Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1368: 1368: Jiang Lixing's arrangement

"They are the envoys of the earth under the throne of Qin Guang. I don't know what exactly they do. I only know their names. One is Ning Huanxin and the other is Xu Changan!"

Lin Meng looked at Po Meng seriously and told her everything he knew.

Po Meng:...

You don't even know what they are doing, so you took these two humans around in the underworld, saying that they were your friends?

Well, the straightforwardness and a tendon are also famous in the underworld!

Po Meng wanted to ask something, and suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind!

"You said... that girl's name is Ning Huanxin?"

"Well, that's right!" Jin Meng nodded, the name sounds pretty good.

"Don't you think this name is a bit familiar?" Po Meng frowned. Where did she hear this name?

"Are you familiar?"

With a dazed face, this name...

Uh, thinking about it, it's really familiar!

Where have you heard of it?


At this time, in the underworld, the palace of Hades.

Bai Wuchang took Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan directly to King Qin Guang’s Hall of the Underworld, where Jiang Lixing’s bedroom was.

"Princess, my lord, you are here!"

Seeing Ning Huanxin and Bai Wuchang, the ghost attendant in the bedroom immediately saluted forward respectfully.

Ning Huanxin:...


Is it calling her?

"How are the princess's friends?"

Bai Wuchang still had a cold face. Hearing his question, the ghost servant immediately lowered his head and replied: "Miss Xie is resting in the side hall, everything is fine, but... she is missing a soul. There seems to be no memory."

Fluttershy is here?

Hearing the dialogue between Bai Wuchang and the ghost servant, Xu Changan's eyes lit up immediately.

Ning Huanxin immediately looked at Bai Wuchang suddenly: "This, is it..."

"Yes, in fact, from the beginning, Your Highness has already arranged everything."

Bai Wuchang gave a rare smile.

How could Jiang Lixing really make Ning Huanxin lose his best friend?

"No wonder."

Ning Huanxin's heart was filled with excitement and sweetness.

No wonder Jiang Lixing deliberately told himself that day, if he had the opportunity to go to the underworld, he would let himself find black and white impermanence.

It turned out that...

Ning Huanxin pursed her lips lightly, and then took a deep breath: "He really is... interested."

He didn't understand everything too clearly, but Ning Huanxin felt all Jiang Lixing's will.

Jiang Lixing will always do the best in everything and be good to everyone.

"Shall we go to the side hall now?"

Ning Huanxin came back to his senses, looked at Bai Wuchang, and spoke lightly.

"Okay, come with me!"

Bai Wuchang dismissed the ghost attendant on the side, and personally walked forward with Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan.


King Qin Guang’s Palace of the Underworld is the largest in the underworld and the most spacious and luxurious palace.

There was obviously yin air everywhere, but Ning Huanxin walked here, she couldn't feel the slightest coldness, she even felt warm and warm.

Because this is where Ah Xing lives, his home.

His home is her home.

"this way."

Bai Wuchang led the way, and soon Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan were brought to the door of a partial hall.

"Miss Xie is inside."

Bai Wuchang stopped and turned to watch Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan whisper.

Speaking of Xie Yudie and he still have some connections, Jiang Lixing deliberately found Bai Wuchang for this matter and ordered him to do it well.

And this time, from beginning to end, Bai Wuchang did it all.

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