Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1379: 1379: Gifts of Ghosts (2)

"Don't worry, this store has the seeds of the shade-eating grass. I will buy it for you as a present for you!"

Before he could say anything, Yan Xiaofei had rushed to the shop, leaving a group of people with a complicated expression——

This guy is very smart today!

Because the seeds of shade grass are really cheap!

A large package can be bought with one local government points!

In fact, it's not that everyone is reluctant to spend points. The first place is really hard to earn points. In the second place, you can get the sun, and there are really too few things that can be used!

But since Yan Xiaofei has bought gifts, the other people can't be empty-handed, right?

"Haixin, I also have a gift for you."

At this time, the faceless ghost spoke in a deep voice again. He didn't go to a party last time. Although it was a pity, as a simple house ghost, the faceless ghost didn't really mind.

This time, after all, it was the first time to meet Ning Huanxin. In fact, he took a gift before going out and prepared to give it to Ning Huanxin.

The faceless ghost put a small box in Ning Huanxin's hands.

"Wait when you return to the sun room and open it again, hoping to surprise you."

"Well, thank you."

The faceless ghost didn't say what his gift was, which made everyone look curious, but Ning Huanxin put the things away obediently, and did not open it.

Since it was someone else's mind, telling myself to go back and open it again, Ning Huanxin would naturally not open it in advance.

"In fact, you don't need to be so polite. I also know that many things in the underworld can't be brought to Yangjian. I understand your wishes. Really, I have received your wishes. I am very grateful."

Ning Huanxin didn't want everyone to spend money, but Xia Jinling and Nan Yu still prepared gifts for Ning Huanxin, but they both learned the faceless routine and put them in a box for Ning Huanxin to take it back and watch.


The time to get together always flies quickly. Ning Huanxin has been around in the capital city for most of the time, and she has seen a lot of the customs and architecture of the underworld. Because of the limited time, she left with Bai Wuchang, Bai Wuchang Directly cast the spell, bringing Ning Huanxin to Jiang Lixing's Hall of the Hades.

When the two returned to the Hall of the Underworld, Hei Wuchang had not returned with Xie Yudie and Xu Changan.

Ning Huanxin simply went to Jiang Lixing's bedroom again.

In the bedroom, Ning Huanxin took out her mobile phone, opened the photo album, flipped through the photos of herself and Jiang Lixing, and then logged into her official account.

In Jifu, although her special system can connect to the Internet, the signal is not very good.

At this time, Ning Huanxin's official account and Jiang Lixing's official account were crowded by many fans and crowds watching the excitement.

The last Weibo of Jiang Lixing was posted a long time ago. There were already a lot of clicks and comments, but now it is even more popular!

Ning Huanxin's Weibo is not much better.

In fact, it stands to reason that at this time, Cui Can should come forward to deal with it. Even if it is not convenient for him to come forward, he will contact Lin Chu or Ning Huanxin as soon as possible.

After all, Cui Can is a very qualified agent.

But until now, Cui Can didn't do anything. Ning Huanxin remembered that Han Zishang told himself that he could not contact Cui Can.

Could it be...

Did something happen to Brother Choi?

Ning Huanxin won't let her continue to develop this matter. When she returns, she must deal with it in advance.

While Ning Huan was worrying about it, Hei Wuchang had already returned with Xie Yudie and Xu Changan.

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