Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1452: 1452: Resurrected Memory (2)

"Blast Sword!"

Ning Huanxin’s sword skills are extremely fast. This is the sword technique she learned in the Gu family. Because Chu Yi had taught the sword, and she also practiced it on weekdays, so Ning Huanxin had already practiced the wind swordsmanship. It's so perfect, but I don't have the chance to use it on weekdays!

The sword aura was amazing, and the surrounding villagers were pushed far away by Ning Huanxin's sword aura.

"It deserves to be the number one genius in the fairy world."

Jiang Ziluo was already concentrated at this time, waved his hand, and there was a black long sword in his hand!

His figure flashed, and the whole person immediately rushed to Ning Huanxin. The two fought together. After all, Jiang Ziluo is the prince of the demon clan. Even if the devilish energy is suppressed by the mortal heavens, he is still much stronger than Ning Huanxin.

"Jiang Ziluo, don't kill her, but you promised me to leave her to me as an experimental subject!"

Seeing Jiang Ziluo pressing Ning Huanxin to fight, Wuming on the side immediately couldn't help but remind him.

"Relax, what I want is her soul, what you want is this body and blood, let's not conflict!"

As he said, Jiang Ziluo's eyes suddenly turned purple, and he smiled strangely at Ning Huanxin——

"Fairy Qingxin, this time, I will let your soul fly away! Never reincarnate!"

In this way, Brother Dahuang no longer has to think about it!

Before the words were over, Jiang Ziluo had already acted, and the powerful demon energy surged, the entire laboratory collapsed, and everyone was shaken out. At this time, there was fire everywhere in the village, and the fire reflected Jiang Ziluo’s face. , Making him look extraordinarily evil.

"Yeah, you think you are invincible when you wear cosmetic contact lenses?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, raised his eyes a little proudly, and looked at Jiang Ziluo mockingly.

What is the ability to only know the design frame?

"Mozu, it's just that!"

Before Ning Huanxin spoke, a red lotus suddenly flew out of her arm. The lotus grew bigger and hotter. At this moment, the flames in the whole village seemed to be involuntary. Was attracted by Honglian.

"this is……"

Jiang Ziluo frowned slightly, he had never seen this kind of technique, nor had the Qingxin Fairy in his previous life used this technique.

"Blood-free Red Lotus!"

Ning Huanxin has already cultivated to the top of the fifth layer. Although her spiritual power is now suppressed and unable to use advanced spells, she took advantage of the fire in the entire village and borrowed the sun’s power from the fire. With the assistance of countless flames, the blood-free red lotus was finally released by Ning Huanxin. In an instant, the bright red lotus flew out, blooming and blooming on the whole earth, and it was hot everywhere.


The screams are endless. Although the villagers have special bodies, they are burned by the red lotus flame of the sun, like they have encountered the fire of hell. Although they will not be burned to death, they will suffer.

"My subject!"

Seeing all his experimental subjects wailing in the red flames, Wuming immediately became anxious!

He is not nervous about the life and death of these people, but is afraid that his years of hard work will be burned!

Jiang Ziluo clearly said that as long as it comes tonight, she can be foolproof. The demon clan's large formation has been set up, and she will definitely be able to capture it.

But now...

Just grab a woolen thread!

Ning Huanxin’s counterattack made Jiang Ziluo startled, but he was not nervous. For this day, he sacrificed a lot to set up this demon clan’s forbidden spirit formation, which is second only to Zhuxian formation. Great battle!

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