The two of them were in a mess.

When Xiao Zizai heard the voice, he turned around and found Lu Lingfeng not far behind him.

The masked man was also panicked this time. If he continued to fight like this, more and more people from Biyou Village would come, and the situation would become increasingly unfavorable to him.

At this time, the best choice for him was to retreat.

The masked man used the strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries to bear Xiao Zizai's palm, and at the same time, he used a punch to force Xiao Zizai back.

Taking advantage of this gap, he also planned to catch Zhao Guizhen, wanting to see if he could take Zhao Guizhen with him.

However, how could Lu Lingfeng give him this opportunity? A thunderbolt illuminated the night and struck the masked man's head.

But it was not known whether Lu Lingfeng made a mistake or the masked man dodged at the critical moment.

The thunder only smashed his mask and singed a few strands of hair, but did not hit his head.

The masked man realized that his appearance was exposed to the two of them, so he turned around and hurriedly retreated into the forest.

It was a pipe dream to take Zhao Guizhen away now, so he could only find another opportunity to attack.

Seeing the masked man fleeing in a panic, Lu Lingfeng and Xiao Zizai did not chase him.

Xiao Zizai walked to Zhao Guizhen and kicked him with his foot, "Are you okay? Are you not going to die?"

Although Xiao Zizai's kick was a bit rough, the concern in his words was very sincere.

Zhao Guizhen took a breath, slowly got up and thanked Xiao Zizai, "I'm fine, thank you Mr. Xiao for helping me."

But he was thinking in his heart whether Xiao Zizai had heard his conversation with the masked man just now?

If he had heard it, should he find an opportunity to silence him?

But no matter what, he couldn't leave Biyou Village recently. After all, the masked man would be worried if he stayed in Biyou Village.

Hearing Zhao Guizhen say that he was fine, Xiao Zizai nodded with satisfaction.

If Xiao Zizai knew that Zhao Guizhen was still thinking about silencing him, Xiao Zizai would probably be happier.

After such a thing happened, Zhao Guizhen didn't dare to live in his own home, and hurriedly prepared to report to Village Chief Ma about his assassination.

The three of them found Village Chief Ma together and told him about the masked man entering the village. Ma Xianhong frowned.

If Xiao Zizai hadn't rescued Zhao Guizhen, Ma Xianhong would have thought that it was the people in the company who kidnapped Zhao Guizhen.

But now the situation has become more complicated. Is there another force in the village who wants to make trouble?

Ma Xianhong thought for a moment and said to Zhao Guizhen with concern: "Master Zhao, do you think that man might be targeting you personally?"

Zhao Guizhen nodded. He couldn't tell Ma Xianhong that he had killed 7 boys. He could only vaguely say that he was looking for personal revenge.

Ma Xianhong nodded. If that was the case, the situation might be simpler. "Master, why don't you move to my weapon refining room? I can still protect you."

Zhao Guizhen looked embarrassed. He wanted to get Ma Xianhong's protection.

But he was afraid that the masked man would reveal his ugly deeds to Ma Xianhong when he appeared again.

This made Zhao Guizhen feel embarrassed.

The scene suddenly fell into a quiet embarrassment. At this time, Xiao Zizai took the initiative to speak: "Why don't you let me live with Master Zhao."

Zhao Guizhen's eyes lit up and thought that this was also a way. He took the opportunity to test whether Xiao Zizai had heard of his ugly deeds of killing people.

If he heard it, the two of them lived together, and he would have more opportunities to get rid of Xiao Zizai.

Xiao Zizai smiled kindly at Zhao Guizhen, so he had a reason to keep staring at Zhao Guizhen.

Ma Xianhong had no other choice but to agree with the two.

After Lu Lingfeng and Xiao Zizai came out of Ma Xianhong, they shook off Zhao Guizhen and turned to the temporary workers.

He told the temporary workers about the encounter with the masked man tonight.

After listening to the two people's story, Zhang Chulan took the lead in asking questions: "Brother Xiao, you said that the man could tie with you with just some ordinary tricks?"

In this way, the man's strength should be hidden a lot.

How strong is the real strength?

This kind of person should not be an unknown person, right?

Xiao Zizai nodded. The man's moves really didn't have any characteristics, at least he didn't see it.

Wang Zhenqiu took out a few pieces of white paper from his body, and also took out a pen, "Brother Xiao, didn't you say that you two saw the man's appearance

"Did you draw it? Draw it for us."

Xiao Zizai seemed a little embarrassed holding the brush, and handed in his answer sheet five minutes later.

The portrait of the suspect was circulated among the crowd, and finally Zhang Chulan said with a joking smile: "Brother Xiao, your painting skills are abstract."

Xiao Zizai's face twitched unconsciously, and everyone even thought that Lao Xiao blushed.

But to be honest, Xiao Zizai's painting was really terrible. It might be a bit of a compliment to say that it was abstract. It was no different from drawing a stick figure.

Everyone cast their eyes on Lu Lingfeng again, hoping that Lu Lingfeng's painting skills would not be so abstract.

Lu Lingfeng shrugged helplessly and took the white paper from Wang Zhenqiu. After the same five minutes, a sketch of the suspect appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Zhenqiu saw that the portrait was so lifelike, and couldn't help but put his hand on Lu Lingfeng's shoulder, "You are good, I didn't expect you to have such a hidden skill. "

Looking at Lu Lingfeng's painting skills, it is not much worse than that of professionals.

This is all thanks to the fact that Lu Lingfeng is a talisman master. Drawing talismans requires spatial imagination and control of the brush.

At this time, Zhang Chulan had taken a picture of the portrait drawn by Lu Lingfeng and posted it in the temporary workers' communication group.

Posting it in the group was naturally not for the people present, but for Er Zhuang, a temporary worker in the Northeast.

I have to admire Er Zhuang's high work efficiency. He found the corresponding information of the alien in about three or two minutes.

"Wang Junkai, an acquired alien, belongs to the side branch of the Wang family, is highly appreciated by Wang Ai, and works for the Wang Family Group. . . . "

The information was very detailed, and the temporary workers fell silent after reading it.

The first person to speak was Xiao Zizai. He thought about it and gave a positive answer: "If it is a member of the Wang family, it is normal. ”

Because the martial arts passed down by the Wang family is the art of painting - Shentu.

This method is not suitable for frontal combat.

Although the Wang family also has the Eight Wonders, such as the Soul-Binding and General-Sending Skills, it is thought that they will not be passed on to a side branch person like Wang Junkai.

"Why did the Wang family get involved in the affairs of Biyou Village? Are they enemies or friends?" Zhang Chulan couldn't help asking.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng's mind was floating outside of these things. He stared at Zhang Chulan's mobile phone and thought slowly.

Is Erzhuang, a temporary worker from the Northeast, in this mobile phone at this time? Can he use his ability to copy the enhancement talisman on the mobile phone?

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