Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1419: 1419: Mountain rain is coming

After spending an entire afternoon in the mountains with Sister Xiao, Ning Huanxin really took a lot of photos with her mobile phone. When the two returned to the farmhouse, Wei Shuangquan had already returned from the city.

"Big sister."

Seeing his wife's figure, Wei Shuangquan called her immediately.

Sister Xiao quickly rushed to Wei Shuangquan's side, and the two turned upstairs together, seeming to have some private matters to talk about.

Although Ning Huanxin wanted more clues, she was not interested in deliberately spying on others' privacy.

She did not go upstairs, but walked alone in the yard. She happened to see the chef of the farmhouse coming back from outside with a bag of wild wild vegetables in her hand.

The chef looks like he is in his early sixties, but he has a strong body and looks very energetic.

"Uncle, do you want to make soup again tonight?"

Ning Huan took a few steps forward and saw that the uncle chef was holding the kind of wild wild vegetables with special aura. She couldn't help but speak again: "This wild wild vegetables tastes really peculiar. I have been to many places, but I have never seen it. Well, is this unique to our Shili Dashan!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, the chef just smiled.

"This kind of wild vegetables is strange to say. When I was a child, we didn't have this kind of wild vegetables here, but I don't know when, probably 30 years ago? Or when, this kind of wild vegetables is like The hillside was overgrown overnight, and it tasted so good, it became a commonplace in the village!"

Saying that the uncle chef smiled apologetically at Ning Huanxin: "I'm sorry, Miss Gu, I can't chat with you anymore, these dishes can't be eaten unless they are cooked!"

Before the words came to an end, the uncle chef had already walked back to the kitchen quickly.

And Ning Huanxin stood still, thoughtful--

Was it the strange wild wild plants that suddenly appeared thirty years ago?

Is there any mystery in this?


In the evening, the sky was gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain again.

The roar of the car suddenly remembered in the yard. Ning Huan subconsciously walked to the door and took a look. He was seeing Xiao Dazhong slowly coming out of the taxi, with a look of joy and a bottle of red wine in his hand.

"Brother Dazhong, what's the happy event?"

Ning Huanxin saw Xiao Dazhong's happy face and immediately asked him with a smile.

"I, I...nothing big, I just made a lot of money today, I am happy."

Xiao Dazhong looked at the lobby of the hotel while talking. At this moment, Ning Huanxin was alone.

The waiters are all off work, and sister Xiao and his wife are upstairs.

"Miss Gu, why are you alone?"

Xiao Dazhong asked while sitting at a dining table not far from the door.

"Oh, I ate very late today. The eldest sister went upstairs when he asked Big Brother Wei to have something to do. I just finished eating and didn’t want to go upstairs to rest so quickly. I wanted to go out for a walk, but the wind started to blow again. It seems to be raining again." Ning Huan replied in a low voice.

It often rains in the mountains, and every time it rains, it rains heavily.

"No. Tonight, Tongzhou also issued a rainstorm orange warning! Miss Gu, you should remember to close the window at night. The rainstorm in this mountain is a bit scary, but you can rest assured that our ten-mile mountains are rich in vegetation and dense forests. There will be no landslides and mudslides, so living in our village, you are still very safe."

Xiao Da's loyalty is true. After all, he grew up here, and he must have experienced a lot of storms since childhood.

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