Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 108: Decisive battle, a mountain of alien corpses buried in the dragon veins! 100,000 words,

After hearing that a decisive battle was about to take place, everyone was quite impressed by the leader of the Tiandihui during the Qing Dynasty.

Zhao Fangxu was even more impressed.

"947 aliens, even the current company does not have so many."

"Plus, the population during the Qing Dynasty was several times smaller than ours, so these aliens must have occupied a considerable proportion of the total alien population at that time."

Feng Baobao continued to read.

[After the decisive battle was confirmed, I asked Daji to be the supervisor. If anyone had the idea of ​​escaping, he would be killed on the spot. ]

[The location of the decisive battle was set at the shooting range outside the capital. ]

[After hearing our proposal, the Luan Yiwei also readily agreed. They did not want to cause casualties to their masters. ]

[Before I went there, I checked the area and found that the Qing army had ambushed 5,000 elite cavalry and 5,000 musketeers. As I expected, the Qing court was not the kind of people who kept their words. ]

[You can only blame your bad luck, don't blame me for killing you. 】

【Then I stood at the upwind position, using the awakened powers of the Blue Fairy Method and the Red Fairy Method to directly create a large amount of poisonous fog to cover the Qing army. 】

【And under the cover of my poisonous fog, 5,000 elite cavalrymen and 5,000 elite musketeers of the Qing army all died. 】

【But this also caused my origin to be damaged, and my combat power was less than one-third of the peak period. 】

【I am afraid that it will be difficult to deal with the decisive battle tomorrow in a perfect state. 】

Zhang Chulan was puzzled by the use of supernatural powers to damage the origin.

"Why is this the case? I use the Thunder Method and the Golden Light Curse at the same time and it will not hurt the origin. What is going on now?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's question, Xu San on the side gave the answer.

"Because this is not his technique, but his innate ability."

"I have innate abilities myself. Once I realize that I can no longer use my telekinesis, I will fall into a long period of weakness."

"It's like drawing water from a well. You need water before you can draw new water. But if you use up the water for drawing water, it will be extremely difficult to draw new water again."

"Tsk tsk, so that's what's going on."

After Zhang Chulan sighed, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[The news that I massacred all the Qing troops quickly spread in the Qing court, and most of the aliens in the Imperial Guard were afraid of my strength. ]

[Because no alien could survive in front of these 5,000 Qing troops and 5,000 musketeers, let alone be wiped out. 】

【The Qing court misjudged my strength and sent many masters from various sects to come, including Zuo Ruotong from Sanyi Sect. At this time, his strength has reached the end of the second level. At the same time, because I cast Danxi on him, he can only rely on opening the three levels of reverse life to protect himself for the rest of his life. 】

【But this is not such a simple thing. It's like anal lifting exercise. Can you continue to do anal lifting for a lifetime? 】

【Not to mention the three levels of reverse life, which are countless times more complicated than anal lifting. 】

【Zuo Ruotong is really tired. Considering that we were once in the same sect, I can spare his life in the decisive battle! 】

Hearing Zuo Ruotong, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at his master.

"Master, do you think that the head of Sanyi Sect is as weak as your father said?"

The old Taoist priest shook his head.

"No, actually, during the Republic of China, the Zuo Menzhang was already the best."

"This is not just a boast, but a result of actual combat."

"All those Quanxing people, who met this Zuo Menzhang, are terrified."

At this time, Master Tian behind the old Tianshi said with a little sarcasm:

"To be disrespectful to this Zuo Menzhang, if you went out to attend a gathering of the righteous way and said that you were the disciple of Zuo Menzhang, even a passing dog would have to toast you a glass of wine!"

"You know, even my senior brother doesn't have such a reputation now!"


Zhang Chulan was stunned after hearing this.

He didn't expect that the prestige of this Zuo Menzhang during the Republic of China would be so high.

At this time, Jin Feng was also a little emotional when she heard Zhang Chulan and the others talking.

"Although I have never seen this Zuo Menzhang, I can see from the reaction of my companions that almost everyone is afraid of him."

Zhao Fangxu nodded at this moment.

"In fact, this is also because the Republic of China was a chaotic era. At that time, human lives were worthless. Only those who were fierce and ruthless could survive."

"Speaking of which, Grandma Jinfeng, joining Quanxing at that time was not actually the best choice."

"Can you tell us why you joined Quanxing in the first place?"

Grandma Jinfeng was stunned when she heard it.

She didn't expect that Zhao Fangxu would ask her this.

Thinking for a long time.

Grandma Jinfeng nodded.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. I just fell in love with our leader Wu Gensheng. I joined Quanxing for him."

Everyone looked at Grandma Jinfeng in front of them, and they didn't expect it to be such a reason.

As expected, love can make women blind.

But Zhang Chulan asked:

"Grandma Jinfeng, do you know where Wu Gensheng went in the end?"

"Why do I feel that this leader Wu Gensheng is still alive now?"

Jinfeng shook her head.

"I haven't seen him for many years. Speaking of which, I almost forgot what he looked like. I only remember his voice."

"And over the years, people of the older generation have died one after another, and he has never come back to see him. So I feel that there is definitely something going on that we don't know about."

"But I have been investigating for a long time, but I can't even find any clues about the leader."

Speaking of which.

Grandma Jinfeng was a little sad, obviously brooding over this matter.

Seeing this scene, everyone was too sensible and stopped asking questions.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[The day of the decisive battle soon came, and I watched the war between aliens and aliens. 】

[At the same time, he also took the time to kill dozens of first-class masters. 】

[As for Zuo Ruotong, I have to say that he is a thief, or maybe he saw that the Qing government was exhausted. He just left the battlefield after meeting each other, which made me look at him with admiration. . 】

[This is the true person who knows the current affairs and is a hero! 】

Everyone looked in disbelief when they heard that the left leader had just met him and then ran away.

Good guy.

Is it so anticlimactic?

At least you should resist.

Jinfeng was also a little confused.

Later, the world-famous Zuo Menzhang actually had such a dark history.

Really are……

[In the end, after five days and four nights of fighting, we won this victory against Luan Yiwei. Unfortunately, some people escaped along the way. 】

[Now that my long-cherished wish has come true, I feel a sense of loss in my heart. 】

[And Daji told me that foreigners are the beings that Heaven loves. Burying all the corpses of foreigners on the battlefield into the main dragon vein in the middle of China can give birth to countless heroes in the future to save the coming war. Troubled times. 】

[I listened to what Daji said and used the bite bag to put all the corpses of the aliens on the battlefield into it. 】

[Let the leaders of the Tiandihui handle the remaining aftermath, and I rushed towards the main dragon vein with Daji without stopping. 】

[After arriving at the main dragon vein in the middle of China, I piled the corpses of the aliens into two piles and arranged them in different directions. If those who follow me are put together, future generations will have long blessings. If they are placed together with those who follow the Qing court, future generations will be unlucky. Disaster. 】

Hear what the note owner has to say.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill.

When you are alive, you can enjoy the blessings of the Qing Dynasty, but after your death, your descendants will suffer. This is a huge loss!

[After doing all this, Daji returned to Changbai Mountain Tianchi, and I also returned to the Tiandihui, giving up the position of chief rudder to Pei Nantian, the rudder I trust most. 】

[I felt relieved for a moment. 】

[This period of being the chief helmsman of the Tiandihui has been so tiring, and now I can finally take a break! 】

Hearing the name Pei Nantian.

Zhao Fangxu immediately looked at Secretary Wang on the side.

"Xiao Wang, check to see if there was a person named Pei Nantian before the Tiandihui."

"Yes, Director Zhao."

After Secretary Wang finished speaking, he began to search on his computer.

"Director Zhao, according to Hongmen information, this Pei Nantian served as the chief rudder of the Tiandihui from 1907 to 1912."

"Later, the Tiandi Society was reorganized into Hongmen, and Pei Nantian chose to resign and disappeared."

When they heard that it happened to be the year when the Qing Dynasty fell, everyone couldn't help but feel that there must be a hidden secret.

But more than a hundred years have passed, and it is no longer possible to investigate.

Zhao Fangxu looked at Xu Si at this time.

"Xiao Si, next you ask Zhang Chulan and Bao Bao to go to Hongmen to see if there are any clues about the owner of the notebook."

Xu Si nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, originally I wanted them to go to Hongmen."

"That's good."

Afterwards, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[After losing the protection of Luan Yiwei, the Qing court became less and less powerful day by day. In the end, the Queen Mother Longyu handed over the power, but she died in depression the next year. 】

[During this period of time, I have been studying the dragon-slaying technique, thinking about how to perfectly cut off the hidden dragon vein. 】

[While I was studying dragon-slaying techniques, I unexpectedly learned that Chen Yulou had taken advantage of the chaotic period of the Qing Dynasty's demise to establish Changsheng Mountain and support a warlord, Luo Laowai. 】

[Controlling hundreds of thousands of thieves and thieves in the 613 provinces of the South, Seven and North, all those with names in the green forest were at the command of Changsheng Mountain, and for a time the momentum was so great that it could not be increased. 】

[I know that this is what the hidden dragon vein brought to him, but I haven't found a suitable method yet. In addition, these thieves have not done anything too extraordinary under his control, so I can only let it go. . 】

Hearing that Chen Yulou's power was so great, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"Strong, really strong!"

"I didn't have much idea about this underworld leader before, but after hearing about it today, I have a general idea."

"With this kind of strength, it was not impossible to say that he could unify the country at that time."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he thought about dragon veins.

The notebook I heard in the United States made it clear that Chen Yulou had run out of steam around 20 years ago.

But having such an opportunity to shine is a life well spent.

Dr. Xia then said:

"I mainly study the history of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. I have studied Chen Yulou for a while."

"He made his fortune purely by robbing tombs. He dug up a lot of antiques and accumulated his first pot of gold."

"And this man is different from other gangsters. Other gangsters are short-sighted and have no tomorrow."

"But he is very organized in doing things, and all his plans are carried out step by step."

"At the same time, as far as I know, he recruited many extraordinary people at that time, including Hua Maguai, Hong Girl, Kunlun Moler, etc., and even the leader of the Three Demon Sect in the Republic of China was recruited under his command."

"It can be said that there are many extraordinary people under his command."

"Then he used smuggling to Fire, reselling opium to expand his business, his shadow can be seen in the military and political circles of the Republic of China. "

"If we follow the current saying, then this Chen Yulou is the Rockefeller family of the United States today. Although it is not obvious on the surface, the power that can be mobilized behind the scenes is beyond everyone's imagination."

"It's a pity that the good times did not last long. In 1924, for some unknown reason, he sold all his property and went to another country and never came back."

"His power was only a flash in the pan in those ten years."

Listening to Dr. Xia's explanation, everyone also had a yearning expression.

The life of this Chen Yulou is really legendary.

Feng Baobao continued to read the rest of the notes at this moment.

[Ya Kan found me at this time and began to ask me for the remaining two magic tools, which are the two jade dragon pots I left in the Five Immortals Sect.]

[Now because of the huge sacrifices in the previous battle against the Luan Yiwei, almost no one is willing to join the cooking club in these years. ]

[Even if Yakan can turn the other party into an alien, the same is true. After all, the temptation of becoming an alien is far less than the fear of death. ]

[What's the matter with becoming an alien? There's nothing left when you die. ]

[So now those who join the cooking club are opportunists. ]

[After letting Yakan turn them into aliens, they choose to leave the cooking club and don't take Yakan seriously at all. ]

[For this matter, Yakan is angry day and night, and he can't find a solution no matter how hard he thinks. ]

[Just when Yakan had no choice, the snake god soul in the kitchenware told him that there were two magic tools with me. As long as these eight magic tools are gathered together, and then use these eight magic tools to make a dish, people can control the other person's mind when they eat it. ]

[I was also surprised by the sudden appearance of the snake god soul, because the main soul of this snake god has obviously left the real space, but it can still communicate with the outside world through the remaining soul. ]

[I can only say that I still underestimated this ancient snake god. 】

【After thinking about it, I decided to agree, because I wanted to see what tricks this snake god could do! 】



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