The old man was in trouble, but he was still thinking about something.

Lu Lingfeng waved his hand to show that he was just thinking about something.

However, he still heard the task that Ma Xianhong had just assigned to Chen Duo, which was to capture Jin Feng of Quan Xing.

With that said, the Chen Duo chapter is really about to begin, starting with Chen Duo capturing Jin Feng and fighting with the temporary workers.

"If I remember the information correctly, Jin Feng should be an old Quan Xing, and she hasn't done any evil in all these years. Why did you capture her?"

Lu Lingfeng asked knowingly. Of course, he knew that Qu Tong wanted to get Jin Feng's secret.

But he wanted to know what Ma Xianhong would say.

Unexpectedly, Ma Xianhong did not hide anything and said directly: "My sister said that this person was useful, so she asked me to catch her."

"Is your sister also the descendant of Mr. Ma Benzai?" Lu Lingfeng continued to pretend to be confused.

Ma Xianhong shook his head, "Not really, when there is a chance, I can take you to meet my sister, she will definitely be happy to know our relationship."

Lu Lingfeng pouted, he didn't want to meet that woman Qu Tong.

So Lu Lingfeng said: "Xianhong, let's keep our relationship secret for the time being,"

"Don't make my identity as the heir of the Eight Wonders public for the time being, which may cause a series of troubles."

"Compared to those outsiders, I prefer to believe in our brothers who are also the heirs of the Eight Wonders."

Ma Xianhong nodded when he heard this. As a person who experienced it personally, he naturally knew how much trouble the hot potato of the Eight Wonders would cause.

Lu Lingfeng patted Ma Xianhong on the shoulder and prepared to leave.

However, after Lu Lingfeng walked to the door, he turned around and said something to Ma Xianhong:

"Xianhong, I think you are a little too trusting of others, just like you have never questioned my identity tonight."

"I think you still need to doubt everyone who appears around us."

"After all, we who possess the Eight Wonders are a tempting cake for others, and everyone wants to have a bite."

"So you should be more careful in the future."

After saying these words, Lu Lingfeng turned and left Ma Xianhong's yard without looking back.

These words sounded like the advice of an elder to a younger generation, and he used himself as an example.

Letting Ma Xianhong learn to doubt the people around him, starting with doubting Lu Lingfeng, seems to be more selfless.

But Lu Lingfeng knew that although Ma Xianhong was a little silly, he was definitely not a fool.

Could it be that he believed in himself just based on what he said tonight?

That is definitely impossible.

So Lu Lingfeng took the initiative to teach Ma Xianhong to learn to doubt, and to make his doubts clear, which made him look more open.

And these words could also plant the seeds of doubt about Qu Tong in Ma Xianhong's heart.

Sure enough, after Lu Lingfeng left, Ma Xianhong stared at Lu Lingfeng's figure for a long time.

Then he sat in front of his self-cultivation furnace again, but this time he did not continue to study the furnace, but seemed to be inventing something new.

Lu Lingfeng returned to his residence and lay on the bed, ready to rest.

He didn't know that his words today would make Ma Xianhong suspicious of Qu Tong, but it was a good start after all.

In fact, using Shuangquan Hands to modify other people's memories is not a very stable method.

Because the human brain is a very complex organization, no one can completely control their own brain.

The human brain also has an inexplicable ability to improve and repair itself, and the effect of using Shuangquan Hands to modify people's memories may not be effective in the long run.

When people are stimulated in conflict with modifying memories, they are likely to have doubts.

For example, if Qu Tong used Shuangquanshou to modify your memory and make you feel that fire is cold, you would definitely think so at the beginning.

But when you really come into contact with fire, you will immediately doubt the modification of Shuangquanshou.

This is why Zhang Chulan's simple words in the later part of the plot made Ma Xianhong suspicious of Qu Tong.

Because Shuangquanshou, in addition to modifying memory, cannot change people's original logical cognition, and these logics will slowly correct the distorted memory after experiencing some things.

In other words, if you want to control others with Shuangquanshou, it is a long-term and continuous process that cannot be interrupted.

It happened that Ma Xianhong was not with Qu Tong at this time, and now is a good time to turn Ma against him.

In fact, the problem with Ma Xianhong is good.

The one that Lu Lingfeng was a little confused about was Chen Duo.

He didn't know whether he should help Chen Duo, or even if he wanted to help, he didn't know how to help Chen Duo.

After all, what Chen Duo wanted was to be able to choose her own life. If she wanted to die, he couldn't force her to live.

However, the thought about Chen Duo was quickly dispelled by Lu Lingfeng.

After all, he was not a living Bodhisattva who saved the suffering. As for Chen Duo's suffering, he could only take it one step at a time.

If he could, he would not hesitate to help her once, and maybe he could even take Chen Duo to his side as a younger brother.

But if things developed in a bad direction, he didn't intend to interfere with the original story process.

Just like that, Lu Lingfeng fell asleep while thinking about it in bed, and it was Ma Xianhong who knocked on the door to wake him up early the next morning.

Lu Lingfeng yawned as he opened the door for Ma Xianhong. Looking at the sky that was not yet completely bright, he said unhappily, "Village Chief Ma, can't people sleep well when they are guests at your place?"

He was a little helpless. Even if you wanted to talk to someone, wouldn't it be better to go to Huohuowang and Zhuge Qing?

Lu Lingfeng suddenly regretted becoming a "relative" with Ma Xianhong so early.

This is also Ma Xianhong's shortcoming. As a fanatical technology geek, he is not so meticulous in his sense of propriety in interpersonal communication.

Maybe he doesn't think that visiting others early in the morning will disturb their rest.

Ma Xianhong rubbed his slightly messy hair and looked at the sky outside, which was already turning pale. "It's early. I feel fine."

"I waited until dawn to see you."

Lu Lingfeng looked at Ma Xianhong's appearance at this time and couldn't help asking, "Old Ma, you didn't sleep all night last night, did you?"

Ma Xianhong shook his head, "I slept, I slept for two hours."

Lu Lingfeng covered his face and held his forehead helplessly, "What's the matter with you coming to see me so early?"

Lu Lingfeng glanced at the time and felt that it was a bit early to have breakfast at this time.

Ma Xianhong then remembered the business and put on a serious look.

"Lu Lingfeng, I want to confirm with you again, you should really be the relative of Mr. Zheng Zibu, right? Did you lie to me last night?"

Lu Lingfeng glanced at Ma Xianhong and thought that he should have found some way to judge whether Lu Lingfeng's words were true or false through his efforts this night.

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