Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1575: 1575: Drinking with you (3)

The past can no longer be recovered, but where is the future?


Hearing Jiang Lixing's question about his future plans, Emperor Fengdu just smiled and said calmly: "The Ksitigarbha king is waiting for **** to become empty, and I am just waiting for the end of life."

Even a **** will have the day of fall.

"Before you fall, I am very pleased to see you finally become married."

As the Emperor Fengdu said, he waved his sleeves again, and a white jade table immediately appeared in front of him and Jiang Lixing. There were two white jade stools beside the table.

"Come on, drink!"

"it is good!"

The two men sat at the white jade table indifferently. This is not the first time they drink each other, but perhaps it will be the last.


"I've considered the thing you told me last time. Zhang Nian does have talent and luck, but unfortunately he is too young."

After drinking for three rounds, Emperor Fengdu began to talk about official business.

"Recently, because of the weird space-time gap, there have been a lot of troubles between the underworld and the sun. I think you can let Zhang Nian experience in the mortal world, give him the WeChat system of the underworld, let him complete the tasks inside, and accumulate points for the underworld. , And at the same time become familiar with and understand how to get along with other ghosts faster."

Zhang Nian himself is a ghost with very powerful spiritual power, but because of the magic weapon Jiang Lixing gave him and his own spiritual power, he can transform into entities that look like ordinary people.

Hearing Emperor Fengdu mentioning Zhang Nian, Jiang Lixing grasped the hand of the wine glass and slightly tightened: "The Great, your suggestion is very good. Why don't I let him go out for practice from tomorrow, hey, young people now, not myself It’s really not good to go out and practice!"

That ignorant person should have let him go out and practice long ago!

However, Zhang Nian’s character is really worrying when he goes out to practice alone. It is not about his safety, but that his character will mess up all the tasks.


After having a happily drink with Emperor Fengdu, Jiang Lixing left contentedly. When he returned to his Hall of the Underworld, he saw that Bai Wuchang was already waiting outside the hall.

"Did you figure out what rewards you want so soon?"

Jiang Lixing looked at Bai Wuchang unexpectedly. He thought that Bai Wuchang would have to think about it for a long time.

"My lord, I'm not here to reward."

Bai Wuchang replied respectfully: "I'm here to tell the adults that Lin Qiuhan is about to cross the robbery soon, whether she will stay in the underworld or..."

The normal ghost repairs crossing the catastrophe, naturally, it is going to be in the sun. If you cross the catastrophe in the underworld, the underworld is so heavy, this is cheating!

Moreover, if the sky thunder passes from the immortal realm to the underworld through the sun realm, its power will be weakened a lot.

"Counting days are indeed these few days, let's go, go and see with me."

Jiang Lixing didn't worry at all. With him, Lin Qiuhan's catastrophe could be passed steadily.

As for the Heavenly Thunder God Horse, he is not even afraid of Heavenly Dao, is he still afraid of Heavenly Dao's younger brother?


When Bai Wuchang took Jiang Lixing to the residence of Linqiuhan and Gu Xiao, a lot of clouds had already gathered above the courtyard.

The weather in the underworld is already gloomy, but at this moment, the sky looks even more gloomy and terrifying.

"She has passed the first hurdle, and now she is about to cross the thunder and robbery!"

Bai Wuchang whispered in surprise.


Jiang Lixing nodded, silently watching the scene not far away.

At this moment, neither Gu Xiao nor Lin Qiuhan noticed the arrival of Bai Wuchang and Jiang Lixing, because at this moment, they were all paying attention to the situation of Tianlei.

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