Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1402: 1402: Enter the Misty Valley

"This is my friend, have you seen him?"

Ning Huanxin asked seriously, and when the man heard Ning Huanxin's words, he suddenly stared at the photo on the screen of Ning Huanxin's phone.

The look in his eyes is a bit complicated.

"It's him! It's him! I told him he can't go in, don't go in! Why does he have to go in! Why? Why?"

The man's eyes were suddenly red, and he looked at Ning Huanxin fiercely.

"If you don't go back...you will die, you will die!"

He yelled a few words, excitedly trying to grab Ning Huanxin's phone. Fortunately, Ning Huanxin reacted quickly, so Ken escaped easily.

This person...

Isn't it a mental problem?

I wonder if he can believe what he said? Did Choi Chan really go in?

When she thought of this, Ning Huanxin immediately took a deep breath, then put her phone away and ignored the man who was still yelling next to her. She couldn't help speeding up her pace and heading towards Misty Valley.

"Don't go! Don't go!"

"Come back! Come back! Yuzhu, come back!"

The voice of the man behind him has gradually diminished, and finally all disappeared in the cold wind.

Here, it's really cold and heavy.

The more you go in, the colder it gets, and a faint mist begins to appear.

However, the fog was not very thick at this time, at least Ning Huanxin could clearly see the road in front of him.


Ning Huanxin was calculating while walking, and she stopped suddenly as she walked.

Because of the heavy fog surrounding her, she could no longer see anything in front of her.

At this moment, she truly entered the Misty Valley, this legendary forbidden land.

What will be in the Misty Valley? Man-eating ghosts? The bones trapped here? Or is it the endless murderous intent of the demons?

Ning Huanxin couldn't see anything, she was not in a hurry. Instead, she stood still and adjusted her state and breathing. After that, she slowly closed her eyes and used her mental power and sensitivity to feel everything in the outside world.

The direction of the wind, the direction of plant growth.

Ning Huanxin sensed, and walked in a certain direction according to her own sense. She kept walking, and she didn’t seem to be able to go to the end, but Ning Huanxin was not irritable at all, she was still calm, and stepped firmly towards a certain Keep going in the direction.

After walking for more than half an hour, the sound in my ears suddenly changed. Just now, there was thick fog around, and there was no sound except the sound of wind.

And now, Ning Huanxin actually heard the sound of insects.

This voice is...

Ning Huanxin slowly opened her eyes, and what appeared in front of her was no longer a thick mist, but a very beautiful place, like a paradise——

Beautiful scenery, colorful falling down!

Ning Huan turned around subconsciously, and there was no thick fog behind her. At this time, she was in a small valley full of peach blossoms and beautiful scenery, and there was a small village in this valley. There are still a lot of people!

"Miss sister, are you new here?"

At this time, two naughty children ran to Ning Huanxin's side, blinking black and white eyes, looking at her curiously.

"I'm new here, what is your place here, sister is lost."

Ning Huanxin bent down and looked at the two children, and asked softly.

"My mother said that our place is called Unmanned Valley. It is difficult for outsiders to come in. It has been a long time since there have been visitors in our village!"

The child's voice is very immature and nice.

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