Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1130: 1130: Flowers bloom on the sea

"In fact, many people ignore one person. That person is Liu Wenna. She is Yang Wan's roommate and lives in 808!"

Lin Jianping whispered softly. He accidentally saw a message while searching for information. Although he did not use his real name, he checked other information of the ID and all the messages and found that the owner of the ID was Liu Wenna.

While talking, Lin Jianping found a screenshot of the message: "Look!"

Ning Huanxin also looked at the computer screen earnestly at this time. This is a screenshot of the news from Yanbei University's forum, only a few years ago.

The ID of this message is "Sea Flower", and her message is only a few sentences——

808 may really be a very mysterious place, because the people who live there will not only disappear mysteriously, but will also suffer from insomnia all night, and even have various auditory hallucinations.

808, there should be a very strong magnetic field!

Both Liu Wenna and Yang Wan are from the Department of Architecture, and they should both have studied Zhouyi and Fengshui Architecture. That's why she used the term "magnetic field", which ordinary people would not use.

"Liu Wenna."

Ning Huan thought for a moment.

"Lin Jianping, can you find out where Liu Wenna is now?"

There has been no news from Li Yuan for many years, what about Liu Wenna? She should have just graduated two years ago, right?

Possibly, she can still be found.

"This is hard to say, but I found out that her number on Haihuakai is associated with a Weibo, which belongs to Liu Wenna herself, and it was updated on Weibo a week ago. I will try to track it. If she updates Weibo online next time If so, I should be able to lock her IP."

"Thank you so hard!"

Ning Huanxin nodded at Lin Jianping. If you can find Liu Wenna, you might know more about 808.

After all, the rumors and versions on the Internet look magical and evil, but they are still far from the truth.

Rumors tend to become more and more distorted.

"Okay, let's have a meal. I have a treat today. Please order whatever you want!"

Ning Huanxin breathed a sigh of relief and opened the restaurant's recipe.

"Wow, idol treats, then I'm not welcome!"

Pan Yingying was not a lady at all, but Mu Yuxin smiled at Ning Huanxin.

"Can you really order it casually?"

Lin Jianping hesitated: "Actually, I have wanted to eat their super-boiled fish for a long time. I want to be abnormal, state and spicy!"

"You are a pervert."

Pan Yingying only curled her lips on the side, and Ning Huanxin just smiled faintly: "Okay, it seems to be amazing to hear you, I also want to try, how spicy it is!"

It turns out that the restaurant owner did not lie. His super boiled fish is really super super super spicy!

Ning Huanxin took a few mouthfuls, feeling that his lips were about to be swollen, but Lin Jianping and Pan Yingying ate them with relish.

These two guys!

"You are from Sichuan, right?"

Ning Huanxin asked, the people there are very spicy.

"Yes, we are both from Sichuan City, and Yuxin is from Chuncheng."

Pan Yingying put down her chopsticks and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Huaxin, are you from Yan Cheng?"

She has a public account that often pays attention to Ning Huanxin. Although Ning Huanxin has never said about her family and origin, Pan Yingying remembers that in Ning Huanxin's personal profile, her hometown is Yancheng.

"Well, I grew up in Yancheng since I was a kid."

Ning Huanxin still has a lot of affection for Yan Cheng, but...

After the parents move in, the family can take root in Yanjing, which is not a bad thing.

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