Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1449: 1449: The man behind (2)

"Sister, do you think there is a medicine in this world that can keep all the beauty forever?"

Er Bao once asked Ning Huanxin this sentence innocently.

Thinking about it now, he definitely didn't say this for no reason.

"Anonymous, you have killed so many innocent people in a frenzied manner, divided Anle Village into two, and turned it into an isolated experimental field. What is your purpose? Apart from Jiang Ziluo, what other party do you have? ?"

Ning Huanxin didn’t know how Jiang Ziluo knew about Wuming and how to cooperate with him, but there is one thing that Ning Huanxin can be sure of, Wuming dared to experiment here, and there are monks like Xia Qiu, so his influence is definitely not small .

It may be stronger than Gu Qianchen's power.

After all, so many people have been lost in Misty Valley over the years, why has no one come to investigate? No one is looking for?

Is it just because of a rumor that everyone is deterred?

Ordinary people may really dare not enter because they are afraid of death, but what about others? For example, search and rescue teams, or other organizations capable people?

Wuming suddenly laughed when he heard Ning Huanxin's question.

"Ning Huanxin, you are such a smart woman, why are you confused now? In this world, what do people need most? Love? Is family affection? No, it is money. Only rights and money can allow those people Giving up looking for their loved ones can make those people give up family affection and love."

The families of those who are missing, who dare not come and look for them, are gone.

Those who travel thousands of miles to find relatives, or come to the police and ask for help, will come to them, give them a lot of money, and tell them how dangerous the Misty Valley is, and it is a forbidden place that ordinary people cannot touch.

Over time, those people also accepted this argument. Never come to find my lover or family again.

Rights, money.

Benefits smoke the heart.

"Guess... who is most afraid of death in this world? Poor people? No, rich people, rich and powerful people, they long for immortality! They long to have their own power empire and money empire forever!"

Wuming said, his eyes gradually became very cold, and his voice became more and more hoarse: "So, you should know that the person who worked with me provided me with funds to protect the entire Misty Valley. Who is he? ."

Hearing Wuming's words, Ning Huan's expression was slightly dazed.

A figure flashed through her mind.

"It turned out to be him."

Ning Huanxin murmured, this matter...

Jiang strictly enforced him, you know?

Ah Xing must not know.

Do not……

Ning Huanxin was still thinking about something, suddenly a flash of light flashed in front of her eyes, Wuming took advantage of Ning Huan's heart shaking, suddenly shot her!

Fortunately, Ning Huanxin reacted quickly, and the Jinghong Sword that had been hanging in the air also turned in an instant, automatically protecting the lord!

What a fierce spirit sword!

Even if there are countless unknown murders, they are also shocked by the murderous intent on the Jinghong Sword!

Why would this woman carry such a peerless sword with her?

At the moment Wuming was surprised, Ning Huanxin did not hesitate to perform Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship!

With this swordsmanship, even the people of the Demon Race have to retreat when they see it!

Countless sword light and sword energy centered on Ning Huanxin's body, heading towards the nameless direction!

At the moment when Ning Huanxin launched the Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship, Wuming suddenly raised his hand, and Xia Qiu's whole body was sucked in front of him.

Countless sword lights penetrated Xia Qiu's body in an instant, and there was no trace of blood in her body!

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