Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1569: 1569: Meet the brothers (1)

"Brother Cui, you and Sister Chu Chu are familiar with each other. You can help me ask her if she has time on the weekend. I will ask her to have a meal."

After school started, she had less free time. Ning Huanxin decided to discuss the matter with Lin Chu first when she had time on the weekend.

In fact, she could find Lin Chu directly by herself, but if Cui Can was allowed to spread the word in the middle, Cui Can was a particularly smart man. He should talk to Lin Chu about this in advance, so Lin Chu would naturally be prepared. In this way, you will not be so embarrassed when you meet and talk about termination.

"Okay, no problem."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Cui Can nodded. He and Lin Chu have been working with Lin Chu for a while, and he knows her well. He knows Lin Chu’s personality, even if Ning Huanxin really quit the entertainment circle, with his own efforts, Lin Chu can also stand out in this circle, and...

In case of any trouble, Cui Can can also help her.

I dare not say anything else. In the circle of brokers, Cui Can’s qualifications and methods are definitely the most heavenly. It’s just that Jiang Lixing has too much influence behind him, and Jiang Lixing’s personality is also very domineering. People often overlook Cui Can’s presence...


On the annual school day, the entrance of Yanbei University is the same as in previous years, very lively.

Jiang Lixing drove his off-road vehicle, and sent Ning Huanxin to the school gate very low-key.

"study hard, improve every day!"

Seeing that Ning Huanxin was about to get out of the car, Jiang Lixing suddenly turned his head and smiled softly to Ning Huanxin.


Ning Huanxin staggered and almost fell.

"Can't you tell me something else?"

Ning Huanxin looked at Jiang Lixing helplessly, Master Pluto's recent style of painting is so refreshing, it is really unpredictable!

"Then... I wish you success in your studies, and you must pass every exam?"

Jiang Lixing seemed to hesitate for a moment, then blinked at Ning Huanxin, his tone still very gentle and relaxed.

"Okay, okay."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Jiang Lixing: "I'm in, you go back, see you this weekend!"

With that said, Ning Huanxin dragged his luggage and backpack and walked into the school gate.

Jiang Lixing had been smiling and watching Ning Huanxin's back, and his mood had never been so relaxed and happy.

What was once cautious, what was once walking on thin ice, is now finally over.

Keeping the clouds open and seeing the moonlight, three thousand years of persistent waiting, the result is so beautiful.

It wasn't until Ning Huanxin's figure disappeared completely from his sight that Jiang Lixing started the car and turned around and left.

However, Jiang Lixing did not directly drive back to Yuhaishan. He drove the car around the city, and then left the city and went to a deserted factory on the outskirts of Yanjing.

Here, weeds are overgrown and people are inaccessible, and there is even an unpleasant and decadent smell in the air.

Jiang Lixing parked the car and got out of the car slowly. The moment Jiang Lixing got off the car, the grass in the entire area had no wind and the air seemed to condense, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

Jiang Lixing's eyes had faintly changed color at this time, he raised his hands, and a piece of jade pendant appeared in his hand.

This jade pendant was the piece of demon royal jade pendant that Jiang Ziluo gave to Ning Huanxin. Because Jiang Lixing returned afterwards, Ning Huanxin directly handed the jade pendant to Jiang Lixing for processing.

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