Underground Doctor

When you wake up, the other world.

Wood leakage date plugs in.

Warm on the ear, the earthy incense stirs through the nostrils.

"What... I don't know if I can sleep."

I get up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

Her eyelids are still heavy and she looks sumptuous around her.

Gradually, the scenery around me is clearly visible.

The area was a prairie, with stunning views to the point where it would look beautiful to the horizon.

"What, are you still dreaming... Do you want another night's sleep?"

Quietly close the lid and the sunlight is pleasant.

He was also trying to let go of consciousness

"Huh!!!!? No, no, you're crazy! Why the meadow? This is a dodgy show!

It's called the feel of soil, the feeling of the wind stroking your skin is too real.

Dreams like this put in thoughts and scratches that there is no way.

Follow your cheeks to confirm the pain.

I take out my phone, but it was out of range.

I wanted it to be a dream, but it was quickly shattering.

"Dude...... Do it. I don't think so, but no, not yet! It hasn't been decided yet. I want to go where people are, but 360 ° horizon or whatever torture!

Exhale and take one.

But staying here doesn't start.

Shabu-shabu, walking out toward beyond the horizon.

When it's been three hours since I started walking, woods appear around me.

At first it was seen as a potpout, but as we approached it was a forest with a rather large density of trees.

"I'm starving, I'm dying. Yesterday, I forgot all about the booze..."

My footing gets heavier because of my hunger.

Look around.

It fruited on the tree in front of me.

There were fruits like minkan.

I was hungry and near the limit.

Anything you could eat would have been fine.

I hurried to pick it out of the tree and tried to carry it to my peeled mouth.

"Hey! Brother, you shouldn't eat that because it's poisonous. And don't move there."

I hear a voice from behind me, stopping and looking back at the action I was about to put in my mouth.

There stood a man dressed like a holy knight in a silver plate.

It was quite heavily equipped and seemed difficult to move.

Look at that, I think it's the cosplayer over here.

The man comes running this way, pulling out the sword.

The behavior attracts Kaoru's expression.

Serious no matter where you look from.

He makes you think if you get cut off, you'll die. So he waves down his sword directly next to Kaoru.

My body was tense and I couldn't even move and I was standing on a bar.

Shh! And I made a noise, and something rolled.

Kaoru scratches the cold sweat on his back and looks at the slow sounder.

There, a spider 150 cm long had been slashed and torn in two.

The green liquid was freaking out and cramped as it blew out of her body.

"You were at Abu-ne's. Brother, this is Gracias Spider! He's highly poisoned. If this guy bit me, I'd be paralyzed in an instant, and then he'd eat me and go to the afterlife!

An old man with a holy knight cosplay comes to Kaoru with a good face.

"Oh, thank God..."

A slightly frightened face of incense.

"Here, it's all around. The Oren thing is, it's poisonous and you can't eat it... you know that, right?

Cain points to Oren's fruit.

"No, I'm sorry. I just got here. Then I thought you didn't know it was poisonous."

"Hmm... Really? No, good, good. The orange is actually poisonous. I don't know. If I was eating, I'd die of poison around me. If I hadn't passed through here, your brother would be dead. Hahaha."

Kaoru asked the old man who had a lavishly laughing Saint Knight cosplay where he was, grinning bitterly.

I also checked to see if my thoughts were correct.

"Hmm? This is [Sassara Prairie]. From here, through the woods to the east, it's the Grand Palace of the Great Labyrinth, right? You don't know that?

Listen to me, exhale inside.

This is neither Japan nor overseas.

I am reminded that it is a different world.

Return words with a makeup smile, not on your face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you very well. My brain spins when I'm hungry."

I say as I scratch my head.

"Then we'll rendezvous because we have my party ahead of us? There's rice too."

"Oh, my God, that's so helpful."

"We're each other when we're in trouble, right? I'm Ilga Orcs. What's your brother's name?

"Ashiya Kaoru" Ashiya Kaoru "or. Greetings, old lady of Ilga."

Kaoru smiles.

Greetings are there too. The two walk out.

Ilga sees Kaoru's outfit as giddy and says with a strange look.

"Don't dress unusual"

"Hmm? Really? This is what I usually wear..."

Above, half bread below on the Aloha shirt.

He is wearing a white coat over his shirt.

And they're wearing sandals, not shoes.

"I'm not an explorer. Speaking of which, are you a therapist?

"Hmm? Explorer, therapist? What, is that in your profession?

Kaoru leans his neck with the questionmark over his head.

Seeing that look, Ilga answered me with a sigh of relief.

There are several labyrinths in this world.

The most challenging of these is the labyrinth of the [Grand Labyrinth City of Grand Palace] in the land.

Explorers aim to attack it.

Domination of the Labyrinth is greatly rewarded by the country.

You get a variety of things like status, fame, territory, gold, etc.

I don't think it matters to me, Kaoru.

But they are more likely to defeat monsters in the labyrinth and make a living selling dropped things.

I wondered if it would be a problem for me to make a small fortune.

The therapist told me that he would treat those returning from injuries in the labyrinth, or enter the labyrinth with him and provide support.

"Hey, all right. Does Ilga's old man challenge the labyrinth of the Grand Palace, too?

"Oh, I came to this [Sassara Prairie] with preparations underneath"

"Thanks to that, I couldn't have saved my life."

The two walk in adorable talk.

"It's late! Ilga! Who's that guy over there?

There was a girl in Ilga who suddenly spoke.

She had short hair with glossy red hair, feathers of blue robes, and was a little angry with eyes and puffiness.

That's what Kaoru sees.

Kaoru whispers, "Heh, she's quite beautiful."

I thought in my mind that my age was around the twenties.

"I'm sorry I'm late. This brother met in the woods of [Sassara Prairie]. Kaoru."

"Hi, I say Kaoru Ashiya. Greetings."

Kaoru says so with a smile.

"Ah... hi. It's called Lirica Arnold."

Lilica also has a light meeting.

Give a light greeting and tell us how you've been so far.

"Well, you've come this far."

Lilica sees Kaoru with her jitsu eyes.

Kaoru was deluded by saying, "I was lucky," etc.

"Hasn't Kaoru seen the status or something?

"Status? What's that? How do I look at it?"


After hearing the words of Kaoru, he often did not know such things, and was seen with the eyes that he had ever lived.

"I don't know, I don't know... I'd appreciate it if you could tell me. Maybe there's something I still don't know. Can you tell me more about it?

It feels like I said this street, and I worship my hands together.

He taught me to such incense, like, oh man.

It is in the free time on the road to [Grand Palace] on a carriage.

"I see... hey"

I nod with my hand against my chin.

In front of Kaoru, a status screen appeared.

If you think about it, you're leaving! So I looked at it with my heart when I wanted to scratch it.

Ashiya Kaoru


Occupational surgeon

HP 1500

MP kjdlfja @ ¥&? @

Skills Different Spatial Operating Rooms, Medical Mind, Drug Smelting, Medical Smelting, Medical Magic/All, Recovery Magic/All, Diagnosis, Analysis, Aikido

"(This... before I went to bed, the one I wrote on that site. It's a funny half, and the one I wrote about, but I want an op room where I can operate anywhere. It's still reflected. Besides, HP can still be seen...... MP would be better if it had a cup, so I would type it because I wrote it with Max, yes, and so on)"

In my heart, I wanted to scratch that you were seriously funny about your head.

The other thing that bothered me was appearance.

Yes, the status wasn't the only thing I made on that site.

The avatar was made with me.

I just remembered that I imagined myself when I was about 18 and made it.

Use your phone like a mirror to check your face.

There, silver-haired all-back, with green eyes and slightly tight eyes, but with a good face and handsome finish.

For a moment, the thought stops.

In a hurry, I think I have no choice but to activate my brain.

It was a waste of time to think about it.

"Ilga's old man, I need to ask you one more thing..."

"Hmm? Are you still there?

Kaoru says with a bitter laugh.

"HP or something, how much is the average?

"Hmm? Like a hundred at first, right? You're a skilled person. You've heard of four digits and five digits."

Exhale into your own smashing performance.

All right.

Next thing I know, I think it's financial.

Gyu, no belly bugs.

Kaoru prayed for the two of us again, saying that he had forgotten.

Ilga gave him meat and bread dried in incense, like a man.

Kaoru ate the gracious food.

My stomach was filled and I felt better.

Kaoru opened the status screen and looked at the descriptions hovering over the letters in the skill column.

"Different Space Operating Room"

Create the operating room you want in different spaces. Alone, it has an auxiliary effect for performing surgery, and everything can be used, such as a set of medical tools, medical devices, blood transfusion packs, etc. Always consume MP when deploying a different spatial operating room.

Consumption MP1000000

1 minute consumption MP100

"Heart of Medicine"

medical aid, constitutive aid for the human body, constitutive aid for drugs,

"Drug smelting"

Generate from nothing. If you know the composition of the drug, you can produce anything. You can't smell things you don't understand.

Consumption MP1000

"Medical smelting"

Generate from nothing. If you know the composition of a person, you can create them in any part of the body. You can't smell things you don't understand.

Consumption MP10000

"Medical Magic/All"

I can use all the magic involved in medicine. Special items can be monitored on the status screen.

e.g. general anesthesia, echo, lentogen, etc.

Consumption MP100-10000

"Recovery Magic/All"

I can handle all of the healing magic, from lower to finest.

Consumption MP10-500


I can touch my skin with my hands, look for causes such as illness, and flow information to my brain.

Consumption MP500


I can know everything I don't know and what lies ahead.

Consumption MP500


Aikido is a complete counter skill that can be turned on and off at will.

During activation, use the power of the opponent who has been attacking you in time to activate a double-return counter.

The body reacts automatically.

Only human shapes can activate the counter.

Exhale into your skills and magic.

"(Does this cross-space operating room come out if you think of everything you need for surgery... Consumption MP doesn't matter anymore. I don't know how much you own. Well, different worlds. Besides, health care is not regulated like Japan. I can set my own amount. Oh, my God, I'm starting to feel like I could make some rough money. Wow. Besides, I don't know how much medical technology is in this world.)"

With that in mind, I raise my mouth horn with an evil look.

"Hey, Kaoru, we're almost there."

Hide the evil look behind you.

Make a smile and reply to Ilga's words.

Get yourself out of the carriage and watch [Grand Labyrinth City Grand Palace].

There, like a giant wall surrounding the city, was built.

It was about 20 meters high and also looked like a high, difficult fortress.

Kaoru is breathtaking.

Japan does not have a whole city surrounded by walls.

I've only seen it in a movie or something, so I don't think I can help it.

Kaoru was fascinated by the walls.

"I'd tickle a man's romance. Yeah, this."

Kaoru was shaking his shoulders and shaking like a child.

"Haha, more or less for the first time, anyone who comes to the [Grand Labyrinth City of Grand Palace] will dance to this sight"

Once inside, there are cobblestone paths, like in medieval Europe, and irregularly lined shops are flavorful again.

There are different races around.

Busy with the number of people with horns growing, ears and tails growing, and countless people.

Once inside the city, Kaoru breaks up with the two of them.

They were both smiling and waving.

"Come on, I think I'll check things out, too. In the meantime, let's go to a medical store. I want information."

The corner of his mouth rose and he disappeared into the crowd thinking, "Don't be funny now."

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