Chapter 065 In the pond, the ghost drags its feet! 【Seeking flowers for collection】|Uncle Nine: A coffin fungus, sleep for a hundred years|Uncle Nine: A coffin fungus, sleep for a hundred years Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Not long after, the brigade came to the edge of the pool.

At this time, the lighting team has set up lights, and under the illumination of the lights, half of the pool is like daytime, and the other half is plunged into darkness, which looks very strange.

“Director, how is the lighting arrangement?”

When the lighting engineer saw the director coming, he asked with a smile.

The director nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, it’s so interesting.”

At this time, the actor and assistant director came over in a hurry: “Director, the martial arts who play ghost shadows are quitting, what should I do now?”

“Don’t do it? Why don’t you do it?”

The director was furious, “Didn’t he just go into the water and walk through the play?”

The actor and assistant director hesitated for a long time before whispering: “He said the water is not clean.”

“Isn’t it clean? Isn’t this water pretty clean?”

The actor and assistant director glanced left and right, and whispered, “No, director, there is something dirty in the water.”

“Grass! I’m talking about dirty…”

When the director said this, he immediately understood the meaning of the actor and assistant director, and lowered his voice: “You mean, that kind of dirty thing?”

The actor assistant director nodded.

The director was instantly exasperated, and rushed to Acheng, not far away, and said, “Acheng, come here.”

Ah Cheng came over, “Director, what’s the matter?”

“Acheng, I heard that the martial arts who played ghost shadows are quitting? What’s the matter? You said that there are dirty things in the pool, do you believe it?”

Acheng smiled: “Of course I don’t believe it.”

“Then you quickly find someone to mount it.”

A Cheng’s face showed a look of embarrassment, and it took a long time to say: “Director, something strange happened just now, and the brothers are very scared and dare not go into the water.”

“What do you mean? Then this scene will not be filmed? Do you know that this ghost will play a very important role, do you understand the link between the above and the next?”

Acheng smiled to cover up his embarrassment: “Director, I didn’t say no, I was just about to discuss with you, can this scene be filmed during the day?”

“During the daytime? Are you not sick? This is a night show. Whose ghost do you see appearing in the daytime? Besides, if you want to continue the show, you let Chu Renmei’s wound in the evening be cleaned the next day? Emotional audience It’s not you who is scolding!”

Ah Cheng resisted the anger in his heart and smiled: “Director, listen to what I have to say. Night scenes can also be shot during the day.”

The director was startled. As a newcomer, he obviously didn’t understand this, so he asked the lighting engineer who was busy beside him.

“Third brother, can night scenes be filmed daily?”

The lighting engineer said: “Director, it is possible to shoot at night and day, but at noon, when the light is the most abundant, adjust the aperture or add a light reduction filter to complete it, but in the later stage, it is necessary to adjust the light and color, not only Not to mention the trouble, the cost of post-production is also increased, and the effect is not very good, no matter the texture and atmosphere, it is incomparable with night shooting.”

The director understood as soon as he heard it, and said to Acheng: “I heard it, the effect is not good, and it’s a waste of money. Since no one goes into the water, go ahead and I’ll give you a red envelope. In short, this scene must be shot at night. , and shoot it now!”

Acheng hesitated, then gritted his teeth: “Okay, I’ll go into the water!”

The director patted Acheng on the shoulder and said with a smile, “This is called professionalism.”

Then he said loudly: “Attention to all departments! Ready to shoot!”

At this time, the photographer came over and said, “Director, let’s shoot this scene separately. Shoot the ghost first, and then shoot the subjectivity of the heroine.”

Who knowsThe director waved his hand: “No, continuous shooting, so that the effect will be better and the interaction will be stronger!”

The photographer didn’t say anything anymore, turned to leave, but whispered in his mouth: Stupid! Don’t know anything, when you’re a paralyzed director!

Soon, the filming will officially start.

Chu Renmei, played by the female No. 1, came to the pool and put her feet into the water to clean the wound on her calf.

The director stared at the white scallop-like feet of the female No. 1 in the surveillance, and said to the field next to him: “Remember, let the photographer take a close-up of the female No. 1’s feet later.”

Female No. 1 was cleaning the wound, and suddenly saw a face slowly appear from the bottom of the water.

But No. 1 was horrified to discover that this face was not Acheng’s, but a strange, woman’s face.

His face was pale, his pupils were pitch black, exuding a sinister cold light, the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, revealing a strange smile.



The female No. 1 screamed in fright, sat on the ground with her buttocks, and then shrank back desperately.

“I go!”

At the same time, if the photographer was struck by lightning, he was so scared that he almost lost the camera.

Because the grimace he saw was not Acheng, but the face of a woman.

What’s weird is that the grimace the director saw on the monitor was not the face of a woman, but Acheng.


“Okay, Zi Yu did a good job. A Cheng’s ghost is also very good. This one is over! Pull A Cheng up!”

The director said loudly with satisfaction.

“Brother Cheng! Brother Cheng is gone!”

A few martial artists came up to the city, but they came up empty.

The other end of the wire rope is empty.

Acheng disappeared without a trace.

Just when the martial arts people fell into panic and shouted loudly, they were about to go into the water to catch people.

Ah Cheng shouted and climbed ashore from another part of the pool.

“There is a ghost!”

“There is a ghost!”

Hearing Acheng’s cry, both the female lead and the photographer felt their scalps go numb.

If only you see the grimace, it may be a hallucination.

But now, even Acheng says there are ghosts.

There must be ghosts!

At this time, the martial arts people are also heartbroken.

It’s definitely not a coincidence that Huazi and Acheng both said there were ghosts.

“What happened?”

The director heard the shouting and walked over quickly.

“Director, there are ghosts.”

“There are ghosts underwater!”

Ah Cheng panted, his face full of panic.

“I saw it too.”

Female No. 1 leaned forward trembling all over.

“Why didn’t I see it? Are you hallucinating?”

The director didn’t believe it, he suddenly thought of something and asked the photographer, “What about you? What did you see?”

The photographer swallowed his saliva and nodded nervously: “I saw it too, it’s an unfamiliar grimace.”

The director said, “Why did I see Acheng’s face?”

Female No. 1 said: “Director, it’s a strange face, or a woman’s face.”

The photographer immediately echoed: “It’s a woman’s face.”

The director’s face changed slightly, and suddenly said loudly: “Look at the playback.”

The photographer didn’t dare to take a breath and called up the playback.

What surprised the photographer and the female lead was that in the playback screen, a grimace slowly emerged, it was Acheng.

“What I said, you are hallucinating.”

The director breathed a sigh of relief, “It must have been a car accident on the road that cast a shadow on you. It’s just a car accident. There are not dozens of car accidents in a day, so make a fuss!”

Female No. 1 and the photographer looked at each other.

Are we really hallucinating?

Acheng suddenly said: “Director, I think it’s very evil, let’s go here today.”

“Yeah, director, let’s be here first today.”

Female No. 1 and the photographer and executive director also joined in.

According to this kind of thing, even if it is not really haunted, everyone is not in the state, and they should finish work early.

But who would have thought that the director had an extremely tough attitude: “No way! Too much time has been lost today, and only one third of the tasks in the announcement have been completed, so another shot must be made!”

Then he shouted to everyone: “Listen, let’s take another shot, no one is allowed to have an opinion, otherwise, it will be a big night waiting for you.”

Turned around and told the executive director: “Transition!”

The executive director did not dare to refute, and immediately said loudly: “Transition! The lighting team quickly set up the lighting! Props, have the scene been arranged?”


“Then what are you still doing, hurry up!”

Seeing everyone busy transitioning, with a weird sneer, from the director’sThe corner of his mouth flickered.

And this smile does not belong to the director at all.

But it looks like a woman’s smile, which is extremely weird.

Unfortunately, no one saw it at all.

The next scene is about Chu Renmei being bewildered by ghosts and seducing the doctor who is staying in the ancestral hall. When the two are making love, Chu Renmei’s husband appears with the villagers and beats the doctor to death.

And the person who plays the doctor is the director.

The crew didn’t know that a few days ago, Deng Huang killed his wife and died with his son in the ancestral hall, and there was even an incident in which a female ghost manipulated an evil ghost to start the killing.

After Zhao Xunzhu killed the female ghost, he specially called Wencai and asked the special task force to come over to deal with the aftermath, so the ancestral hall looked clean without leaving any traces.

The two wing rooms of the ancestral hall were used as on-site dressing rooms and monitoring rooms.

At this time, the director and the lead actress are putting on makeup.

In the yard, the lighting engineer was busy setting up lights and lighting, and the photographer was also carrying a camera to take a few empty shots to exaggerate the atmosphere.

The courtyard, which was originally brightly lit, suddenly fell into darkness.

At the same time, the camera captured a figure flashing across the roof of the ancestral hall.

Just when he forgot his fear and tried to capture it with a curious heart, suddenly, a pale grimace appeared in front of the camera.

“Hold the grass!”

The photographer took a few steps back in fright, and threw the camera to the assistant.

“This scene, you come to shoot!”

The assistant rarely had the opportunity to hold the camera, so he happily took over the camera at the moment.

“What’s going on? Why is there no electricity?”

The director, who had put on half of his makeup, walked out of the room angrily.

“Director, the generator suddenly broke down just now, and it is under repair.”

The voice of the lighting engineer sounded.

The dark yard and the successive strange incidents made everyone feel nervous.

An unreasonable irritability and anger grew in the bottom of my heart.

Most people directly want to give up the pick, but they also know that this is impossible.

 Don’t say anything else, just say that there is no shop in front of the village and no shop in the back of the village. If you really want to pick a pick, you can’t find a place to live.

All of them cursed secretly in their hearts: “Stupid director, it’s better to be haunted, and scare you to death!”


For the sake of the boss’s enjoyment, the following chapters are two chapters and one chapter!

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