Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1110: 1110: If life is just like first seeing (2)

She and him will never go back to the beginning.

Cui Can was cruel, pulled Jiang Yanran to the bathroom next to him, turned on the faucet to maximize the flow of water, and then pressed Jiang Yanran's head.

"You wake me up!"


The cold water made Jiang Yanran's mind sober in an instant. She raised her head and violently pushed away the man next to her.

"You...you go away! You go away! Don't come near me! Don't come near me!"

I am the undefeated Jiang Yanran, how can I be cowardly? How could I beg someone?

Jiang Yanran didn't care about being embarrassed and looked at Cui Can with cold eyes: "If you... if you dare to tell others what happened today, I will... kill you!"

Seeing the familiar cold color, Cui Can sighed.

Killing, for her, seems to have become commonplace.

What is human life in Miss Jiang's eyes?

Cui Can sneered silently.

"Don't worry, I won't tell others. It's just that you are like this, really not tired? Is right really that important to you? It is so important that you have to fight if you lose everything?"

No matter what kind of feelings and entanglements he had back then, he doesn't want to see her like this today.


How can we make her sober?

Cui Can has been unable to find a way over the years, and can only refuse her time and time again, hoping that she will always wake up on the day when everyone betrays her.


Over the years, after he refused again and again, what he saw was not her change of heart, but her change.

Perhaps he was wrong.

He is really not that important in her heart.

What she wanted to hold on tightly was not him at all, but the past.

The goodness of the past, the happiness of the past.

The little girl who was once innocent and happy, never... can't come back.


If only as first seen.


"What is the most important thing to me, only I know it in my heart."

Jiang Yanran was facing the mirror in the bathroom, while tidying up her dress, while whispering.

She must get what she wants, no one, no one can hinder her--

All obstacles must be obliterated!

"okay, I get it."

Cui Can gave her a deep look--

Sure enough, she would only say to him that I love you when she is drunk and she loses her mind.

Cui Can wanted to laugh a little.

Laughing at her innocent thought, she can still turn her head back.

"Jiang Yanran, this time really passed."

Cui Can said to herself from the bottom of her heart, tomorrow will be a new day...

Coming out of the lounge, Cui Can sorted out his suit and left in a hurry.

In the lounge, Jiang Yanran looked at her slightly embarrassed herself in the mirror with complicated eyes. She pressed her lips tightly, her eyes became more fierce bit by bit.

Cui Can, you want me to turn back and let me give up!

I definitely won't.

The two people who had been walking along the way, on a certain day, chose a different path, then, waiting for them is likely to be the same, or it may be...parting ways.

At the gate of Hall No. 7, when Cui Can walked out, the guests had already dispersed, only Jiang Lixing was still standing at the gate.


Cui Can was taken aback, but Jiang Lixing was still there.


Jiang Lixing glanced at Cui Can: "Let's go and drink with me."


Cui Can was a little surprised. At the banquet today, Jiang Lixing drank a lot and helped Ning Huanxin a lot of alcohol, and...he rarely drinks alcohol on weekdays.

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