Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1136: 1136: The unjust case of the year (4)

When the girl was violent, she didn’t see the prisoner at all, and Chen Anwen was the first person she saw after she woke up. In panic, she subconsciously regarded Chen Anwen as a prisoner. Excusable.


"No matter how I explain it, the police don't believe me. The girl's family is even more emotional. They insisted that I did it. They even sent people to check my hometown and go to my village to make a big announcement. People know it. My "ugly thing"! Others wronged me, I can't argue, I can admit that I was unlucky, really! But why didn't they even let my family go?" Chen Anwen was very emotional at this point.

He was just a big boss, he didn't even know how to defend his innocence. At that time, he thought of death!

After all, a lot of age, his son is so old, but now such a thing has happened, the villagers know, what face does he have to go back? What face is there to survive?

Impulsively, Chen Anwen decided to die!

He just hopes to use his own death to wash away his grievances!

Someone finds out that he has been wronged, and I hope someone can find out the truth.


After he died, others thought he committed suicide because he was illiterate. He didn't write a suicide note. He just left a few paintings. Those paintings he tried to prove his innocence, but unfortunately, no one could understand.

Chen Anwen finished his story excitedly, and his emotions finally calmed down.

The cold gale gradually decreased, and the shadows of the trees were whirling in the woods.

"Uncle Chen, what happened later? What happened to that girl later?"

Ning Huanxin asked.

"do not know."

Chen Anwen shook his head: "After that time, she dropped out of school, maybe she stopped studying, or went to another school. After all... it was not a glorious thing, and I sympathized with her, but... Come to sympathize with me, and pity me?"

As Chen Anwen said, he smiled somewhat mockingly: "Girl, you said...is it really that hard to be a good person?"

Those who act bravely may not get the smile and reward of the rescued, even if what they want in the beginning is not the reward.

Those who are brave enough to save others may be killed by the rescued after saving them. But who will pay for such deaths?

"Perhaps... it's really too difficult."

Ning Huanxin sighed: "But, uncle, you are still a good person. Even if you are a ghost, you are a good ghost. You never harm people, do you?"

The temperament of some people, even if they die, will not change.

"Ha ha."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Chen Anwen smiled and shook his head: “Yes, even if I am wronged, I don’t want to harm people. Over the years, I have seen many things here. Looking at the students, there are people here. I confessed under a tree, and some people broke up under this tree. Those children are actually very cute and kind, just like my children."

He is a father, Chen Anwen will never forget these.


"Uncle Chen, tell me the girl's name, I will check this for you, and I will definitely help you find the real murderer and get rid of the crime!"

Ning Huanxin's voice suddenly rang lowly in Chen Anwen's ears.


Chen Anwen looked at Ning Huan with a little excitement, but also a little melancholy.

After so many years, can I still find it?

The chance is really slim.

[This case was inspired by some chilling news reports, as well as the unjust cases in those years, and the people who were ruined for their lives by unjust cases]

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