Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1112: 1112: Blessing in the group (1)

Yuhaishan, Gu's family.

Today is an extremely busy day for Ning Huanxin, and also a very happy day.

After returning from Hall 7, Gu Xiao directly sent Ning Huanxin back to the bedroom door.

"Hey, go to bed early, these few days, you have a good rest."

Gu Xiao whispered with a look of concern. He knows that Ning Huanxin has been busy these days.

It turns out that the engagement is so complicated, and I will get married later...

Hey, I really don't want to marry my sister.

[Everyone: Brother, you are enough! 】

Gu Xiao looked at Ning Huanxin's eyes with distress and dismay.

Hearing what her brother said, Ning Huanxin just smiled and whispered: "I know, brother, you should go back to rest, too. I have been busy for a day today and I am very tired."

Ning Huanxin said, waved his hand with Gu Xiao, turned back to his room.

After closing the door, Ning Huanxin went straight to take a bath.

I'm really tired today!

After changing to a set of pajamas, Ning Huan came out of the bathroom listlessly. She was about to go back to the room and have a good night's sleep when suddenly the phone rang.

It's the WeChat group of Jifu.

Ning Huan glanced at the time subconsciously, and it was almost midnight.

This time is the busiest time in the group, but there is actually someone @自己?

Ning Huanxin immediately lay on the bed with her mobile phone, clicked to open WeChat, and the chat message of the WeChat group of Difu immediately popped out——

Black impermanence: @死跑龙套的, happy, happy wedding!

Drowned Ghost: Are you married? I wish you grow old together and give birth to a son early!

Toilet girl ghost: Sure enough, if you find a good man, get married soon!

Hanged Ghost: Indeed, good men are hard to find.

A dead end: Actually...just an engagement.

Ning Huanxin didn't expect that they would also know the news of their engagement?

But thinking about Heiwuchang's identity and Jiang Lixing's identity, Ning Huanxin immediately understood it.

She quit the group chat and sent a private chat to Heiwuchang alone——

A dead end: Brother Hei, have you known Ah Xing's identity a long time ago?

Heiwuchang: Ah, hahaha, is there? I just knew it too, hahaha.

A dead end: There is no sincerity in this lie.

Heiwuchang: Then, shall I do it again?

Too much:...

Ning Huanxin was also drunk with the IQ of impermanence.

A dead end: Actually, Brother Bai also knows the identity of Ah Xing, doesn't he?

Heiwuchang: Yes, yes, he knew it earlier than I knew! Don't tell me yet!

When selling his teammates, Ba Ye seemed to work hard!

Seeing Hei Wuchang’s answer, Ning Huanxin couldn’t help but subconsciously look at her hand. In addition to today’s engagement diamond ring, Ning Huanxin also had a white jade ring. This was the “native special product” that Bai Wuchang gave her back then. Huanxin doubted in his heart, but he did not expect that Jiang Lixing actually prepared it for himself.

This big liar.

Ning Huan's eyes are complicated, but her heart is very sweet.

Because everything Jiang Lixing did silently behind his back was all for her good, for her happiness, and for her safety.

"A line."

Ning Huanxin raised his hand and gently touched the white jade ring: "Thank you."

I understand all of your intentions.

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath and sent another message to Heiwuchang.

A dead end: So, I got the WeChat system of the underworld, which was also designed by Ah Hang. He gave it to me?


In the underworld, Hei Wuchang's face is tangled, this question is a bit difficult, I don't know Baye!

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