Chapter 259

As Riftan Calypse entered the banquet hall, all the parrot-like chattering of the people died down. Anatol’s lord exuded an overwhelmingly eerie aura of intimidation as he strode across the hall full of tension.

A mix of intense curiosity, fear, and admiration reflected on the faces of the ladies gazing discreetly at his face filled with indifference. The ladies covered their blushing faces with their fans, whispering things in each other’s ears while the men silently held their breaths in a mix of fear and astonishment.

The first time he set his foot in Drakium Castle, not one noble had the intention to accept a beast who dared to enter their territory. However, now is a different story. Those who have rejected him and even openly insulted him are placed in a situation where they must fend for themselves.

Riftan Calypse rose into one of the most powerful lords of Whedon in just a few years. He forged strong allegiances with the lords of the Southern continent and is currently expanding his influence spherically to the northern and western regions. The momentum of rise was so parabolic that even the eastern nobles who tried to interfere with it had long since surrendered.

The younger nobles were scrambling to strike a conversation with the legendary knight while the more conservative ones silently retreated to the hall’s corners.

Despite that, Riftan did not bat an eyelid to the people’s reactions. He strode straight to the end of the hall—towards the arched door without sparing a glance at the people who were looking curiously at him or eager to get a chance to talk to him. When he reached the door, he spoke in a dry tone to the servant who was guarding it.

“I have come here to see His Majesty. Announce my arrival.”

The servant immediately ran into the room to relay the announcement. After a moment, the permission to enter was granted and Riftan strode into the room, his reddish-brown cloak gracefully swaying behind him. Ruben the third, who was sitting leisurely on a velvet-lined chair greeted him with a crooked smile.

“You’re late. Is it because there’s no need for you to gain my favor anymore?”

Riftan’s lips cynically twisted as he glanced at the congratulatory gifts piled beside the king’s seat.

“I think the other vassals have established enough prestige for the royal family even if you exclude me…”

“That does not mean you have the right to slack off on your obligations.”

The king grumbled with a frown and motioned for Riftan to sit on the chair opposite his. As he sat down, a servant immediately came to give him a glass of wine. Ruben was first to take a sip from his cup then continued to speak like a troubled child.

“Today is the last day of celebration. I was half-resigned into thinking that you might not be attending.”

“I thought that it would be better for me not to attend.”

King Ruben raised an eyebrow at his cold reply. Riftan’s eyes were looking down at the glass of wine and continued his words in a calm manner.

“I wanted to avoid running into that man as much as possible. Since we are celebrating the Crown Prince’s birth, shouldn’t we avoid having any bloodshed?”

The king shook his head at Riftan’s violent words.

“Oh heavens. Isn’t knocking out all the Duke of Croix’s teeth enough?”

The king leaned deeper in his chair and sighed deeply.

“Haven’t you already intimidated him enough? Your influence now is more than enough to threaten the Duke of Croix. Looking on the other side, the duke’s momentum could not be compared to what it was before. He’s now older, more nervous, and paranoid. His health had declined by much as well to the extent that he appears miserable. Although the Duke won’t admit it even with a knife against his neck, he is terribly afraid of you. It’s not unreasonable for him to feel as such after all the threat you’ve said to him. Didn’t you recently send a box with human necks inside to the Duke of Croix?”

“Those were the necks of all the assassins he sent.”

Riftan responded indifferently.

“I just gave him back what I received.”

“You’re slowly killing the man by drying up his blood in fear.”

The king filled his cup again as a smirk crept on his lips.

“I think it would have been more merciful for the Duke if you had killed him two years ago.”

At the king’s sarcastic remark, a cold flame flashed over Riftan’s distant eyes. The incident was not something to joke about for Riftan, he is remorseful towards the royal family for intervening with Anatol’s declaration of war against the duke. Riftan held his glass of wine tightly as if to suppress his boiling temper and harshly delivered his words.

“I didn’t know that His Majesty cared so much for the man. In the past ten years, didn’t His Majesty use all sorts of tactics to bring down the Duke’s influence? Even my wife, who just returned from suffering on a battlefield, was used by His Majesty as a weapon to hurt that man’s reputation. Your Majesty, are you now having sympathy for that man?”

“Are you going to subject me again to a long torture over that matter?”

The smile had disappeared from King Ruben’s lips, his face hardened, and he set his glass down roughly, making a banging sound.

“Will you finally let the matter go if I kneel in front of you?”

“There is only one thing that I ask of you, Your Majesty.”

Riftan spat out his words.

“Please do not ever intervene between me and the Duke of Croix. There is no tolerating it again if His Majesty steps forward and mediates between that man and me.”

“Are you threatening me right now?”

“I’m asking you for a favor.”

Ruben, who was glaring bewilderingly at him, suddenly let out a long breath.

“Even if you don’t growl at me like that, I will never get between the two of you again. I myself don’t want to go through such trouble again. I have no intentions of meddling in whatever the two of you are doing behind my back as long as you don’t delve into things like war or trial.”

Then, the king drank his wine in one breath and looked at Riftan’s marble-like face as if to read his mood.

“However, if you neglect your duty as a vassal citing your hostility against the duke, it will be a different story. You are now a reputable lord who represents the southern region. If you neglect your obligations to the royal family, the loyalty of the other nobles towards the royal family will be shaken—not to mention the knights who are worshipping the incarnation of Uigru.”


“From now on, a lot of people will make a great deal of whatever you do and the words that come out of your mouth. I am very concerned about what your reluctant attendance to the Crown Prince’s birth celebration will look like to the nobles.”

“…Am I not being severely criticized for being late this once.”

Riftan’s lips twisted cynically.

“I have no intentions of having an ill-relationship with the royal family. If that is what His Majesty is worried about, then let me take this opportunity to make it clear. No matter how great my influence and reputation grow, I am a vassal and a knight ordained by His Majesty. That fact will never change.”

The king’s golden eyes lingered on Riftan’s face as if trying to detect a lie in his words. After a moment of silence full of tension, the king’s posture relaxed and he let out a dry laugh.

“If that is so, you should let the people know. Show them that you truly are one with celebrating the birth of the Crown Prince.”

“…I’ll do my best.”

The king raised an eyebrow as if his answer did not please him at all then clicked his tongue and waved his hand at him.

“Alright. You may leave now.”

Riftan bowed his head at the king then went out to the banquet hall once again. Then, everyone in the room who was chattering loudly all grew silent. Riftan ignored their glances and entered the arched door situated at the left side of the hall.

In the dome-shaped hall filled with colorful patterned rugs, nobles dressed in silk and fur were gathered and conversing with each other. Princess Agnes, who was the lead of the conversations, was in the center and smiled brightly upon seeing him.

“Calypse, you came.”

“It’s been a while, Her Majesty the Princess.”

After excusing herself from her relatives who she was chatting with, she approached him elegantly. Riftan found it strange to see the princess in a loose-fitting dress then turned to the person who was standing next to her. A young man with bright golden eyes and a face similar to Agnes was looking at him with curiosity. Just by looking at the young man, he knew his identity without even bothering to hear his name. Riftan bowed lightly.

“It’s been a while, His Majesty the Prince.”

“It’s been a while, Lord Calypse.”

The young prince held out a hand to gesture a welcome.

“Isn’t this our first time seeing each other again since I was little? Thank you for coming all the way here.”

“Forgive me for not coming here sooner. As a gift of congratulations, I have brought you horses from Rakasim. I hope His Majesty will like my gift.”

“From Rakasim?”

A bright smile spread on the prince’s lips. Riftan looked at his young boyish face curiously. Elias Ruben appeared so youthful with his marble-white skin and slender build that it was hard to believe that he had just become the father of a child. The prince then exclaimed excitedly.

“What’s their breed? And the color of their mane? Since Lord Calypse has chosen them, they must be of great lineage, yes?”

Agnes, who was standing next to him, shook her head as if her brother was absurd.

“You appear more joyful to receive those horses than when Abel was born.”

“Of course Abel is adorable. He resembles his mother so of course he’s bound to be endearing.”

The prince spoke in a tone that seemed to resemble a child boasting about a puppy he received as a gift then smiled.

“However, he’s too small for me to ride and get around.”

The prince joked.

“You’re killing me.”

The princess glared at her brother then turned her gaze back to Riftan.

“Thank you for coming all the way here. The baby’s room is that room over there. Would you like to see him?”

Riftan then nodded slowly. The prince appeared like he was dying to see the horses but could not turn down his sister’s urge and started to take the lead.

He went into the room situated at the end of the hall and pushed the thick veil that hung over the entrance. Then, they saw Rosetta Ruben sitting on a couch lined with thick cushions, being attended to by the maids.

She raised her head and gave them an indifferent look. She was elegantly dressed in a rose-colored dress with her hair that was gleaming with a silver glint groomed neatly. She looked supremely noble and dignified. The Prince then approached her and exclaimed cheerfully.

“Rosetta, Lord Calypse has come to celebrate the birth of Abel.’

The princess’ stern turquoise eyes turned towards Riftan. His face then hardened when he observed that her eyes looked around as if she was searching for someone. Rosetta licked her lips as if to ask about his wife but appears to have changed her mind and turned to her husband.

“The child just fell asleep. Please lower your voices.”

Rosetta, who spoke in a cold tone, took the newborn child from the maid and cradled him in her arms. The Prince who seemed used to his wife’s cold attitude merely shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Riftan.

“Abel is no different from a little devil when he’s awake. He has such a loud voice; he may be a tremendous tyrant when he grows up.”

Then, he leaned down to look into the face of his son who was sleeping soundly. Contrary to his light words and actions, there was a deep affection seen in his eyes as he looked at his newborn child. The Prince tickled the baby’s chubby chin and smiled joyfully.

A sigh of relief escaped from Agnes’ lips as they watched the scene. Her younger brother, whom she had reunited with after years, grew up to be a rightful person compared to his serpent-like father. Seeing how the prince hid his true self behind a humorous façade, she felt a little relieved as she was worried about Abel’s wellness if he behaved differently. It also seems that the Prince and Rosetta share a good relationship.

Contrary to the rumors spreading that the Prince and Rosetta don’t get along well, the two appeared to be affectionate with each other. Agnes had a happy smile on her lips as she watched the picture perfect scene.

At that moment, Riftan’s shadowed face by the entrance caught her eyes. As Agnes was about to approach him to invite him to see his nephew up close, he stiffened. A clear look of pain flashed in Riftan’s eyes as he watched the Crown Prince, Rosetta, and their newborn son from a distance. It was as if they had all turned into daggers and had cut him into pieces. Agnes was startled by the wretched expression etched on his face and reached out her hand to touch his arm.

“Riftan, are you alright?”

Ritan flinched and harshly shook off her hand. Everyone’s eyes then flew towards them at his violent reaction. Agnes smiled as if there was nothing that happened and spoke softly.

“You look exhausted, Lord. You must be tired from travelling all the way here, please proceed to your room and rest.”

Riftan lowered his eyes as if to hide his feelings and nodded slowly.

“It’s late, please excuse me.”

As if sensing the tense atmosphere, the Prince nodded without a word. Riftan bowed lightly, turned around, and left the room. Agnes then immediately followed after him.

“Are you really alright?”

“What do you mean?”

Riftan spoke in a dry tone, keeping his gaze straight ahead. Agnes bit her lips at his cold attitude. They walked silently for a long time and when they reached a deserted hallway, the princess opened her mouth to speak again.

“There seems to be an exchange between the World Tower and the Church recently. I am not exactly sure what the exchange is about but I’m thinking that they’re probably communicating information about the monsters that began to rise in numbers again.”

Riftan stopped in his tracks. Agnes, who was reading his hardened face, chose her words carefully.

“Once the World Tower and the Church begin to actively exchange with each other, the tower’s regulations will relax. If that is so, you will be able to communicate freely with their wizards in training. If you want to, I can soon relay to Maximillian…”

“Please stop it with the useless meddling.”

Riftan turned towards her and spat out his words harshly. Agnes reflexively took a step back. Riftan, who was glaring at her with such cold eyes, spoke his words in between his gritted teeth.

“I don’t need any of your intervention. If you dare to step between me and my wife again, I won’t let it slide.”

At the end of his threatening, muffled, sentence, she could not utter any word and could only keep her mouth shut. Riftan turned away from her with a swish and walked out of the hallway. Agnes let out a deep sigh at his stubborn attitude.

After Maximillian Calypse had left for the World Tower, Riftan drew all his focus on gaining power. The means he used to earn the allegiance of the southern lords were astonishing.

Riftan was more than willing to engage in subtle political maneuvers, threats, and economic pressures. As a result, he was able to seize not only the loyalty of the southern nobles but also of the western nobles with one hand. His terrifying parabolic momentum is stirring up concerns in the Drachium Palace.

Her closed lips quivered. She braced herself for the certainty that he would resent her for sending Maximillian to the World Tower to prevent a trial. However, she may have miscalculated that he would eventually forgive her overtime.

Agnes cast one last look at Riftan’s back then turned around helplessly.

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