Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1174: 1174: Yu Yuesheng's Guilt (2)

"Yu Ju, do you want to see Chen Anwen's ghost and see how miserable he is as a lonely wild ghost? And those who have harmed him, you say... Should they be punished?"

Ning Huanxin took another sip of tea, with a very sophisticated tone: "Skynet is full of negligence and not leaking. You are a policeman in the bureau. Do you believe in the cycle of heaven and evil and retribution?"

Ning Huanxin at this time was nothing like a young girl in her early twenties.

Her eyes and words are full of offensiveness!

"I believe."

Yu Yuesheng put down the tea cup, put his hands on his thighs, he sat upright on the wooden chair, and suddenly his eyes flashed at Ning Huanxin.

"Actually, I have been waiting for this day. I have been waiting for a long time. I am very tired. I have been really tired in the past few years. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Yu Yuesheng was ready. From that day when Wang Qichao came to ask Qin Meng's case suddenly, Yu Yuesheng felt this way.

The ones that should come will come.

It's not that it is not reported, the hour has not arrived.

And now, the time has come.

"Yu Ju, I believe that you are also an upright person. I want to know the truth back then, nothing more."

Ning Huanxin whispered softly, she needs to know more details and more clues in order to find the real suspect!

"The truth? I don't know what the truth is until now."

Yu Yuesheng suddenly smiled somewhat mockingly: "Back then, we received Qin Meng’s report. She accused Chen Anwen. Afterwards, we asked Chen Anwen and also gave Qin Meng a physical examination. The criminal was very cunning and had nothing. Staying, I suspected that this was a habitual offender at the time, and Chen Anwen did not look like it. Because there was no more evidence, and although Chen Anwen’s confession conflicted with Qin Meng’s, both of them were reasonable. Because Qin Meng didn't know how long he was in a coma, it is very likely that Chen Anwen really appeared later. Based on this suspicion, we first put Chen Anwen back and continue the investigation."

Having said that, Yu Yuesheng's eyes gradually deepened.

"At that time, Yanbei University was renovating, but the school still had surveillance equipment, so I immediately took people to the school to get the surveillance at that time, but...it’s just such a coincidence that the school’s surveillance has pictures every day. On the night of Qin Meng’s accident, there was no picture. The person in the school’s security room said that some failures occurred during the construction site during the day, which caused the entire monitoring system to be affected that night. Therefore, there was no monitoring at the time of the accident. video!"

There will be countless coincidences in this world, and we all have to admit that sometimes it is really too coincidental.

However, there is no such word as "coincidence" in the criminal police dictionary. All coincidences may be premeditated!

"Because there is no surveillance video, and I have no evidence to prove that Chen Anwen was the real culprit of the violence, but at this time Qin Meng's family did not know where to get the news, saying that the evidence was insufficient, we could not sue Chen Anwen, Qin Meng's parents at the time I was very excited, and even found someone to make trouble in Chen Anwen’s hometown, and then...the school’s leaders also suddenly came forward with a very determined attitude, so we must solve the case within a time limit!"

Speaking of this, Yu Yuesheng subconsciously picked up the teacup. Regardless of the fact that the tea was still hot, he took a big sip before he relaxed.

"I was just promoted to captain at the time, and I was under a lot of pressure. The excessive attention of the external media, the cluelessness of the case, the emotional breakdown of the victim, the innocence of the suspect, and the pressure from the school leaders..."

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