Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1128: 1128: Message on the forum (1)

Two girls who disappeared in 808, what secrets will there be between them?

What's the mystery in 808?

Ning Huanxin was not familiar with Yanbei University when she first arrived. Now that Pan Yingying is willing to help, Ning Huanxin is naturally very happy.


I don't know if it was her own illusion, Ning Huanxin always felt that Mu Yuxin had any secret, and this secret might have something to do with 808.

Therefore, she happily agreed to let two people investigate together for herself!

After Ning Huanxin was cleaned up, the three of them went downstairs to have breakfast, and then went to the lecture hall for class.

Ning Huanxin lacked a lot of schoolwork, and she basically smeared her eyes on the major subjects of the architecture department.

Ning Huanxin listened attentively to what the professor on the stage said. Of course, if he didn't understand it, it was another matter.

After finally getting through the morning, Pan Yingying came to Ning Huanxin for dinner again at noon.

"Haixin, I have contacted my fellow villager, let's have a meal together and let him find information for you!"

"it is good."

Ning Huanxin nodded, and followed Pan Yingying and Mu Yuxin to a small restaurant off campus.

Although the store is not large, it is very clean. Pan Yingying has used the APP and booked a small private room in advance on the Internet. When the three of them came in, there was already a young man sitting in the private room.

The man looked in his early twenties, with long hair and gold-rimmed glasses, not very handsome, but very gentle.

"Yingying, you are here!"

Seeing Pan Yingying's figure, the boy immediately stood up happily, and when he calmly saw the person behind Pan Yingying, he immediately took a breath.

"Ning... Ning Huanxin?"

The boy was very excited, because Pan Yingying only told him that he would bring a friend, but did not say whether the friend was a male or female, and what his name was.

If I had known that Pan Yingying would bring two beautiful women, he would skip class and send it out if he said anything!

"All this fuss, Huanxin is from our architecture department, should you know it too?"

Pan Yingying walked over and took a look at the boy, then smiled and looked at Ning Huanxin: "Huaxin, this is my fellow I told you about. His name is Lin Jianping and he is from the computer department. Although people look average, they are really skilled. It's amazing."

"No, no, just very general technology."

Lin Jianping waved his hand in embarrassment.

"Don't be so humble."

Ning Huanxin smiled, and glanced at Lin Jianping's notebook on the table: "Yingying told you what I wanted to check? Did you find out what?

Ning Huanxin didn't talk nonsense, and entered the subject directly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Lin Jianping immediately got serious: “I have collected a lot of 808 posts, and many of them have been deleted by moderators, but I still found a way to recover some of them. There are so many useful news. ."

With that, Lin Jianping turned the laptop screen around and pushed the entire computer to Ning Huanxin's eyes.

Seeing the introduction inside, Ning Huanxin immediately concentrated on research.

The girl who disappeared ten years ago was called Zhuang Xiaoqing. She was once a faculty member of the computer science department, and she was also a very talented student with good grades.

The other girl who lived with Zhuang Xiaoqing was called Li Yuan. After Zhuang Xiaoqing disappeared, Li Yuan was also investigated by the police for a long time. After confirming that there was no suspicion, Li Yuan resumed normal school life, but the gossip post said that because In this matter, Li Yuan was excluded from school, and her boyfriend broke up with her. After she graduated, no one knew where she was or what she was doing.

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