Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1573: 1573: Drinking with you (1)

Xuan Ming has been dragged by Qiao Xuejun to fight wine these days, he really has a bitterness to tell!

It was hard to see Jiang Lixing coming, and wanted to ask him to help him resist for a while, but in the end this guy had no loyalty at all!

"If you are not here for a drink, don't come here. Our tavern only sells alcohol."

Xuan Ming shouted angrily at Jiang Lixing.

"What are you in a hurry? If I don't drink, can I just visit my friends?"

Jiang Lixing smiled slightly, his eyes flashed on Xuan Ming's face, and finally fell on Qiao Xuejun's body, and asked softly: "Why are you here? Didn't you say you want to go abroad?"

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Qiao Xuejun blinked gently, and asked in a counter: "Why can't I be here? Can't I come to drink? Xuan Ming invites me to drink! Isn't it?"

With that, Qiao Xuejun tilted her head and looked at Xuan Ming with a grin.


Xuan Ming nodded speechlessly. He didn't know where he had offended this aunt. Recently, Qiao Xuejun ran to fight with him all day, and said that he had to drink up and down, who was drunk first. We must agree to a condition for the other party and do one thing for the other party.

God knows what conspiracy she has!

Xuan Ming couldn't get out of the Huangquan Tavern now, and couldn't avoid this aunt, so she had to bite the bullet and sacrifice her life to accompany the fairy!

Seeing Xuan Ming's miserable situation, Jiang Lixing was really embarrassed to gloat.

If Jiang Lixing didn't guess wrong, Qiao Xuejun must be wondering about Xuanming's previous stories, and fighting wine is just her excuse.

Only if she wins the fight, can Xuan Ming tell her stories obediently.

"Well, since you have so much Yaxing, you can continue, just as if I was just a passerby, I will leave first!"

With that, Jiang Lixing turned around without hesitation and left.

In fact, he also wanted to find someone to accompany him to drink. Originally Xuan Ming was the best candidate, but now he seems to be unable to get out for a while.

Jiang Lixing left the Huangquan Tavern and did not walk directly out of the tree-lined alley. Instead, he walked forward and reached the end of the alley, which was a dead end.

But in Jiang Lixing's eyes, this is not the end.

A black door slowly emerged in front of Jiang Lixing. Jiang Lixing took a step forward, and the whole person entered the door, and the tall figure disappeared.

Here is a connection point between Yangjian and Jifu.

Jiang Lixing returned directly from this connection point to the underworld-

Since you can't find someone to drink and talk with yourself in Yangjian, then go back to the underworld to find ghosts!

After Jiang Lixing returned to the underworld, soon, black and white impermanence appeared in front of him.

"My lord, you are back!"

Both of them looked very respectful, because this time when they came back, Jiang Lixing's breath had changed a lot.

This kind of change is very scary, but the unintentional breath that makes them feel very powerful.

My lord... Could he be promoted again?

The black and white impermanence is secretly pondering, Jiang Lixing on the side has already spoken faintly: "The last thing you did well, what kind of reward do you want? You can think about it first. I am going to the Emperor Fengdu for a drink. A little later. , After you think about what you want, come to me."

Before the words fell, Jiang Lixing's figure had disappeared in front of the two people again.

After Jiang Lixing left, the black and white impermanence froze for a long time, and then looked at each other.

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