The night came quickly.

Biyou Village prepared a large table of sumptuous dinner and invited Shanggenqi and the temporary workers of the company to have a meal together.

Liu Wukui seemed very unhappy about this. While serving the dishes, he said, "Why treat those people like this? They are obviously here to cause trouble."

But she did not get a response from Sister Fu Rong who was usually by her side.

She turned to look at Fu Rong, but found that Zhuge Qing was lying in Fu Rong's ear and whispering something. The two of them looked very intimate.

Zhuge Qing was whispering in Fu Rong's ear: "I think you should lose weight."

Fu Rong's face suddenly turned ugly, "Do you mean you think I'm fat?"

Zhuge Qing immediately shook his head, "Of course not, I just think there is a way to lose several pounds immediately that is very suitable for you."

Fu Rong was aroused by Zhuge Qing's words. Women always have an obsession with losing weight, "What method?"

Zhuge Qing took Fu Rong's hand and placed it on her left chest, "That is to put your heart on me, then you can immediately lose a few pounds of weight in your heart."

"I really can't stand it." Liu Wukui seemed to really can't stand Zhuge Qing's earthy love words, and he ran up and kicked Zhuge Qing away.

"You big scumbag, stay away from my sister Rong." Liu Wukui scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.

On the contrary, Fu Rong seemed to enjoy this feeling.

It must be said that the earthy love words spoken by Zhuge Qing were really earthy and greasy.

But I can't resist the fact that she is handsome, has a good family background, and is capable!

Men are often like this in relationships, as long as you are strong enough.

Even if you lose like your own fluids, you can still become a textbook for picking up girls.

Dinner is about to start, and all the temporary workers have arrived and sat down. Lu Lingfeng also found a seat and sat down.

The twelve top talents in Biyou Village are also about to arrive one after another. At this time, Ma Xianhong brought Chen Duo to the banquet.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became solemn in an instant, and it seemed that a fight might start at any time.

Ma Xianhong directly arranged Chen Duo to sit next to him. He brought Chen Duo this time to tell the temporary workers that Chen Duo was already his partner.

Even if the temporary workers saw Chen Duo and wanted to fight, Ma Xianhong was not afraid.

After all, the top fighters in his Biyou Village were all present at this time, and if a fight started, the company would definitely suffer.

However, unlike what Ma Xianhong expected, except for Lao Meng, who was more concerned about Chen Duo, the other temporary workers did not seem to focus on Chen Duo.

Especially the middle-aged man named Xiao Zizai, he almost didn't look at Chen Duo, but stared at Taoist Zhao Guizhen.

What's going on?

Is Taoist Zhao Guizhen more attractive than Chen Duo?

Lu Lingfeng had already seen that Xiao Zizai was a little bit wrong, and he seemed to be trying his best to suppress his excitement.

Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but remind him: "Brother Xiao, eat the food."

Xiao Zizai hurriedly responded when he heard this, and used chopsticks to scoop rice into his mouth, but didn't pick up any vegetables.

It felt like Zhao Guizhen was his side dish, and Xiao Zizai could eat two more bowls of rice as long as he could look at that face.

Lu Lingfeng helplessly held his forehead, Lao Xiao had found his own dish and was excited.

Ma Xianhong raised his wine glass and said to everyone: "Today's meal is mainly to welcome Zhang Chulan, Lu Lingfeng, and Taoist Wang to visit Biyou Village."

"Secondly, I also congratulate Brother Qing for becoming the 12th superior root of our Biyou Village. From now on, you are one of us. Anyone who wants to bully you must first ask Biyou Village for consent."

How could the smart people present not hear the meaning of Ma Xianhong's words.

On the surface, he was congratulating Zhuge Qing for becoming a superior root and becoming one of them.

In fact, he was making his attitude clear to these people in the company that Chen Duo was already a member of theirs, and they would not give up Chen Duo again.

However, these temporary workers did not seem to respond to Ma Xianhong's meaning.

Wang Zhenqiu just glanced at Ma Xianhong, and then continued to talk to Liu Wukui, who had a stinky face.

Brother Xiao was even more busy enjoying the deliciousness of Taoist Zhao Guizhen and eating well.

Clarinet was drinking by himself, Lao Meng was staring at Chen Duo without saying a word, and Sister Baoer was just eating.

Ma Xianhong's punch

It was really hitting cotton, perhaps these temporary workers didn't care about the attitude of Biyou Village at all.

For them, Chen Duo and Biyou Village were both the targets of their mission.

In the end, they were all "eliminated" together.

In the second half of the meal, some people had left their seats one after another.

Zhao Guizhen seemed to be unable to bear Xiao Zi's direct gaze, so he left early.

Xiao Zi left the table shortly after Zhao Guizhen left, and walked in the direction where Zhao Guizhen left.

Chen Duo didn't seem to like the feeling of eating with so many people, so she got up and left.

Ma Xianhong originally thought that it would be unsafe for Chen Duo to leave alone, and wanted to arrange for the other upper-level talents to follow.

However, Lu Lingfeng also got up and left with Chen Duo at this time, so Ma Xianhong didn't say anything again.

He felt that Lu Lingfeng would not harm Chen Duo.

Lu Lingfeng caught up with Chen Duo, walked beside her, and asked: "Chen Duo, have you thought of the answer to the question I asked you last time?"

"If you were given a choice, would you rather work from nine to five like an ordinary person? Or would you rather stay at home and play games every day?"

The choice Lu Lingfeng gave Chen Duo was not like the choice given by a temporary worker: be caught and sent back to the company or die.

In comparison, Lu Lingfeng's choice was much gentler.

This also added options that Chen Duo did not originally have for her to choose.

Chen Duo's eyes seemed a little hesitant, and she asked slowly: "Brother Lu, can I really choose these two choices?"

Chen Duo felt like someone suddenly came to ask you one day: Do you choose to be the president of M country or the prime minister of R country?

This was impossible for her previous life.

Lu Lingfeng nodded and gave her a positive answer, "Not only can you choose this time, you can choose freely in every matter in the future."

Chen Duo seemed to have not made up her mind yet, or she still had some concerns, "Brother Lu, I want to think about it carefully."

This choice was precious to her, and she didn't want to give an answer easily.

Lu Lingfeng nodded and agreed, but still told her that it would be better to make a choice quickly because time might not be much.

At the same time, Xiao Zizai was following Zhao Guizhen not far behind, but he seemed to feel that there was another group of people nearby, and his face showed a bitter and resentful expression.

Xiao Zizai murmured to himself: "Is there anyone who wants to steal my food?"

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