Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1404: 1404: Big Treasure and Two Treasures

After being "expelled" by the villagers, Ning Huanxin could only wander outside the village in the valley.

She walked all around the valley, and the flowers and trees here seemed nothing special except that they grew taller and more luxuriant than outside.

I don't know how long it took, but Ning Huanxin didn't know if he had walked to a hillside behind the village. There were a lot of big rocks on this hillside. The surface of the rocks was very smooth, and it seemed that people often sat here.

Ning Huanxin simply sat on the rock.

A few minutes later, she heard footsteps, which were very cheerful and light.

"big sister!"

Two small figures appeared in front of Ning Huanxin.

"Dabao, Second Treasure?"

Ning Huanxin looked at the two familiar little figures, smiled and said hello. These two little ones were the two little mischiefs she had just met at the entrance of the village.

Ning Huanxin remembered that the woman in her early thirties called them Dabao, Erbao.

This should be their name.

"Big sister, are you hungry?"

At this time, the younger Er Bao raised his head to look at Ning Huanxin, and took out a small bag of biscuits from his arms, and he carefully stuffed them into Ning Huanxin's hands.

"Sister, I ask you to eat!"

"Thank you Erbao."

Ning Huanxin glanced at the Oreo biscuit in his hand, was stunned, but still raised his head and looked at Erbao tenderly.

"Erbao, do you two come here often to play? How dangerous is it for children to play here, are no adults watching you?"

Ning Huanxin asked.

Dabao and Erbao shook their heads at the same time when they heard Ning Huanxin's words.

"We are not afraid, there are no bad people in the village, and we are very strong and we are not afraid of injury!"

Both children have innocent faces and their voices are tender and nice.

"Are the people in your village getting along well? In fact, my sister is not a bad person, why don't they welcome my sister?"

Ning Huanxin looked annoyed and whispered pitifully, "My sister and my friend are separated, and I'm lost. I'm also very pitiful. I'm going to sleep on a rock at night."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, the two brothers Dabao and Erbao looked at each other. At this time, Dabao couldn’t help but step forward and looked at Ning Huanxin: “Sister, don’t be sad. After a while, you will be like us. People in the village will like you!"

"Yeah yeah! Soon we will be able to play together!"

Er Bao also clapped happily on the side.

After a while, it will be the same as them. What does this... mean?

Ning Huanxin was a little skeptical, but seeing the two children playing around, she did not continue to ask anything.

Dabao and Erbao played for a while, the sky was already very dark, and the two were planning to go back. Before they left, Ning Huanxin showed the two children Cui Can's photos, but both children kept shaking their heads.

"We haven't seen this big brother!"

"Yes, we haven't seen any strangers in our village for a long time."

Children should not be able to lie.

Watching the two children walk away, Ning Huanxin slowly retracted her gaze.

Is it true that Choi Chan is not here?

Inexplicably, Ning Huanxin was relieved.

"It seems that you are not very worried?"

A low voice suddenly sounded behind Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin turned around abruptly, and a tall and deep shadow appeared silently in front of her eyes.

This person's body shape really resembles Jiang's strict performance.

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