The next few days everything went very smoothly, and Biyou Village was calm as if nothing had happened.

The temporary workers also mingled with the ordinary villagers, participated in their production and life, and shared some experiences with them from time to time.

Ma Xianhong did not disclose the identity of the temporary workers to the ordinary villagers, so the temporary workers also learned a lot about the situation in Biyou Village from the ordinary villagers.

In the past few days, Zhuge Qing was dragged by Ma Xianhong to repair his self-cultivation furnace.

Xiao Zizai followed Taoist Zhao Guizhen almost every step of the way, and people who didn't know thought they were close friends.

Lu Lingfeng, on the other hand, had nothing to do when he was free, but he went to see Chen Duo twice.

Today, Zhang Chulan found Lu Lingfeng and told him about the company's plan.

Tonight, the action will begin. The company has already sent a large number of people to encircle and suppress Biyou Village. Tonight is the day to eliminate Biyou Village.

Lu Lingfeng nodded. He had almost prepared everything he had planned at this time, and it was time to close the net.

Seeing that the villagers in Biyou Village were still as leisurely as usual, this might be the calm before the storm.

Lu Lingfeng turned and walked towards Chen Duo's residence. The seniors guarding the door also knew Lu Lingfeng and did not stop him.

After knocking on the door, Chen Duo's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Lu Lingfeng pushed open the door, and "Chen Junyan" (Chen Duo's dog) ran towards him with his tail wagging.

Lu Lingfeng touched the dog's head, took out a sausage from the Biyou Village cafeteria from his jacket pocket and threw it to Chen Junyan.

Then he walked to Chen Duo, "There is not much time left. This may be the last time I ask you. Have you made a choice?"

Chen Duo was sitting in her seat at this time, her face was very firm, "I have made a choice."

But soon she changed her tone, "The people in the company want to catch me back or kill me directly. Maybe it's useless for me to make a choice."

Lu Lingfeng seemed very relaxed, "They want you to die, but I can also choose a way to die for you. How about waiting to die of old age in a hundred years?"

Chen Duo was still a little hesitant, "Can people like me really choose to live an ordinary life?"

Lu Lingfeng gave her an affirmative look, "Of course, as long as you believe in me and believe in yourself."

Chen Duo seemed to have made up her mind, "I choose to be an ordinary person. It's also good to stay at home and play games every day."

She was lonely in the process of becoming a Gu body saint child, and she is now used to loneliness.

Being able to let her live freely is the best choice for her.

Lu Lingfeng nodded, and he was very glad that Chen Duo made the choice he wanted.

Or Lu Lingfeng was glad that Chen Duo made a choice with him instead of with the temporary worker.

As long as Chen Duo was willing to make a choice with Lu Lingfeng, no matter what she chose, Lu Lingfeng's goal would be achieved.

If Chen Duo chose to work from nine to five like a normal person, then Lu Lingfeng would arrange for her to work at Yiren Office.

If Chen Duo chose to stay at home and play games every day, then she would be arranged to look after the house at Yiren Office.

Then let Liu Yanyan fool her, wouldn't she still be working for Lu Lingfeng?

This is called different paths leading to the same destination, and no matter what, she can't escape the palm of the capitalist Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Lingfeng approached Chen Duo and whispered a few words in her ear, explaining how she needed to cooperate with him tonight.

After listening, Chen Duo looked at Lu Lingfeng with a surprised look, and finally nodded, indicating that she understood.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain where Biyou Village was located, a group of people from the Wang family were gathering together scratching their heads.

The middle-aged man Wang Junkai kicked the stone beside him and said sternly: "This Biyou Village is really weird."

He tried to sneak into Biyou Village several times in the past few days, but was discovered early by Ma Xianhong using the flying insect monitoring system.

Fortunately, he was quite agile, and several rounds of upper-level capture failed to stop him.

But if he keeps wasting time like this, when will he be able to catch Zhao Guizhen?

Even if he wants to waste time, Wang Ai will not give him so much time.

One of Wang's men said: "Brother Kai, otherwise we can just attack in one go, capture people and leave."

Wang Junkai sighed. This plan is indeed feasible. The strength of the people they brought this time is still

It is extremely strong.

Even if it cannot confront all the aliens in Biyou Village head-on, it is more than enough to catch them off guard.

If it is done that way, it is easy for someone to be left in Biyou Village and be caught and killed.

If the Wang family is found out, it will not be beautiful.

Wang Junkai hesitated for a moment and said, "I will try to sneak in by myself for the last time tonight. If they find us again, we will do as you say."

The night slowly fell, covering the entire Biyou Village.

In and outside the village, people's hearts were ready to move.

Lu Lingfeng had just walked out of Ma Xianhong's room. The two seemed to have talked about something, and it was a bit unpleasant.

As soon as he left the house, he saw Zhang Chulan also came to talk to Ma Xianhong.

The two exchanged glances without saying anything. Lu Lingfeng knew that this was the signal to start the action.

Zhang Chulan held Ma Xianhong back in the name of chatting, while the other temporary workers were responsible for subduing the superiors.

At the same time, they caused damage in the village, made a big noise, and then drove the ordinary people down the mountain.

Naturally, other people from the company were responsible for cleaning up the mess at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Zhao Guizhen and Xiao Zizai were sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the cool air.

Xiao Zizai took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. Zhang Chulan should have taken action, so he could start as well.

He turned and looked at Zhao Guizhen, "Master, what do you think about killing people?"

Zhao Guizhen's body froze when he heard Xiao Zizai's words. Did he really know that he had killed people?

He pretended to be calm and slowly said, "God has the virtue of loving life..."

But before he could finish, Xiao Zizai put his face close to him and asked again, "Master, do you really think so?"

Zhao Guizhen's cold sweat could not stop flowing from his forehead.

For some reason, Xiao Zizai always gave him a huge pressure. He must have known that he had killed seven children!

Zhao Guizhen only had one last thought in his mind at this time, that is, to kill Xiao Zizai, so that his secret could be hidden.

With this thought, Zhao Guizhen no longer hid it, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. While Xiao Zizai was close to him;

He directly mobilized the Seven Evils to turn himself into a monster.

Zhao Guizhen's body turned gray and black in an instant, and seven ferocious ghost faces seemed to grow on his body.

The ghost faces bit Xiao Zizai's limbs in an instant, and the huge force directly lifted Xiao Zizai up.

Zhao Guizhen didn't expect it to be so smooth. He said arrogantly: "Don't you want to know what I think about killing? When you are killed by me, maybe you will have a new understanding."

Zhao Guizhen's ghost faces dragged Xiao Zizai to the front of his body.

At this time, there was a ghost face with a bloody mouth on his belly, as if he wanted to swallow Xiao Zizai into his stomach.

Zhao Guizhen said arrogantly: "Just be prepared to be eaten by me bit by bit like this."

At this time, Zhao Guizhen's expression was really like that of a cannibal, ferocious and terrifying, and there was even a hint of joy in it.

Xiao Zizai had always wanted to eat Zhao Guizhen, so why didn't Zhao Guizhen want to eat Xiao Zizai?

However, there was no panic on Xiao Zizai's face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He even had the strength to stretch out his right hand to push the glasses on his nose, and then, as if stretching his muscles, he directly broke free from the restraints of the seven evil spirits.

"Friend, you really make me a little excited."

Xiao Zizai stretched out his two hands while speaking, and directly crushed the two ghost faces that had just bitten his shoulders.

Zhao Guizhen had never seen such a scene before, and he was so scared that he retreated and fell to the ground.

"Don't come over here. I can turn myself in and atone for my crime."

For some reason, he was more reluctant to fall into Xiao Zizai's hands than to be caught by the company.

Xiao Zizai approached Zhao Guizhen step by step.

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