Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1222: 1222: Reunion (3)


Hearing the words of the palace lady, Mu Yuxin immediately stood up excitedly: "I found Huanxin, where is she?"

The maid in charge glanced at Yang Wan subconsciously, the palace system was strict, and her master hadn't even spoken yet, so she didn't dare to agree.

Seeing Yang Wan nodded insignificantly, the maid in charge smiled and answered Mu Yuxin: "Miss Mu, they are outside the palace, the servants will go and invite your friends in!"

Naturally, the imperial concubine’s bedroom didn't come in by everyone.

As for the little palace lady who brought Ning Huan's heart, she would naturally give her the reward and send it away.

Niangniang asked those court painters to continue painting this day, and she had already posted the missing persons notice all over the imperial city. Now it seems that these hard work has not been wasted.

Not long after the portrait was posted, the man was found so quickly.

Now that the person has been found, the pasted portraits must be quickly removed overnight to be...


"Girl, come with me!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin had already followed the maid in charge of Jinluan Palace all the way to the bedroom. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a familiar figure flying over.

"Hey, it's great to see you!"

Mu Yuxin has a loud voice and is in good spirits.

Seeing her alive and kicking, Ning Huanxin guessed that she should be living well in these two days.

"I'm glad too."

Ning Huanxin smiled, his gaze turned, and it landed on the beautifully dressed woman not far away. This is...

Yang Wan?

The woman in front of her is somewhat similar to Yang Wan in the photo, but she has matured a lot.

Moreover, the breath and temperament on her body seemed to be different from the person in the photo.

While Ning Huanxin was looking at Yang Wan, Yang Wan was also looking at Ning Huanxin——

What a rare beauty, this eyebrow is really beautiful.

Yang Wan has seen many peerless beauties in this harem, but at the first sight of Ning Huanxin, she still shines.

Ning Huanxin is not only beautiful in features, her eyes are especially clear and bright.

Moreover, there was a very special aura on her body, Yang Wan didn't know what it was, but it was undeniable that the aura was very attractive and very special.


"Are you Yuxin's friend? Yuxin mentioned me to you!"

Yang Wan waved as she spoke, and the maid behind her immediately retreated with interest.

There were only three of them left in the room, and there was nothing to hide.

"Well, I am Ning Huanxin. You are Yang Wan? I would like to see you for the first time."

Ning Huanxin nodded at Yang Wan.

It is said that the woman who travels through, flies to Huang Tengda as soon as she crosses, it seems to be really interesting.

This Yang Wan is also an imperial concubine, and she is also a talkative master in this harem, and Ning Huanxin felt a vague hostility in her body.

Her hands were probably stained with blood, and she was no longer the gentle and kind-hearted Wan'er sister in Mu Yuxin's heart.

Time, environment.

Right, ambition.

Many things can change a person without leaving a trace, making her look completely strange to you.

"Huaxin, where have you been in the past two days? Do you know where..."

Mu Yuxin still looked like Xinwucheng Mansion, pulling Ning Huanxin and talking about the Dong'an Dynasty—

The flow of time here is different from the original world!

People here can live hundreds of years!

Here is a man like a **** who controls everything in the mainland...

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