Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1423: 1423: Yun Ye enters the mountain (2)

Yun Ye's face looked very bad at this time.

Ning Huanxin noticed that his whole body was wet, and his face was slightly pale.

"Sister, this is my senior brother, you can help him open a better room."

Ning Huanxin turned her head and said something to Sister Xiao, then raised her eyes to look at Yun Ye: "Senior Brother Yun, you first go take a bath and change your clothes, let's go upstairs and talk!"

Things that make Yun Ye feel tricky and troublesome are definitely not clear in a few words.

"it is good."

When Yun Ye heard Ning Huanxin's words, he nodded immediately, and then turned to look at Sister Xiao: "Thank you!"

"No trouble, come with me!"

Sister Xiao was not very nervous at this time, with a smile on her face. She deliberately gave Yun Ye the key card of Ning Huanxin’s next room. Seeing that Yun Ye didn’t bring anything, she told Wei Shuangquan to go to the closet to get one. A new set of clothes came out.

This dress belongs to Xiao Dazhong, because Yun Ye is tall and tall and looks similar to Xiao Dazhong.

Of course, the style and texture of the clothes are average, but fortunately, Yun Ye is not a very caring person.

"Thank you, I will settle the clothes with you."

With that said, Yun Ye opened his door and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Junior Sister Gu, come in too."

"Well, yes."

Ning Huanxin nodded, and walked into Yun Ye's room. Yun Ye took a change of clothes to take a bath, and Ning Huanxin sat outside and waited.

In the corridor, seeing Yun Ye's door closed tightly, Sister Xiao's face suddenly whitened, she immediately pulled Wei Shuangquan, and the couple quickly returned to their bedroom and directly locked the door.

"Both, both!"

Sister Xiao grabbed her husband's hand nervously, "They...what are they from? Is that Miss Gu...is it a policeman?"

"do not know."

Wei Shuangquan's face was not pretty either, but he was more calm than Sister Xiao, and more than she thought.

"They're not here to investigate Forbidden Valley, are they? Did they know Shuangshuang, Shuangshuang..."


Wei Shuangquan immediately made a silent gesture at Sister Xiao: "Don't talk nonsense, I saw a lot of policemen coming, as if they were going to search the mountains and arrest the fugitives. Don't think too much about it. Let's see the situation tomorrow. "

While talking, Wei Shuangquan held his wife in his arms, tightly--

Sister, I won't let you have an accident.

Never let anyone have an accident!


In the room.

Ning Huanxin was completely bored, the bathroom door opened, and Yun Ye walked out slowly. He looked a lot more energetic. He was wearing Xiao Dazhong's clothes. Although it was a bit of a sense of contradiction, he was a very ordinary middle-aged man. The costume looks pretty handsome on him.


Ning Huan couldn't help but feel happy: "Brother Yun, you are quite suitable for this style!"

Yun Ye:...

Yun Ye looked at Ning Huanxin helplessly. Was Junior Sister Gu originally with this kind of personality?

What about the elite fan?

"Sister Gu, let me tell you about this time."

Yun Ye sat directly opposite Ning Huanxin, his expression very serious.

"I came to Tongzhou this time to assist the local police in destroying a huge human trafficking organization. Because Tongzhou has a special terrain, there are many mountainous areas and even impoverished areas in its jurisdiction. This special terrain has caused it to become a human trader. Frequently, our operation this time went very smoothly. I have found all their strongholds and rescued forty-eight victims who were trafficked, but today the leader of this organization doesn’t know where to get the news. He drove out of Tongzhou. By the time I knew it, he had already left the city, and the sudden heavy rain cut off my spiritual power."

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