Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1571: 1571: Meet the brothers (3)

"Three thousand years, you have grown, and I... also changed."

Jiang Lixing looked at Jiang Ziluo and continued to speak softly.

What changed yourself?

Jiang Lixing knew very well that it was Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin in this life slowly changed Jiang Lixing, allowing his devilish energy to be restrained, and making his heart soft.

It was she who made a demon king learn to love, and it was she who made the ruthless King Qin Guang understand the truth in the world.

Whether it is love, family affection or friendship.

Ning Huanxin has her own family, friends, and good sisters, so she is very young.

Jiang Lixing was with her. During this period, he also integrated into the life of the world, and experienced the five flavors of the world, love and hatred.

Perhaps he is really different from before, and Jiang Lixing also likes himself more.


"Brother Big Emperor?"

Jiang Ziluo on the side looked at Jiang Lixing in surprise. Brother Da Huang really didn't do anything?

Where is the big emperor brother who killed the whole clan when he didn't agree with him?

Did the three thousand years of separation really completely change him?

"Why? I don't kill you, are you still dissatisfied?"

Jiang Lixing saw Jiang Ziluo's surprise, he couldn't help but chuckle, and continued: "If you really hurt your heart, I will never let you off easily, but... this time, although it is a bit thrilling, it is good to be happy. She was not injured, and, on the contrary, your appearance reminded her of things in her previous life, and it also made her know Wei Shuangshuang by accident and got a good apprentice."

At this time, Jiang Lixing spoke lightly again.

In fact, this was the main reason why he let Jiang Ziluo go-the function was overdue.

If it hadn't been for the assassination of the demons and Jiang Ziluo's plan, Ning Huanxin might not have recovered her memory so quickly.

Jiang Ziluo did help Jiang Lixing this time.


Is that so?

Jiang Ziluo was a little bit understanding, he still looked at Jiang Lixing cautiously, and tentatively said: "Brother Dahuang, or... come back, the door of our demons is always open for you."

Since Jiang Lixing didn't kill himself, is it because of that blood connection?

They are biological brothers after all!

Jiang Ziluo didn't know how much he hoped that Jiang Lixing would return to the demon clan. How could he live better in the days when Brother Dahuang was away?

"Brother Dahuang, as long as you are willing to come back, my life will be handed over to you! If you want to kill or cut, listen to the imperial wife's disposal, let me be a cow and a horse, and go through all kinds of fires. I am absolutely willing.

Jiang Ziluo said excitedly on the side, but he did not expect that Jiang Lixing listened to his words, but stared coldly.

"I don't have to be a cow or a horse for her. It is enough for my wife to have my own."

Jiang Ziluo:...

Damn, what's your bottom line, Brother Dahuang?

I can't pick you up like this!


"I will never go back to the demon clan, nor will we go back to the fairy clan. There are always many places in the Three Realms that we have never been to, and there are always scenery we have not seen. I will find a favorite with Huanxin Place to live in seclusion and live the life we ​​want to live."

A peaceful and happy two-person world.

This is Jiang Lixing's long-cherished wish, but now, this wish is about to be fulfilled, let alone the demons, even the way of heaven cannot stop him!

As Jiang Lixing said, he looked at Jiang Ziluo: "I know that the demons still have the intention of making a comeback, but I advise you not to. The immortal world and the underworld have always been in the same spirit. You can't fight them."

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