Translated and Edited by: ynlucca.

Common Honorifics:

-san: A polite suffix, but not excessively formal.

-kun: A common suffix among friends and younger people.

-chan: A common suffix among people you’re close with, mostly used for feminine nicknames and girls, since it’s cutesy and childlike.

In the sea-scented wind, a flock of white seagulls danced in the cloudless blue sky. The aquarium we were headed to was right near the ocean, and it was known as one of the largest on the beach-side of Japan. It was also one of the most popular tourist attractions of the prefecture. The last time we were there, they were holding an event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the aquarium.

Yuki and I walked past the entrance and stopped by the museum shop where you could buy souvenirs and other doodads. A lot of stuffed animals lay on the shelves, all related to the sea, along with regional candies.

“I miss coming here…”

“Same here. When we were in elementary, my mom bought me a stuffed animal once. I think it was a… stuffed penguin? Either way, I was so excited to show it to you, Yuki.”

“After your mom bought it for you, I remember looking at it enviously. That’s why you gave it to me on the way back as we sat on that bus, right?”

“Oh, yeah! I also felt like that penguin would fit you very nicely.”

The truth is, from the very start, I bought it for Yuki. I intended on giving it to her as a present so I could make her happy… Well, I was too embarrassed in the past to tell her, so I faked getting it for myself. Oh, how I miss those days.

“What happened to that penguin?”

“I still treasure it a lot, so it’s currently in my room.”

“I see, so I was right in giving it to you… Maybe the little guy knew you’d take really good care of it, Yuki.”

“Fufu~ The little guy also told me he wants to see you again, so I’ll have to take you to my room next time.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

As we walked together, we finished looking at all the products lined up at the store.

“I’ll buy you a souvenir on the way home. Oh, mom also said she might be coming to the condo soon, so I could also give one to her then.”

“Yeah, that seems nice. Okay, we’ll do some shopping later, so let’s buy the admission tickets.”

We both walked to the ticket booth line. Many different customers also waited in the same line, and most of them were parents with children or young couples.

I guess Yuki and I look like a normal high school couple to the people around us. Honestly, I like her, but we’re not in a relationship yet, so if some other students from our school spot us here, they might misunderstand.


“Ehehe~ Since we’re going all-out on having fun, I thought we could enjoy the aquarium while holding hands. Is that bad~?”

“Y-Yeah… Wait, it’s not bad, but, um…”

I wasn’t rejecting her advance, but I was still nervous. The mere sight of her small, precious hand on mine was enough to set my heart ablaze. My happiness matched my embarrassment, and my feeble chest couldn’t contain the joy of holding Yuki’s hand. Even so, I couldn’t help being embarrassed by the things that made me so.

Ugh, but I still want to hold her hand…

Finally deciding, I locked my hand with hers and looked away, and in response, she gently squeezed me back. Her hand was so soft and small, it reminded me of the obvious. It was a girl’s hand.

She’s grown so much in the three years she was abroad. I can’t believe she’s now able to hold my hand so boldly and naturally like that. If it was back in elementary, Yuki would’ve been an embarrassed, mushy mess by now, and her ears would’ve already turned crimson.

However, stealing a glance at her, I noticed. Through the gaps in her hair, which reminded me of fresh-fallen snow, I could see two little red ears…

I take back what I just thought. Yuki had hardly changed since back then. Well, she became a little bolder and started showing her true colors, but she was still the same girl as the one under all those old bandages.

“W-Well, let’s go then. I’m really looking forward to going to the aquarium with you, Haru-kun.”

“Yeah, Yuki. Let’s have a lot of fun together!”

After buying the tickets, we finally went inside.

We stepped into the aquarium hand-in-hand, reminiscing memories of this place.

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