Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1386: 1386: Entering Jiang's House at Night (1)

"In the middle of the night, get up and sleep in a different position, Master Three!"

Ning Huanxin yelled loudly while knocking on the bedside table.

A man on the bed:...

"Boom boom boom."

Ning Huanxin knocked hard again.

"Three young masters, if you don't get up anymore, I'll be under the covers!"

"Me, wipe!"

Jiang Liran cursed, and suddenly sat up from his bed.

"A dream doesn't make you feel safe... to live, eh?"

Jiang Liran looked at the person on the bedside with his messy hair, and suddenly he yelled like a ghost.

"God, it's not a dream! You, why are you here?"

"Three young masters, how long have you not seen you? You just call me Mom, I can't afford it."

Ning Huanxin endured a smile and looked at Jiang Liran in front of him: "I am looking for you for something. You see that your Jiang family is so big and there are so many people. I can trust you! Let's live through the adversity together, don't you think?

"Is there such a thing? I don't remember."

Jiang Liran looked at Ning Huanxin with a vigilant look: "You, you rushed into the bedroom of a good housewife and man late at night, what are you doing? Robbery or robbed of sex?"


Ning Huanxin smiled strangely at Jiang Liran: "Guess what? Guess what I am going to do?"

With that said, Ning Huanxin slowly stood up, sneered and approached Jiang Liran.

"Stop, don't come over! This young master counts, didn't you come just for Jiang's rigorous business? You two have no future, and there is barely happiness."

With that said, Jiang Liran straightened his hair, turned his whole body off the bed, sat on the other side of the bed, and looked at Ning Huanxin across the bed.

"Why don't this young master show mercy, for the sake of our acquaintance, let me introduce you to a few beautiful men, among thousands of beautiful men, there is always one that suits you!"

With that said, Jiang Liran couldn't help laughing contentedly.

Hearing what Jiang Liran said, Ning Huan was speechless.

"Jiang Liran, I'm telling you business, put away your dude virtues, you know what I am looking for you!"

Ning Huan whispered coldly.

She remembered very clearly that Han Zishang told herself at noon that the mysterious person who posted the photos said that they would continue to post photos at night, and Ning Huanxin went to the underworld to save Xie Yudie and Xu Changan, and did not return until midnight.

Therefore, Ning Huanxin didn't know what the mysterious person had posted at night. Old man Gu had been watching Xiaodie, and the rest of the Gu family were naturally focusing on cultivating. No one would be interested in gossip news.

And Ning Huanxin's purpose in coming to Jiang Liran was not to know what that person had posted again. These things would definitely be clear after checking the Internet. Her purpose was...

"Where is Cui Can? He can't get through. Do you know where he is? Did he go back to Jiang's house?"

Cui Can couldn't get through and the person was missing. The first place Ning Huanxin could think of was Jiang's Manor in Yuhaishan. After all, this was where Cui Can grew up.

"Brother Chan?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Liran glanced at her: "Didn't you come to ask about Jiang Lixing? What did you ask about Cui Can? He went to another place and left long ago."


Hearing Jiang Liran's words, Ning Huanxin frowned slightly: "Do you know about this? Who told him to go to another place, where did he go? Why can't his mobile phone get through?"

"Has he changed his number? Of course Jiang Lixing asked him to go! I am not instructing him to move now."

Speaking of this, Jiang Liran looked a little unhappy.

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