"This, what's going on?"

Xiao Dazhong's face changed wildly when he saw the police car in the yard.

Although the cars are empty, they look scary! As an ordinary citizen, when has Xiao Dazhong seen this battle?

"Brother Dazhong, early!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin had already gone downstairs. Seeing Xiao Dazhong's dull face, she immediately smiled and said, "You were drunk last night, don't you know? There was a big deal last night!"

"What's the big deal?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xiao Dazhong's entire face changed, and Ning Huanxin felt his voice and even his body tremble.

"Brother Dazhong, what's wrong with you? What are you nervous about?"

Ning Huan was startled, and looked at Xiao Dazhong suspiciously: "You...couldn't you do something outside, did you?"

Generally, only people who have committed a crime are so afraid of police cars!

"I...I, I just... I picked up a wallet and didn't turn it in."

Xiao Dazhong's face was impenetrable: "So what, Miss Gu, am I a crime? Do you want to go to jail? Most of the other people in our rental company did the same! In a year, I found a lot of wallets and mobile phones. , And I waited for the whole day yesterday and there were no company announcements or broadcasts. The owner probably didn’t care. It was only a few hundred yuan. This...I bought alcohol."

Ning Huanxin:...

No wonder Xiao Dazhong was so happy yesterday, his feelings were lost in the sky?

"Brother Dazhong, you... you pick up valuable things and don't hand them in. This is called illegal embezzlement of other people's property."

Ning Huanxin whispered to him.

"This, is this serious?"

Xiao Dazhong doesn’t have much culture, he doesn’t understand very well, but those friends around him said that if he picked it up, it was his own, and he did see that there was not much money. If there was really one hundred and eighty thousand, so much money, he would not dare to claim Have it for yourself.

"It's not... very serious, right?"

In fact, Ning Huanxin was also stunned, and she didn't understand the specifics.

"However, Brother Dazhong, these policemen are not here specifically for you. They seem to be hunting down the leader of a human trafficking organization. If you can provide clues, you might be able to make up for it."

Ning Huanxin said and glanced at Xiao Dazhong.

"I heard that the suspect is also from your village."

"Our village? What is it called?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xiao Dazhong's expression relaxed. It turned out that the police were here to catch the villain, but when did such a frenzied person appear in Anle Village?

"The suspect is called Fan Yiwen."

A cold male voice sounded behind the two people, it was Yun Ye.

He walked out slowly, changing his black trench coat back to him.

"Fan Yiwen?"

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Xiao Dazhong was stunned for a while, and suddenly he slapped his thigh: "Oh, I remember, is Fan Yiwen the name of Boss Fan? He has left the village for almost ten years!"

"Lao Fan? Are you brothers with Lao San Fan?"

Ning Huanxin asked immediately.

"Yeah. They are cousins. The old Fan family has three brothers in total, ranked according to age."

Xiao Dazhong replied: "Boss Fan was taller and stronger than ours since he was a child, so he always bullied people when he was a child. Later, when he went to work in the city, he rarely came back. I thought he had made a fortune outside and became a big boss, but he didn't expect him to..."

Having said that, Xiao Dazhong also forgot the initial nervousness and the complex sighs on his face.

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