lingfeng just advanced the timeline a little.

After listening to the story, Zhang Chulan was stunned for a long time, and then said goodbye and went back to the dormitory to digest it himself.

Lu Lingfeng looked at Zhang Chulan's departing back and suddenly remembered what Lu Jin had said to him.

People knew a lot about Zhang Chulan's life story, but Lu Lingfeng didn't know his own.

It seemed that he really had to take some time to go back to his old house. He wondered if there was anything there that could help him learn more inside information.

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