Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1047: 1047: I am her lover

At the moment when he saw those death lists, Jiang Lixing used his spiritual power almost without hesitation, opened the space-time channel, and reached the top of the mountain where the tomb of King Wu was located.

However, when he came here, Ning Huan felt that they had just come down the mountain, and the entire tomb of King Wu collapsed!

After confirming that Ning Huanxin was okay, Jiang Lixing entered the buried underground tomb alone and reproduced everything Ning Huanxin had experienced in the tomb using phantom techniques.

When she saw her entering the illusion and remembering the past nine years ago, Jiang Lixing was stunned for a moment, feeling a bit complicated, not knowing whether to sigh or breathe a sigh of relief.

At the end of the Phantom Art, he saw Ning Huanxin escape by almost suicide. At that moment, Jiang Lixing was really angry.

Even if his spiritual power would be limited in Yangjian, he did not hesitate to take action.

He is going to destroy the entire tomb of King Wu!

From then on, the entire tomb of King Wu could only become the past, drowned in the dust of history...

At the foot of the mountain, little snow is still falling.

It was supposed that everyone should leave as soon as possible, but Ning Huanxin suddenly said that she was waiting for someone.

"The person I'm waiting for is very important. He is very strong and can protect me. So if you are in a hurry, you can go first and leave me alone, really!"

Ning Huanxin didn't want everyone to accompany her to waste time. After all, it was an extraordinary period and a special situation.

"No, you are too dangerous alone, and your spiritual power has not fully recovered."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Gu Ting refused her without thinking.

"Let's wait with you, or you can sit there for a while."

As he said, Gu Ting raised his hand to help Ning Huanxin. At this moment, a cold wind suddenly lifted, and a tall and slender figure mysteriously appeared in front of everyone.

Cold, extreme coldness.

This suddenly appeared figure carried a monstrous suffocation and coldness, but in an instant, those coldness and suffocation were all quenched.

It seems that at that moment, it was just an illusion of everyone.

"Have you waited for a long time? Is it cold?"

The man in front of him wore an exquisite black mask, his face was not visible, but he looked at Ning Huanxin with a doting tone and gentle eyes.

This man is naturally Lord Pluto.

As soon as Jiang Lixing appeared, he took Ning Huanxin's hand without hesitation.

"Well, it didn't take long."

Ning Huanxin raised his eyes and glanced at him, then looked at the people beside him with a smile on his face: "He is the one I'm waiting for. Let me introduce you to everyone. He is..."

"I am her lover."

Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin into his arms and interrupted her gently.


The eyes of several people around him flickered.

Gu Huan's lover? Why is he in the tomb of King Wu?

Not to mention that Xindie and Ye Jiuyan were a little suspicious, even everyone in the Gu family was confused.

On the contrary, Zhang Yuanjian and Yang A'nuan are relatively calm. Even if Jiang Lixing wears a mask, they can infer his identity.

"Just now, there seemed to be movement on the mountain, you...Did you come down from the mountain?"

At this time, Xindie frowned and suddenly asked Jiang Lixing.

Jiang Lixing glanced at her and nodded in a very casual tone: "I came down from the mountain, but I don't know what happened, I just came here to see my wife."


Do you think we will believe it if you say that? Do we look like fools?

Jiang Lixing's answer was very perfunctory. Although everyone knew it well, for a while, he really didn't know how to continue this topic.

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