The old man was so angry, but he didn't know what to do.

Wang Ye thought about it and decided to wait for him to ask Lu Lingfeng himself.

It was a pity that even if he used Fenghou Qimen, he couldn't figure out Lu Lingfeng's fate.

As long as he asked questions about Lu Lingfeng in the inner scene, he would only see a fog.

He felt that Lu Lingfeng was calculating something, but he thought he didn't have any ill will towards him.

After all, he spent money, and Yiren Agency hadn't made any trouble to the sponsor yet.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye felt relieved and found a big tree by himself, leaning against it and squinting for a while.

In the pond, Lu Lingfeng stepped barefoot in the clear water.

Watching rows of Ruhua robots working, taking stones, paving roads and building villages.

This orderly work process is like an assembly line, one link after another.

Lu Lingfeng raised his foot and walked towards the shore, and immediately a Ruhua robot came running and handed Lu Lingfeng slippers.

It must be said that the means of this Shenji Bailian are indeed magical. Lu Lingfeng couldn't help thinking:

If ordinary people saw this scene, Musk (Tesla's CEO) would have to call Ma Xianhong big brother.

If there is this technology, why would Musk still study Catwoman robots?

Isn't it ready to just take the Ruhua robot and modify it?

Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but entertain himself in his heart. The people of the old Ma family really like to study these robots.

It's just that Musk's "foreign horse" obviously can't run faster than our "Chinese horse".

Lu Lingfeng put on the slippers handed over by the Ruhua robot, and his eyes couldn't help but sweep over Ruhua's weird face.

His face twitched unconsciously, but Ma Xianhong's aesthetics really needs to be changed.

The little face was painted pale, with two red cheeks, and then combed into two buns.

Well, it looked like she would not need to put on makeup even if she was asked to make a cameo in a horror movie.

Everyone rested for a while in the mountains and fields. Not long after, Ma Xianhong brought a muscular middle-aged man over.

The man was really scary. He was a head taller than Wang Ye, and the muscles on his body were almost as big as Wang Ye's head.

Ma Xianhong pointed at the big guy and introduced him to the three people: "This is Liu Dang, a heavy fighting enthusiast. I hope one of you can help beat him."

Wang Ye and the others said they were not interested. No one wanted to fight with others for no reason.

Zhuge Qing sat on the stone and whispered, "Oh my god, this doesn't look like muscles that were gained purely through exercise."

The voice was very small, as if he was mumbling to himself, but Lu Lingfeng, who was sitting next to Zhuge Qing, heard it clearly.

So Lu Lingfeng pointed at Zhuge Qing and said to Liu Dang, "Big guy, he said that all your muscles are technology, dead muscles trained in the gym, and useless."

Zhuge Qing didn't expect Lu Lingfeng to directly expose his past, and quickly waved his hand and said, "Oh my god, I didn't say that."

Liu Dang, who was standing next to Ma Xianhong, looked very ugly, and rushed directly to Zhuge Qing, wanting to attack him.

Lu Lingfeng immediately ran to the side to watch the fun, and Zhuge Qing had no choice but to use a move of Bajiquan, but he punched the big guy out directly.

Seeing Zhuge Qing knock Liu Dang far away with one punch, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help clapping his hands and praising him: "As expected, traditional kung fu emphasizes the transformation of strength, and four ounces can move a thousand pounds."

Zhuge Qing was obviously dissatisfied with Lu Lingfeng's betrayal just now, and replied unhappily: "I use Bajiquan, not Tai Chi, how can four ounces move a thousand pounds?"

Wang was also very puzzled and asked Ma Xianhong: "Master, what do you mean? This Liu Dang obviously has never practiced Qi."

Letting them fight with ordinary people, isn't that completely bullying?

Ma Xianhong first clapped his hands and praised Zhuge brother for his good kung fu, and then asked several people to follow him back to the village in the back mountain.

On the way back to the village, Ma Xianhong told Lu Lingfeng and the other two the story of Liu Dang.

The story is actually very simple. Liu Dang, a fighting enthusiast, accidentally met a child who came to learn fighting.

It turned out that the child was a Qi practitioner, and he, an adult, almost beat him.

He questioned the child in every possible way, and finally moved the child with his "sincerity" and got the secret of practicing Qi.

Unfortunately, he himself was not suitable for practicing Qi, and he could not get started, which made him depressed for a long time.

Until he learned about the news of Biyou Village by chance.

He came here to find a way to become a superhuman.

Ma Xianhong called Lu Lingfeng and others this time to let them see how he transformed ordinary people into superhumans.

Everyone came to the room where Ma Xianhong placed the self-cultivation furnace, and he asked Liu Dang to lie in the self-cultivation furnace.

Then he asked a tall and strong superhuman Jin Yong to enter the self-cultivation furnace to hold the furnace.

Lu Lingfeng used his elbows to nudge Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye respectively, "This superhuman is called Jin Yong, and he is good at Tiangang Qi."

"You two may not be familiar with him, but you two have seen his brother, the Liaodong wild man Jin Meng."

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye both showed an expression of sudden enlightenment, no wonder they thought Jin Yong was so familiar.

Unexpectedly, Lu Lingfeng continued, "Zhuge Qing, your brother was scared to tears by Jin Meng at the Luotian Grand Ceremony, and you said you would punish him at that time."

"And Master Wang, Jin Meng was eliminated because you beat him up."

When Jin Yong heard Lu Lingfeng's words, his eyes also moved to Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye, but he didn't say anything and entered the self-cultivation furnace.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing could only smile awkwardly at him.

As the two entered the self-cultivation furnace, Ma Xianhong turned on the switch of the self-cultivation furnace.

The last few people could faintly see the flow of Qi in the self-cultivation furnace, and white light was transmitted through the glass on the self-cultivation furnace.

Ma Xianhong explained to the others: "This self-cultivation furnace is not yet complete. Those who enter the self-cultivation furnace for transformation are all inferior root devices."

"The abilities and achievements of these inferior root devices depend entirely on the furnace holder, so each furnace holder must be a person with excellent qualifications."

"I need to make a perfect self-cultivation furnace, but I don't have a sorcerer around me, so I hope Brother Zhuge and Taoist Wang Ye can help me."

"As long as you can become the furnace holder, you can help me make up for this last shortcoming."

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were amazed at this heaven-defying method that could transform ordinary people into extraordinary people.

Their minds were filled with words about inferior root devices, superior root devices, and self-cultivation furnaces.

Lu Lingfeng stared at the furnace with shining eyes.

Great treasure! Valuable!

If this great treasure falls into my hands and I use it to help the rich transform their bodies, how much money can I make?

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