Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1359: 1359: Sacrifice and Choice (2)

Pesh was still smiling, and her voice was as **** and gentle as ever: "Xingyu, the procedures for going abroad have been completed. If you like to go abroad, you can go there alone. I have arranged the house and servants over there. Xingyu, You are a very good, very good girl. And I... just a vampire, maybe... we shouldn't start, you will forget me, and soon you will forget me!"

After saying this, Pesh slowly closed his eyes, this was his last words, he was never afraid of death.

For a long-lived vampire, death is like falling asleep, and it will be very peaceful.

For them, the difference between life and death is actually very small.

"No, Pesh, don't leave me!"

Seeing Pesh's expression and hearing his words, Jiang Xingyu suddenly struggled vigorously under Ace's control.

She can't let Pesh have an accident, and she can't let him have an accident if she doesn't want her life!

Jiang Xingyu, the girl, looks weak and soft, but at this moment, she burst out with a strong force.


Maybe it is the power of love?

Ace was stunned for a moment, but he still caught Jiang Xingyu firmly.

"Humans, why don't I give you a chance. If you are willing to commit suicide, I will never trouble Pesh again. What do you think of this proposal?"

There was a hint of ridicule in Ace's tone.


Pesh was angry all over.

"Xingyu, you must never promise him, he will not keep his promise!"

Pesh didn't believe Ace's words at all, but... Now that Xingyu is in his hands, he will die anytime, anywhere!

The feeling of being threatened is really bad.

"Is what you said true?"

At this moment, Jiang Xingyu raised his head and looked at Ace on the side.

The girl's eyes were still crystal clear, black and white.

These eyes...

So lovely.

"If my death can be exchanged for Pesh, I am willing to die! Pesh, don't get excited, and don't be sad. You have always been helping me, protecting me, and giving me a chance."

Jiang Xingyu suddenly smiled brightly and charmingly at Pesh not far away.

"Let me protect you too, okay?"

As he said, Jiang Xingyu slowly closed his eyes: "Give me a knife, it may be easier."

She slowly raised her arm, and her little white hand stopped in front of Ace.

"Okay, I will fulfill you."

As soon as Ace raised his hand at this time, a sharp dagger appeared in the palm of his hand. He squeezed the dagger into Jiang Xingyu's hand, his other hand still clamped her body firmly.

Sharp nails are always ready to go. If Pesh has any changes, his nails will pierce Jiang Xingyu's thin and thin body at any time!

Pesh, who was on the side, didn't dare to approach it casually, no matter how anxious he was.

"Remember to aim at your heart, take a stab at it, and be cruel, then it won't hurt so much."

Ace's tone was very gentle, gentle as if she was whispering gently with her lover.

A knife is fatal.

Jiang Xingyu had never held a dagger in her life, but at this moment, she didn't feel scared.

With love in your heart, you will have infinite courage.

"Pesh, goodbye."

Jiang Xingyu smiled and suddenly swung down the dagger!


At this last moment, Pesh finally rushed in madness. At this moment, he could no longer take care of so much. Even if it was Ace's full set, even if he died immediately, he couldn't let Xingyu have an accident!

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