In Jiang Lixing's bedroom, the color is very single, all in blue.

Bai Wuchang brought Ning Huanxin to the door of the bedroom, but he did not dare to enter.

What a joke, even if His Royal Highness Pluto has become more approachable than before, he is still the superior King Qin Guang!

In this place, apart from Ning Huanxin, who would dare to take a step?


Ning Huanxin walked slowly into the bedroom alone. Although everything in the room looked a little dull and gloomy, she felt very comfortable.

This is Jiang Lixing's character, persistent and single-minded.

She didn’t know if she walked to Jiang Lixing’s bed and saw a large black book on his bed. Ning Huan was a little curious. She couldn’t help but sit down slowly, raised her hand and opened the book. It turned out to be An album?

The booklet is full of photos of Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin.

These group photos are...

Ning Huanxin was startled when she saw the first group photo on the first page.

That was the "first time" they met in Jingxin Temple.

At that time, Ning Huanxin saw his male **** excitedly wanting to take a group photo, but... Jiang Lixing took a photo and left.

Later, Ning Huanxin was still confused for a long time.

In the second photo, the two people in the photo are wearing the same apron, posing very intimate and happy poses in the kitchen.

This was taken by Jiang Lixing on his Weibo after their relationship became public. Since then, a group photo has been taken almost every day.

The third, fourth...

Ning Huanxin smiled and stroked the group photos, the corners of her eyes gradually moistened.

Although she has always felt that she loves Jiang Lixing very much, and her life is very happy.

But at this moment, she knew that she did not love enough.

He loves her, always loves him more than she loves, so much.

Slowly closing the black booklet, Ning Huan carefully put it back in place.

after all……

Anything that can be placed on the bed by one's own owner, beside the pillow, is definitely the most beloved thing.


Bai Wuchang didn't wait long outside, and soon Ning Huanxin came out of Jiang Lixing's bedroom.

"Let's go, let's go back to the partial hall."

Ning Huanxin said softly. At this time, Xu Changan and Little Bourne Shadow should have finished talking, right?


Bai Wuchang nodded and silently followed Ning Huanxin.


Hall of Hades, the gate of the side hall.

When Ning Huanxin walked to the door, she felt a little bit before walking in slowly.

At this time, Xie Yudie and Xu Changan in the room were sitting at a long table and chatting.

Seeing Ning Huanxin walk in, Xie Yudie immediately stood up happily and walked quickly to Ning Huanxin's eyes.

"Xiao Huanxin, oooooo, scared me! I thought I would never see you again!"

Xie Yudie was talking, holding Ning Huan's heart firmly with both hands.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Xie Yudie, then glanced at Xu Changan on the side.

Xu Changan's expression was a little strange. He looked at Ning Huanxin and said lightly, "Xiaodie... don't remember what happened recently."


Ning Huan was startled and looked at Xie Yudie in surprise.

"Well, Big Brother Xu is right. I really don't remember. I don't know how I was confused and I died?"

Xie Yudie didn’t know why he died, or how he died, even...

She didn't even remember who Zhou Han was.

She forgot this memory and Zhou Han.

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