Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 78

To be honest, Jason thought Lockhart's class was really bad.

In this first class, Lockhart gave all the students a test paper with a lot of questions on it.

Although Jason was mentally prepared for Lockhart's perfunctory class, he couldn't help but admire him when he looked at the test paper.

Not a single question on this paper is related to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, not a single knowledge point.

Last year, Quirrell was half-finished in his lectures, but Lockhart's papers were completely fan quizzes.

Looking at such a test paper, Jason didn't even know that he should admire Lockhart for seriously completing the perfunctory task given to him by Dumbledore, and to death he should admire his narcissism.

Perhaps both.

Jason feels that in the next school year, he needs to talk to Lockhart, and he should not come here to listen to the study.

Because I really can't learn any teaching skills.

Anyway, Jason is the leader of the study group now. He will hold a meeting when he is free to pass on the spiritual instructions distributed above.

But so far, Jason has not received instructions from the people above.

Jason also happens to be enjoying himself.

Halfway through the class, Jason walked to the lectern and told Lockhart that he didn't want to sit in.

Lockhart is also very reasonable in this regard, so Jason does not have to sit in and suffer.

But after this out the door, Jason doesn't know where to go.

Would you like to go to Hogsmeade to eat and drink?

Well, Jason thought Tox would really kill him if he went again.

After thinking about it, Jason decided to go to the library to read books for a while.

But halfway through, Jason saw an old man with silver beard and white hair walking towards him.

"What a coincidence, Jason." Dumbledore smiled kindly.

Jason eyelids twitched, laughed, and said, "Hello, Professor."

Dumbledore stroked his beard, his eyes narrowed, and he looked kind and kind.

"Why aren't you listening in?"

Jason startled, replied: "I don't think I can learn any teaching skills in Professor Lockhart's class."

When Dumbledore heard this, he held his stomach and laughed, and said, "Then you can talk to me for a while, now everyone is in class, and I am an old fogey."

Jason was silent for a moment, then said, "Can I say no?"

Dumbledore slightly startled, somewhat surprised, and after a moment, said, "That's fine."

Jason smiled apologetically and walked away with small steps.

But only a few steps away, Dumbledore shouted from behind, "Let's discuss the Dark Mark."

Jason step one stopped and turned his head. , looking at Dumbledore smiling.

The other party nodded

slightly, and then walked straight ahead.

Jason thought about it and finally followed along.

Dumbledore is back in his office.

Going to the rare beast stone statue at the door, Dumbledore said loudly: "Honey Flavoured Toffee."

After finishing speaking, the stone rare beast jumped aside, behind him The wall was cracked in half, revealing a spiral staircase.

Dumbledore strode up, with Jason obediently and honestly following.

In the office, Dumbledore glanced at an extremely old bird behind the desk, and finally walked to the glass case next to it.

"What would you like to drink, but I only have jasmine tea here." Dumbledore asked with his back turned.

Jason said, "I want a cup of tea."

Dumbledore took out the teapot, put in some jasmine, then filled the water and wand pointed it at the teapot.

Only the sound of gu lu gu lu could be heard, and there was steam coming from the mouth of the teapot.

After a while, Dumbledore poured himself a cup of tea and then another for Jason.

"Come on, sit down." Dumbledore took two cups of tea, walked to the sofa and sat down, put the tea on the coffee table, and then brought out a glass bowl, which was full of A large bowl of candy, "Have some candy, let's talk slowly."

Jason sat on the sofa, Dumbledore handed a candy, he took it, and ate it directly.

But as soon as he entered, Jason spit it out.

"It's so sour!" Jason frowned, quickly picked up the tea and took a big sip.

Dumbledore watched with a smile, and laughed when he saw Jason spit out candy.

"This was given to me by my former students, but it was so sour that I haven't eaten much, so I used it to entertain every student who came to my place." Dumbledore picked up a candy , put it under the nose, smell it, and put it back.

Jason felt a sour taste in his mouth, which lingered on, but it didn't hurt.

"Professor, do you have a way to remove the Dark Mark?" Jason asked.

To be honest, Jason doesn't really want to carry the Dark Mark any more.

However, Jason has been unable to eliminate it, and Grindelwald also said that there is no way.

Jason thinks that, besides Voldemort, maybe only Dumbledore can do it.

Dumbledore took a sip of tea, and said Not slow, Not fast, "I'll be honest with you, actually—呲" and took another sip of tea, "I can't help—呲."

Dumbledore put the teacup down and looked at Jason silently.

Jason startled, looking at Dumbledore, an idea came to his mind, that is to kill this old man!

However, according to the facts, it is impossible for Jason to kill Dumbledore, but he will be killed by Dumbledore instead.

Dumbledore rubbed the temple and said with a smile: "The professor asked me to come, is it possible that to be happy?"

Dumbledore heard the other party's tone He was not annoyed by the accusation, lightly said, "child, actually I just want to know something, such as Voldemort's situation."

Jason wanted to say "why should I tell you", but Without the courage, he said, "Professor, I don't know anything."

Dumbledore's expression did not change, but he said sincerely, "child, do you want to let the darkness rage?"

Jason's temples jumped, gritted his teeth and said, "Professor, I don't like hearing about light and dark things."

"Why? Do you really want to? …" Dumbledore said eloquently.


Jason stood up suddenly and shouted at Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore, can you stop talking about these big truths, it's not annoying!"

"Speaking these big truths all day, empty words, is to ask people to give You do things, and you want people to work for you, why should I do this!"

After speaking in one breath, Jason stood there panting with rage.

Dumbledore looked calm, not angry about it, just melancholy, and said: "For those innocent people to live in peace..."

"They can If I can't live in peace, it's none of my business. Even if I give them life and death, will they thank me? Why should I work for someone I don't know!" Jason said sarcastically, "And as far as I know, over the years, There are probably not many people who have always believed that you know who is not dead. Many people in Ministry of Magic think that you know who is dead, then he is dead. Even if Voldemort is really resurrected, as long as you don't fight against him, Voldemort won't move you easily, you can still live a stable life, you don't have to work hard for these things, endure hardships for nothing, and finally You're going to be rejected!"

Dumbledore was silent, looking deeply at Jason, laughed, and said, "Jason, you're really special."

Jason sullenly snorted, does not speak.

Dumbledore sighed, said: "Your things are very reasonable, but there are some things in the world, then someone must do it. If you don't go, then who will do it, I'll take whoever I am..."

Jason interjected: "Then do it yourself, no one will stop you. I just want to live a peaceful life. Quiet, and I don't want to get involved in those confrontations. There are so many wizards on the world, why should I be the one who fights, not the one who fights to protect me!"

"The greater the ability, The greater the responsibility, the child." Dumbledore said calmly, "you have enough power, then..."

"Then I have the ability to protect myself, even if it is a face. It's enough to protect yourself from danger." Jason said, "I don't want to do those laborious things, just do what you like!"

Dumbledore felt a little troubled, thought for a moment, and said: " Child, do you want to know why I'm fighting against the dark forces?"

Dumbledore's words were heartfelt and full of emotion.

Jason coldly snorted, thinking to himself: "I jumped from the astronomical tower today, and I wouldn't believe your nonsense!"



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