Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1567: 1567: Brother is sick

Zhang Nianming wandered around in the yard thinking hard. At this moment, he saw Wei Shuangshuang coming back from the martial arts training ground in the backyard. Zhang Nian suddenly brightened his eyes and rushed up quickly, standing in front of Wei Shuangshuang.

Suddenly being stopped by someone, Wei Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked carefully, he saw that the person who suddenly stopped him was Zhang Nian.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Wei Shuangshuang gave him a puzzled look.

At this time, Zhang Nian tried his best to learn Jiang Lixing's gentle appearance when facing Ning Huanxin, raised his eyes and looked at Wei Shuangshuang who was close at hand, and asked gently, "Junior sister, are you back? Are you thirsty?" Do you want to eat fruit?"

Wei Shuangshuang:...

Is the way I entered the door the wrong way?

"Junior sister, why don't you speak? Is your voice uncomfortable? Can I practice Qingyin Pill for you?"

Seeing that Wei Shuangshuang was silent, Zhang Nian immediately added a few more words.

Wei Shuangshuang still looked speechless--

This thought is definitely possessed by something strange, right?

"I'm very tired, I'm going to sleep."

Wei Shuangshuang decided to ignore him and moved forward. Who knew that Zhang Nian immediately strayed and walked in front of Wei Shuangshuang when she heard her.

"Junior sister, don't worry, I will help you make the bed!"

Before he finished his words, Zhang Nian had already left with a gust of wind, and the direction he was going was exactly in Wei Shuangshuang's room!

Wei Shuangshuang:...

#My brother has a brain disease! what should I do? Waiting online, very anxious! #


In the last two days before school started, Ning Huanxin stayed in Gu's Manor and didn't come out, but Jiang Lixing naturally stayed with her.

Gu's house, backyard.

"Counting the time, Lin Qiuhan should be about to cross the catastrophe. If she crosses the catastrophe in the underworld, her success rate will be higher. When you start school, I will go back to the underworld."

Standing beside Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing whispered.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin nodded immediately: "Axing, you must help her, Sister Qiuhan must successfully overcome the catastrophe."

As long as she succeeds, she will be able to shape her body smoothly, and she will be able to practice together with her elder brother in the future and grow old together.

"I'm working, don't you worry about it?"

Jiang Lixing smiled faintly. In fact, even if Lin Qiuhan didn't go to the underworld to practice, Jiang Lixing's cultivation was enough to protect her from successfully crossing the catastrophe, but...

If Lin Qiuhan is not allowed to leave, how can he be able to support Gu Xiao, a mad demon guardian sister?

With such a big light bulb in Gu's family, the two-person world of Lord Pluto and his wife would definitely not be as warm and pleasant as it is now.

Of course, Jiang Lixing would not tell Ning Huanxin about such things.

When Lin Qiuhan succeeds in shaping her body in the future, she can marry Gu Xiao and have children. Then, in the future, Gu Xiao can have his wife and children hot on the bed, and there should not be so much extra time to look at her sister.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lixing couldn't help but curled his lips. When he and Huanxin reached a positive result, they could also have their own children. Then...

"What are you thinking about? Feeling so happy?"

Seeing Jiang Lixing standing on the side with curvy eyebrows and a happy expression, Ning Huanxin couldn't help but touched him, and asked curiously.

"I'm thinking……"

Just as Jiang Lixing was about to say something, a crisp voice suddenly interrupted his voice.

"Master, Madam! Brother Cui Can is here!"

Zhang Nian stood not far away from the two people at this time and spoke respectfully.

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