Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1269: 1269: The secret is not chaotic

"What can we do? Nothing will happen when the world is over."

Hearing Cui Can's words, Jiang Lixing looked speechless.

There will never be a rift between him and Huanxin. He firmly believes in this, because he will not let that happen.


Jiang Lixing's eyes dimmed.

Recently, Xie Yudie's name has been flashing.

The current underworld system is very smart. If there are dying people in the sun, their names will start to flicker as they approach death.

Xie Yudie has a big catastrophe, a big catastrophe of life and death, which can be described as a life of nine deaths.

Jiang Lixing knew this a long time ago, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Similarly, Zhou Han's name flashed faster than Xie Yudie's name.

Xie Yudie’s fate was Zhou Han.

And her last life is...

Jiang Lixing slowly closed his eyes, saying that he loved Wu and Wu. In fact, he had been thinking about whether he should tell Ning Huanxin about this in advance.

But once Ning Huanxin intervenes in advance, it will disrupt the secrets of heaven. At that time, Xie Yudie may not be saved, and more people will be killed.

Secret secrets must not be disclosed casually.

Jiang Lixing sighed in his heart.

This matter still cannot be messed up.

He has long passed the time to be arrogant, what to do, when to do something, now he will always make a decision after careful consideration.

This matter, let Huanxin decide and do it.

Jiang Lixing believes in Ning Huanxin...


The place where Yang A Nuan and Ning Huanxin arranged to meet was a cafe on the first floor of a department store in the old city of Yanjing.

As soon as Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan entered the dining room, they saw Yang A Nuan sitting in a prominent position.

"Sister Huanxin, you are here."

Yang A Nuan waved at Ning Huanxin, and then looked at Xu Changan: "Big Brother Xu, are you here too?"


Xu Changan nodded, his expression solemn.

Seeing Xu Changan's expression, Yang A Nuan subconsciously glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Sister Huanxin, you are looking for me... Is there something wrong?"

In the days when a person went down the mountain to experience, Yang A Nuan was also quickly maturing, especially after experiencing the last Xuanmen Newcomer Competition, she also changed a lot.

"A Nuan, did Zhou Han contact you?"

Ning Huan asked Yang A Nuan lowly.

"Ah? Brother hasn't come back yet! How could... wait."

Yang A'nuan suddenly reacted, staring at Ning Huanxin with wide eyes and a little nervously: "My senior, he...has he returned to Yanjing? It's impossible. He didn't contact me at all. Is this... what happened to him? What's the matter?"

The little girl panicked immediately.

Because when Zhou Han left, she sent it off, and only Yang A Nuan knew what Zhou Han did.

"We haven't seen Zhou Han yet, but Xiaodie has seen him. He seems a little strange. He refuses to answer the phone or meet Xiaodie, and he broke up with her!"

Ning Huanxin's tone was serious, and she told Yang A Nuan what Xie Yudie saw in the alley yesterday.


Yang A Nuan listened to Ning Huanxin's narration, and immediately shook her head anxiously: "My brother can't do this to Sister Xiaodie. He doesn't know how much she likes her. There must be something in it. I'll call my brother!"

With that, Yang A'nuan took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Zhou Han's number, but the call remained unreachable.

Yang A Nuan's face is getting more and more ugly.

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