Yuki and I reached the changing room relying on my phone’s flashlight. We’d been holding hands all the way, though I let go of her once we got there.

Not meaning to watch her undress, I turned off my light and reached for my shirt.

“Y–You can’t see me, can you?”

“I–It’s okay. You can’t see me either, r–right?”

“Ah… Yeah, it’s fine for now…”

The window in the dressing room was darker than the living room due to its small size and special glass.

If you strained your eyes inside this blackout, you could see her faint silhouette, but no more than that. I finally grabbed my jacket, since Yuki seemed to have started removing her clothes.

The wind outside blew hard, rattling the windows with its might, though it couldn’t distract me from the soft sound of cloth against skin. Just imagining Yuki taking off her clothes in the same room as I heated my heart and raced my body.

Then, ultimately down to my underwear, I reached for the bathroom door, hiding my family heirloom. Before opening the door, however, I took a deep breath to calm myself down…

Phew, don’t worry, she can’t see me. Besides, it’s an emergency today since the power’s out, I told myself.

“Yuki, watch your step. It’s very dark, so don’t fall.”

“O–Okay. Thanks a lot for this, Haru-kun.”

“Hmm, you want me to hold your hand? It might be scary for you right now.”

“W–Well, yeah. I’d love it.”

I reached out toward the sound of her voice, trying to find its way inside the darkness, only to reach a soft blockade. I tilted my head in confusion.

A very plentiful, round feeling spread across my palm, and I could only wonder what that supple, silky texture was. I gently closed my hand to check it out, and it almost reminded me of a marshmallow. Taut, yet warm at the same time.

It was so pleasant to the touch I forgot about everything else. However, Yuki’s sultry, somewhat sickeningly sweet voice called out to me, snapping me out of it. I hurriedly let go of her.

“Hnn~, Haah… H–Haru-kun, t-this place is…”

“Eh? Ah!”

It finally clicked. I had no idea I was touching her bountiful breasts, and my checking it out was completely unconscious on my part. As soon as I realized what I did, my face almost melted with embarrassment.

“S–Sorry! I’m so, so sorry! M–My hands were just…”

“I–It’s dark, so… It can’t be helped…”

This time, I squeezed her hand and we both proceeded into the bathroom. It was much warmer there than in the changing room thanks to the bath Yuki boiled for us.

Removing the bathtub’s lid, we could see it was just the right amount of steamy and hot.

Since we couldn’t use the shower because of the lack of a heater, I scooped up a bit of hot water and poured it over my body, feeling the warmth gradually seep into me. After taking turns using the tub’s water to clean ourselves up, we both dipped inside it hand-in-hand.

The tub felt small, and we were almost touching each other. Normally, I’d be too embarrassed to even attempt this, but now, perhaps due to the almost impenetrable darkness, I’m able to at least maintain a level of normalcy.

However, this doesn’t mean we can’t see anything at all. Whenever I turned my eyes in her direction, I could vaguely see her pristine glistening skin, even amidst the blackness.

She seemed to be lying on her face due to shyness, and her long hair was in the way, so I could barely make out her expression. She must’ve gotten used to the sight of me since I’m barely able to see her now.

A few moments of silence pass by. Her shoulders quivered, and she appeared scared.

“Are you okay, Yuki?”

“I’m with you, so I’m… Fine.”

“I see. That’s good.”

“… But, um, Haru-kun… I have a favor to ask you.”

“Hm? What is it?”

“Could you just… Scoot closer to me just a little bit?” She asked me reservedly.

The content of her words made me a bit nervous. To be honest, we were already plenty close inside this cramped bathtub. If we got just an inch closer, our bodies would surely touch.

“… Got it. I’m going to lend you my back, then.”


After my response, Yuki removed her hands from her knees and approached me hesitantly. After a second, she jumped into my back and pulled me closer, her sweet scent rushing over me. My heart was set ablaze as I felt the tender touch of her body against mine.

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. The way she fearfully held onto my body reminded me of a small, frightened child.

Even though I could feel her soft mounds directly on my back, Her trembling stole my attention. She was still terrified of thunder, and I wanted to reassure her as much as possible, but I couldn’t just turn around and pat her head, so I just continued lending her my back.

Moment by moment, I felt her frightful grasp loosening and her body relaxing. After a bit, she opened her mouth, softly muttering something.

“Haru-kun… You’re so relaxing to be around…”

“I see… Do you want to stay like this for a while longer?”

“Yes… Let me stay here, just like this…”

Yuki put her cheek against my back as if to pamper me. The fact she showed her true self to me as a sign of trust, filled me with happiness. Our tandem bath in darkness warmed my body up, but she filled my heart with an indescribable bliss.

She must’ve been feeling the same. Her shaking stopped, and all I could hear was our gentle breathing.

“Haru-kun, you’re not afraid of thunder or anything like that, are you…?”

“I’m totally chill with them. I mean, I’m surprised you’re so scared.”

“… Back in elementary, I was… Put inside a cleaning locker, and they locked me inside. There was a thunderstorm at that time, so when I hear the loud bangs, I just remember it all…”

“I–I didn’t know that… I really didn’t… A–Are you okay now? It’s dark and cramped in here, but—”

“I’m not afraid right now because you’re here with me. Besides, you’re so warm, that I…”

“I don’t mind if we get even closer.”

“Then… Could you turn around and hug me tightly?”

“U–Um, that’s…”

“Here, don’t worry about it…”

She let go of my back.

“Come to me.”

Her sweet voice, honey dripping over my ears. She outstretched her hands from behind, welcoming me.

I’m no superman to resist that.

My eyes had become so accustomed to the dark that I could even see the droplets of water running down her silky hair, rippling through the surface of the water below.

Yuki’s clear image was reflected in my eyes. Her long eyelashes, her pretty face, and her wet, sticky bangs, all so strangely alluring.

Her blue eyes sucked me in, stealing my breath from me. The darkness could not blemish her face, almost highlighting her beauty even more.

As our eyes intertwine, she smiled shyly. Her arms closed in on me, holding me tightly. I raised my hand, stroking her hair, only to be met with her ticklish wriggles.

For a while after that, Yuki and I kept soaking in hot water, embracing each other. Her body stopped trembling for good, even as the thunder roared violently outside our windows.

She breathed quietly into my chest, her eyes closed. Watching her innocent repose soothed my racing heart.

Inside the darkness, only our soft breathing ever broke the reigning silence.

We huddled together, feeling each other’s presence.

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