Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1389: 1389: The whereabouts of Cui Can (2)

"Ms. Jiang, I took the liberty to come today to ask about Cui Can."

Only then did Ning Huanxin speak slowly, with a solemn tone.

"Cui Can?"

Jiang Yanran smiled disdainfully, her tone was very indifferent: "He is from Jiang Lixing, you should ask your good fiance, what do I do? Me and Cui Can... have long been strangers."

It shouldn't be too much to describe it as a stranger, right?

"If I could ask Ah Hang, I wouldn't be here anymore, would I?"

Ning Huanxin watched Jiang Yanran's fingertip cigarette disappear, and she couldn't help but speak again: "You must know where Cui Can was sent? He is in a dangerous situation now, I must find him as soon as possible!"

Ning Huanxin actually had a faint feeling.

The so-called scandal is just an introduction.

Used to arouse public speculation, but also to attract Ning Huanxin's attention.

And their purpose is not a scandal, what Jiang family.

What they want is human life!

That mysterious demon, he wanted to hurt the people around him while Jiang Lixing was away, so Ning Huanxin and Cui Can would be within that person's target range.

And today at noon, their action to assassinate Ning Huanxin obviously failed, and Ning Huanxin was afraid that the person would attack Cui Can.

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing have been together for so long, and how about his relationship with Cui Can, Ning Huanxin knows best.

Even though Jiang Lixing has a prominent status and is not a mortal, he has always regarded Cui Can as his own, as his brother!

and so……

When Jiang Lixing was away, Ning Huanxin would not let his brother have an accident!


Cui Can... Is it dangerous?

When Jiang Yanran heard Ning Huanxin's words, she paused slightly, but the next second, she immediately looked at Ning Huanxin with a smile and expectantly: "What does Cui Can have to do with me? He is Jiang Lixing. People, if he really died, I should be happy, isn’t it?"


Hearing Jiang Yanran's words, Ning Huanxin slowly got up: "Actually, I want to help you, because if this continues, the Jiang family will soon change hands, but since you don't want me to help, then forget it, you guys. Whether the Jiang family changes ownership or perishes, what does it have to do with my Ning Huanxin?"

With that said, Ning Huanxin turned and left.


At this time, Jiang Yanran suddenly squeezed out the cigarette in her hand and stopped Ning Huanxin.

"I also ask you a question, you answer me first, and I will tell you where Cui Can has gone."

As Jiang Yanran spoke, she slowly stood up.

Her voice finally became cold and serious.

"You ask."

Ning Huan turned his head indifferently and looked at the bright and charming Miss Jiang in front of him.

"The current Jiang Lixing, is it...a counterfeit?"

It is said that the person in the world who knows you best is probably your enemy.

Jiang Yanran asked herself that she had been studying all the movements of Jiang Lixing and Jiang Lixuan, and she knew Jiang Lixing very well, but this time, he suddenly returned to Jiang's house and his behavior changed suddenly.

How can a person suddenly become so fast?

Not only has the style of behavior changed, but can even the emotions change as soon as they change?


Hearing Jiang Yanran's words, Ning Huanxin smiled slightly: "How did you see it?"

"I guess I was right?"

Jiang Yanran smiled proudly: "In fact, since the scandal report, I began to doubt, although I don't like Jiang Lixing very much, but...I have to admit that he is a rare, infatuated and dedicated man. I have seen you When he is together, he looks at your eyes, those eyes are full of love, those eyes can't deceive people."

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