Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1210: 1210: Looking for flaws (1)

At first, Yang Wan heard Mu Yuxin say that the original world refers to more than six years. At that moment, she was actually surprised.

Because she has lived in the Dong'an Dynasty for decades, and her son has grown up at the age of 20!

But then I thought about it, maybe, the time flow of the Dong'an Dynasty was different from the world she was in.

Moreover, this world is full of spiritual energy. Although many people still cannot practice, everyone has a long life span, and everyone ages very slowly and slowly.

Yang Wan had already married her majesty, and gave birth to her own emperor twenty years ago, Chu Hao in front of her.

If you want to survive in the entire imperial city, you must master the supreme power.

As for the entire imperial city, who can rule the world, who can become the king of a country... These are not the majesty who has the final say, but the one in the palace of the national teacher.

"Master of the National Normal University heard that she has been in retreat. At this time, why did the saint suddenly come out? Can you see the face of the saint?"

Yang Wan's eyes flickered. Over the years, there was a saint living in the National Teacher's Hall. Although the outside world did not know it, the people in the imperial city knew that it was the most precious thing for the National Teacher.

"The people under Erchen didn't dare to step forward, but took a long look, presumably they are also beautiful."

Chu Hao and Yang Wan were discussing in a lowly manner, and the two of them were discussing how to make a good relationship with Feng Jia, in order to get a different look from the Master of National Normal University...

And at this time, in the Palace of the National Teacher.

Ning Huanxin was still closing her eyes, practicing meditation, and after a few hours of cultivation, she suddenly opened her eyes.

It's dawn.

The sound of footsteps began to be heard outside the hall, very quiet, as if the maids were cleaning the yard.

Ning Huanxin got off the bed, and Chu Yi's face kept flashing in his mind——

In the end, what weakness does Chu Yi have?

He said he wanted to marry himself, what would he want from himself?

Is Nine Yang Bloodline?

Ning Huanxin's eyes lit up.

If he wanted something, the most valuable person in him would be the blood of Nine Yangs.

Thinking of what Chu Yi did in the past, he likes to collect the souls of human beings, and the souls of women with all yin characters, so -

The technique he cultivates must be the most feminine and gentle technique in the world!

In other words, one's own practice and bloodline should be compatible with him.

Then, as long as you find his flaws and weaknesses, you will most likely be able to defeat him, or kill him!

Ning Huanxin's heart was thrilled. She hoped that she could settle the account with Chu Yi in the shortest time, so that she could find Mu Yuxin and the others as soon as possible, and then find the opportunity to travel back!

At the same time, another time and space.

Jiang Lixing was floating in the air, and the black energy flickered around him.

He was still casting spells to pursue Ning Huanxin's breath, but that breath seemed to be shielded, misty and vague, no trace to be found!

something wrong!

A deep color flashed in Jiang Lixing's eyes, someone must have deliberately set up a barrier!

However, Jiang Lixing knew that he couldn't be in a hurry now, and he was not easy to get angry. He slowly increased his spiritual power and began to slowly break the restriction!

The Imperial City, the Palace of the National Teacher.

Ning Huanxin got up in the morning and practiced in the yard. The yard she lived in was very quiet. Although some people came to clean the yard at dawn, at this hour, there was no one in her yard, and it was really quiet.

This place really looks like a big prison.

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