Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1455: 1455: The loser is the bandit

What is immortal?

What is a magic?

What about immortals? What about the devil?

Ning Huanxin never minded the identity of a fairy, and she hated endless wars even more.


She and Jiang rigorously agreed that they want to escape the shackles of their status and ignore the disputes in the Three Realms. They just want to be a loving couple and join hands.

"You go."

Thinking of Jiang Lixing, Ning Huanxin's expression immediately softened.

Although Jiang Ziluo deserves to die, he is the demon imperial family after all. If he dies, new disputes will surely be provoked immediately.

"Killing is the most troublesome thing, killing demons is even more disgusting."

Ning Huanxin waved impatiently while speaking.

The world is really annoying, can't people just fall in love happily, roll off the sheets or something?

Seeing Ning Huanxin willing to let him go, Jiang Ziluo naturally couldn't ask for it. He immediately snapped a finger, and led his female subordinates to break through the gap in time and space, and ran away quickly.

And after they left, the restrictions on Cui Can were naturally released.

"Haixin, you..."

Cui Can looked at Ning Huanxin in surprise. Just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed: "That's awful! What about Yanran!"

Oh, I almost forgot, Miss Jiang came all the way to save the hero.

Ning Huanxin smiled slightly: "Brother Cui, don't be afraid, I'll give you a ride!"

Before the voice was over, Ning Huanxin suddenly threw out a charm, which happened to be stuck on Cui Can's body, and his whole person disappeared in an instant!


Learn from Lei Feng to do good things and never leave a name.

Ning Huanxin retracted his hand happily, then turned his head to look at the already dumbfounded nameless.

"I said, let's settle the account now, do you think I killed you all at once, or..."

Ning Huanxin squeezed her chin with her hand, as if lost in thought.

"I admit that you are very strong, you are the king and the loser. If you want to kill, you have to pluck it. Just listen to it!"

There was determination in the nameless voice hoarse.

But when he was speaking, he kept one hand in his pocket.

Ning Huanxin pretended not to see his small movements, and continued to speak, "Actually, I am curious, who are you? Why do such human experiments?"


Speaking of his own identity, Wuming suddenly looked complicated and sad.

"I am just a person with no name and no identity. I have been adopted by my master since I was a child, and my master is an evil cultivator. He has been using my body to refine medicine, which has caused me to maintain the body of a child. I can't grow up, and I..."

Having said this, Wuming suddenly lowered his head and sighed long.


Wuming continued to speak, and his body involuntarily walked back a few steps.

"I won't admit defeat!"

He suddenly took something out of his pocket and threw it out. Numerous mists spread in an instant. Where is there a nameless shadow?

Everyone has obsessions and desires.

A greedy person, his desire never exists today.

"Although you are also unfortunate, you have magnified your misfortune ten million times and imposed it on more innocent people. It's really...damn it."

Ning Huanxin didn't chase him, but sighed, and then gently threw his Jinghong Sword!

The Jinghong Sword flew past like a meteor.

After a while, behind the fog, I remembered a shrill shout——


When the Jinghong Sword flew back again, there was no blood on the tip of the sword, but a small bottle with a lot of green liquid in it.

"The loser is a bandit, and death is not a pity."

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