Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 20

To Harry Potter, life at Hogwarts was new, everything around him was completely different from his previous life.

At the same time, in Harry's heart, there was still a dreamy feeling about all this, as if it were all like a dream.

And facing this fantastic and colorful magic world, in Harry's deep in one's heart, I want to seize it desperately. This made him hesitant about the next course.

But after a few lessons, Harry felt that the children from wizard families were not much different from him, and they were all on the same level.

In Hogwarts, each professor has a different character.

Professor McGonagall is very strict. In her class, no one can impudent. As a Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress, she is fair, strict and meticulous. Professor Flitwick of Charms is easy-going, and he also tells a few what a joke to make jokes in class, which makes the class burst into laughter.

As for the most anticipated Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the class, Harry felt that Professor Quirrell made this class what a joke. The class smelled of garlic and claimed to be trying to drive away Vampire. His scarf was a gift from an African Prince who thanked Quirrell for helping him get rid of the zombie zombie, but no one really believed what Quirrell said.

All in all seemed to be a pleasant existence and everyone was in harmony until...

potion class.

In the cold basement classroom, there are many bottles and jars all around, which are soaked in many taxidermy. The classroom seems to have never been exposed to sunlight, and everything around it seems to be cold and cold after hundreds of years.

potion class professor Severus Snape is a very eccentric person.

About this, Harry had heard other senior students talk about it before class, but Harry felt that no matter how biased Snape was, it wouldn't be too much.

It turns out that Harry was wrong.

"Harry Potter—" Snape held the roster, pausing when he read Harry's name, "Here's our new—famous character!"

The strange sound, combined with a sarcastic expression, made Draco Malfoy and his two valet under the seat laugh.

After Snape finished naming, he raised his eyes and looked at the students in the class. His eyes were black, icy and cold, empty like a black hole, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes, as if the person in front of him was like a Like a robot, without any emotion.

"You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of potion composition," he began, speaking in a voice almost a little higher than a whisper, but everyone heard him clearly every word spoken. Like Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape has the deterrent as easy as blowing off dust to keep the classroom in order. "Many of you won't believe it's magic since there's no silly waving of the wand here. I don't expect you to really appreciate the beauty of that slow simmering cauldron with white smoke and wafts of fragrance, You won't really understand the magical power that flows into people's blood vessels, the mind-blowing, mind-blinding magic power...

I can teach you how to increase prestige, brew glory, and even Stop death—but there's got to be one thing, and that's that you're not some of the idiots I've always met."

The class fell silent after Snape's short opening remarks. Harry and Ron raised their eyebrows and exchanged glances. Hermione Granger moved almost to the edge of the chair, leaning forward, looking eager to prove that she wasn't a fool.

Assistant Bentley Field, who was sitting at the back of the classroom, was writing quickly, presumably recording what Professor Snape had just said.


Snape said suddenly, "What would I get if I added the powdered root of asphodel to the infusion of wormwood?"

Hermione raised her head quickly. Get up.

Harry slightly startled, his face suddenly became weird, and then said uncertainly: "You can make a very powerful sleeping medicine, which is a drink of life and death."

Snape nodded slightly and continued, "If I had a very serious injury right now, what would you choose to heal me."

Hermione quickly raised her hand again.

Harry was stunned and thought, this is not right, that Ina Catlin student said that Professor Snape would ask him three questions, the first question is correct, why the second question Not right?

Snape looked at Harry's appearance and thought to himself that I just asked about the making of this child's life and death water. I answered it right, which is a difficult question. I should be able to answer this question easily, why can't I answer it? come up?

Snape wondered, "Forget it, it seems that fame has nothing to do with knowledge in the brain. Let me change the question. What is the use of the pus from the bubble stem?" This question is simple More, should be able to answer, right?

Hermione raised her hand quickly for the third time

Harry didn't know how to answer, and said honestly, "I'm sorry professor, I don't know." Harry glanced at Hermione next to him. , whispered, "But I think Hermione knows the answer, you can ask her."

"Put your hands down!" Snape roared at Hermione, and walked quickly to Harry, "Let me tell you. Well, to quickly heal an emergency trauma, you need white freshness. The pus from the bubble stem has a special effect on treating acne! Understand? Why don't you write it down?"

At this time, there was a rustling of groping quill and parchment, and Snape coldly said: "Potter, Gryffindor will deduct 1 point for you because you contradicted the teacher."

The potion class continued, But the situation of Gryffindor students has not improved.

Snape divides them into pairs and instructs them to mix and concoct a simple potion for scabies. Snape dragged his long black cloak around the classroom, watching them weigh dried nettles and smash the fangs of snakes. Almost all the students had been criticized, except Malfoy, who seemed to be Snape's favorite. s student.

Just as he was showing everyone how perfect Malfoy's way of cooking a tentacled slug was when a thick, acidic green smoke suddenly erupted from the basement room, and there was a loud hissing sound.

Neville somehow burned the inside of Seamus's cauldron one after another with air-conditioned white smoke. At the same time, all the potion in the pot condensed into ice cubes, apparently the potion was used up for refining.


Snape roared and waved his wand. A silver light film covered the cauldron, blocking the air-conditioning white smoke. out, "I think you probably put the porcupine quill in just after you took the pot off the fire, didn't you?" frightened. Seamus, who was next to him, was relatively close, and as soon as his fingers came into contact with the cold white smoke, a layer of cold frost immediately covered his fingers.

Snape glanced at Neville and said coldly, "Send him to the infirmary." Then he circled around Harry and Ron, who happened to be operating next to Neville.

"Potter, why didn't you tell him he couldn't add the porcupine quill right away? You thought he made a mistake to show you, okay? Gryffindor lost 1 point because of you."

It's so unfair, Harry was about to speak up when Ron kicked him in the back of the pot.

"Don't be fooled," he whispered, "I heard Snape is very unreasonable."

An hour later, as they climbed the stairs out of the basement, Harry's mind was tumbling. ,Depression. Gryffindor had been deducted two points for him in the first week of school, and he didn't know why Snape hated him so much.

At the same time, Harry was wondering about one thing, and that was Ina Catlin.

The little witch knew that Snape would test himself three questions, but only got one question right. She told herself to remind Neville to add the porcupine quill, and to add it quickly, but Seamus got hurt.

So weird?



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